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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. In case anyone is not sure on my level of pathetic addiction, I've left my PC on at home so I can remotly access it and install the beta then move all my graphics etc over should it release before I leave the office tonight.
  2. omg, hoe cum all these "streamers" gt it for free whn us who paid 4 beta wait. Si are close too loseing me as a custome. we shuld vote with our wallets not cool
  3. Yet, ironically, the trailer they uploaded still says "Early access" Wonder if some of that footage was the legal issues and they just havent changed it yet?
  4. No way, first thing I'm going to do is graphics, add ons and frantically see who is going to be first to release a skin. Probably play around November time
  5. I'm sure IIRC The big dog dropped a previous beta just before he was off out for the night. At least that's what my brain wants to think
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