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Posts posted by sorrenmills

  1. I wouldn't call it unplayable this version. I would, however, call it deeply flawed, buggy, badly implemented and not really much fun either.

    But I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell me it's my tactics and that everything works perfectly, flawlessly and without issue for them...

  2. Going back to my long-running FM17 save until such time as they patch this hot mess. Suffering from all the things listed here including, but not limited to:

    • Brainless wingers/fullbacks shooting constantly from the byline instead of crossing/cutbacks
    • Continual missing of one on ones
    • Absolutely peppering opposing goals with shots (I'm averaging at least 30+ shots per game) and yet barely scraping wins due to low conversion rates
    • Utterly ineffectual midfield passing

    And so forth and so on. Just for giggles I edited and added Mbappe, Messi and Dembele to my team. Messi is only scoring for penalties and the occasional free-kick otherwise he wouldn't have scored at all this season, Mbappe is utter dogsh*t and can't seem to hit a barn door (last game played he missed 3 penalties) and Dembele absolutely refuses to pass to anyone.

  3. Same issues as others in this thread. Following recommendations from others, a couple of months ago I bought FM17 and haven't looked back. The match engine seems better, games are more realistic with a decent variety of goals, player interactions and the contracts situation are nowhere near as fraught as they are in FM19.

    Also, it's the little things; muddy kits when it's raining, player with a head knock comes back on the pitch with a bandage. The other day I was playing against a Russian team and saw a flare being let off in the crowd. Never seen that before.

    I cannot for the life of me understand why SI have taken these things out of the game - a yearly updated game should be an iterative process; not deliberately stripping functionality out for no apparent reason (it's not like it wasn't working - I mean, why would you want to make your game look worse?).

    Only gripe with FM17 is the awful regen faces. I can just about live with them with the help of a hair pack but it's even more annoying when the head and hair don't line up properly.

  4. It's situational I find. I use the Knap 442 tactics and I find the *vast* majority of goals come from crosses and cutbacks but I have had strikers having 50/60 goal seasons using these tactics so they can score. I just find the match engine so unrealistic in places. Players with high dribbling skills never seem to dribble past opponents, strikers seem consistently useless at one on ones, whatever their stats. As is the case and has always been the case with FM (and CM in the past) it seems you have to use a tactic that exploits a flaw in the match engine to get strikers to score.

  5. I agree, they are crap. What's worse is if you compare to a previous version (I was playing FM16 the other day) they are much, much better so it is something they have made a bizarre but concious decision over removing. I have the Fez (I think that's his name) textures mod that makes them a teeny bit more bearable but yes, they are rubbish. Even the lowliest VNL North pitch looks like a billiard table.

    • Bug - If you are on the coach training schedules assignment page and click to advance game time, it hangs without progressing.
    • Gripe - As the national team manager, having to deal with question after question about crappy regen players switching nationality. One or two every now and then, fine, but 3 or 4 every single press conference? V annoying.
    • Gripe - PSG aggressiveness. I have been managing Arsenal for 10 years, in that time we have won everything, every single year. We are most reputable club in the world etc etc, yet PSG can still make a bid for a player and unsettle him despite the fact they have not won anything of note and are much less reputable. They keep making desultory bids and unsettling players.
    • Gripe - Why haven't press conference questions changed in years now? Same questions, constantly. If you aren't going to vary the questions then at least make it moddable so the community can add more in.
    • Annoyance - Players accept a fine for getting a straight red yet get annoyed at being fined for getting 2 yellows and being sent off? Why?
    • Observation - I never seem to get approached for other management jobs or national team job? If I had won everything in real-life, I would be getting head-hunted by every club on the continent.
    • Observation - Wage demands and agent demands seem much more raised this edition. Every single player seems to demand crazy money and then gets annoyed when told 'no'.
  6. Knap, I love your tactics and find them more or less indispensable but for the love of christ, can you please think about putting some version numbers in the tac file names? There are so many threads, posts, attachments and files that it's so hard to know what is current. Plus, the SI forums don't tell the timestamp of when the OP of a thread has been updated so you don't know if the tacs on the first page are current either.

    I get that the descriptive terms in the tac names help to tell people what formation it is and that's fine but personally, I would rather have a version number appended than needing to know how many gaols Salah scored with it or how many points you accrued.

    Please don't take this the wrong way as I think your tactics are awesome, I am just struggling under the weight of umpteen files and not being able to tell which one is which easily!


    Unless of course I am being an utter moron and missing something in the file name of course...

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