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Everything posted by gggfunk

  1. Tbh I think the work on the update was finished several days ago but they are just waiting for approvals for all platforms. They have said it before that the approval process can take up to 2 weeks if I remember correctly.
  2. Final update today? Or it's not early April enough yet? 😁
  3. I guess one/two hours of hope and that's it for this week
  4. True. Also Miles is off as he said on twitter that he started a US West Coast tour. This makes me even more pessimistic!
  5. I've just seen that Football Manager posted on twitter and now I pretty much lost my hope that the final update will be out today I mean, I always thought that on the day when they release anything there are no other irrelevant tweets. Hopefully I'm wrong though as I really want to start my save this weekend.
  6. I really hope it will be released this week, not so sure about today though.
  7. Been waiting for the final update too. I was pretty sure it would be out this week, but now I lost my hope. Friday is bank holiday so I guess no chance to release it tomorrow, and today unlikely too. First week of April I believe.
  8. Nice one! I've never played a save as DOF with simulating all games, I bet it really does save some time! Plus your results are impressive! Do you have your own tactic set up and you choose your starting eleven for every game or you leave all of this to Guti?
  9. Question to people using instant result button - does it include making subs during the match? And is your tactic being used there?
  10. Oh I thought you meant the full version. I have never played the mobile one, but I heard it's not possible there.
  11. You can manage as many as you want, just press Add New Manager.
  12. Has anybody here already finished first season playing in Bundesliga starting after the winter update? I ask because I just finished first season with Wolfsburg and my game crashed on June 18th 2024. Holidaying doesn't help as it crashes anyway. I don't use any custom leagues etc and I'm wondering if it's not a bug? I want to start another Bundesliga save but I'm worried if it will happen again...
  13. Thanks, but I already reinstalled the game and deleted all the files, including my saves. Will get back to you if the issue comes back.
  14. Has anybody encountered a crash on certain date after the update? Before the update I played 16 seasons without a single crash, now started a new save with Wolfsburg and my game always crashing on June 18th 2024. I don't use any customs leagues etc, only custom graphics. Going for holiday doesn't help as it crashes anyway
  15. Nice thread, just started a Wolfsburg save myself so will definitely keep an eye on your progress here
  16. I strongly believe so. If there was no ME changes within the yesterday's Main Winter update, there shouldn't be any in the last one which, I suppose, will be only a small data update.
  17. I finished my 16th season with Brackley Town and we did it, finally! First Premier League title and also first Champions League title! What a great way to say goodbye to this save now that the Winter Update is out. Below some screenshots, including profiles of my very best players
  18. I know, but last year there was an information about this when the winter update arrived as at the bottom it was written something like "another update covering transfers from China is coming in the next weeks". And the today's post doesn't mention anything like that, hence I'm wondering if this is the very last update or not. SI please clarify.
  19. Could somebody from SI confirm this is the very final update for FM 24 or there will be any more once other transfer windows are closed?
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