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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. Hope SI Hurry up, I want the "Unofficial Beta Release Thread" and all It's GIF-ey goodness and Speculation back in my life
  2. Only thing I see which you haven't mentioned (although it sounds like you met the Criteria) is "You gave a player under the age of 23 their league debut"
  3. I've had this and just put it down to me taking my eye off the ball. Fair Enough, but maybe a nudge from the Agent might be nice along the lines of "My Client is Engaging in talks with X as you have failed to make him a new contract offer" even if not for EVERY player, Maybe those with High Professionality/Model Professional.
  4. Someone hold me Also, Going back to what I Think OP is saying, I think they mean that Smaller teams are favourites for games when, In reality, they really shouldn't be and it holds weight in the ME, rather than complaining that smaller teams are beating bigger teams. Is that Correct @deltasfd11?
  5. Eh, You're 6 Years down the line. I'd be inclined to agree if this happened often in 23/24 Season, but who knows what teams will be doing what in 2029
  6. Congratulations on the most pointlessly aggressive post I've seen for quite some time. Impressive. Honestly, Paying attention to Steam Ratings is like getting your news from Twitter, Usually incorrect, Biased and greatly exaggerated.
  7. Hi all Please remind me, on the league table screen, how to I get 5 players to show per stat (Average rating, goals, assists etc) rather than the default 3? I've tried following what I done on FM23, but got in a right mess and nothing seemed to work for me. TIA
  8. Could you really gauge team morale by how many players celebrated with the goal scorer? Can Shirt numbers really be Retired? Can AI teams REALLY work out your tactics after a period of time? Why has WIBWOB been Neglected for so long?
  9. There is a checkmark box regarding Keeping reports up to date (or Similar). Untick it. Unfortunatly I'm away from my PC ATM, so I dont know exactly where it is or what it is actualled labelled, but you should find it in the scouting section, above the reports.
  10. I make my save realistic by being utterly useless. Bingo. No-one who's any good wants to sign for Colchester United. You're Welcome.
  11. Issue has been around for sometime, Easiest workaround I would have though would have been just the club spend a certain amount (lets face it, a 10 million is a drop in the ocean at this point) on "Miscellaneous Expenditure" once it hits 1B to keep it at a certain value. Maybe this is what they have done? Would like to know out of interest, as I'm a nosey sod.
  12. Nice list of Improvements, Well done. However, I'm scared that I'm about to find out my overachievement with Colchester and my Philosophy of "You score 3, I'll score 4" is now nerfed and I'll be out of a job come this evening EDIT: I will be disappointed if my Faces have disappeared though
  13. Mine is predominantly during replays and occasionally during game. I have an RTX3050 and 16gb RAM and it's a minor nuisance, but still, something doesn't seem right. I've tried all the settings that @JimmysTheBestCop posted, but nothing works. I've even pumped the fans up, but no dice.
  14. Good God man, what have you created?! This could honestly be my favourite skin yet of any FM version. Its clear, clean, clutterfree and just slick as hell. Well done, this is superb.
  15. Would have been nice to have a poppy as an option for an accessory, even if only displayed through end of october/start of November in game
  16. Oh, I 100% believe they are limited about what they can say, but a press release saying certain licensing will not be available at launch and that they will announce more when they can would be a start. At the moment, the silence is whats stirring the pot somewhat. Acknowledging there is a known issue before you launch is open and transparent, even if it may be limited.
  17. Think we have worked out what the "Licencing fires" were. Seems having done all the promotional work, only for the J League to (possibly) play hard ball means it was released with the intention to patch it in rather than delay. Not unheard of, but a bit more clarity probably would have quelled these fires from turning into a full blown towering inferno on here, but there you go, you live and learn.
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