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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. Wonder if @Neil Brock appears, the beta releases early? Worked last year* *May be factually incorrect.
  2. Well, Yes. The EULA for 2023 was updated 16 Days before the Beta release. This Years EULA was on the 2nd, Meaning the Beta should Drop 16 days later, Wednesday/Thursday next Week the 18th/19th Again, as per last year and the year before, IF we get a live stream this year, the Beta will drop 7 Days later. We may not get a Live Stream as such, but as this week is the last of the roadmap, something might just happen this week with a known streamer or such.
  3. On the theme of Budget, not big game players in the crisp world, there is no Squares love? Heathens.
  4. Off the top of my head: All Divisions in England, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Portugal and top 2 Divisions in Brazil and Argentina all playable. A few others (Scandinavian Countries and A few South American/African) on View only Medium Database Gives me about 90,000+ Players and is fine for me speed-wise. Was a bit of a slog on my Old PC, but is fine 8 Years in the future on my new one.
  5. Using that same nonsense as last year (100% correct tho) the average release for the beta is 16 days before the main release. This makes it Saturday the 21st October. However, SI have never released on a Saturday. The average "weekday" for beta release is Thursday. Which is 17 days, which would be about right from the "about 2 weeks" news released. SI MAY release the beta on a Monday, same as the full game, as a Monday release seems key to them this time round. This would also give them 5 working days to release a patch. Therefore the release date is.... TBA ...but i'll go for Monday 23rd October* *subject to change when I'm not half cut and sober enough to think about it
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