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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. Higher wage usually means job security (to a certain degree) as it would cost more to cancel your contract. As for anything else, I'm not really sure.
  2. Nice work. And I was chuffed with the PJT How's Harry Clarke doing for you?
  3. I've been offered 4-5 Jobs Now, Including Championship Forest, Palace and also Reading, but I KEEP staying with Wrexham. I Really want to go all out with some decent Money and Players, but not getting to the Prem with them seems like bailing out Currenly 3 back to back promotions and in the Championship, got £350k Transfer Budget
  4. Anyone else with any ideas on removing the Blur from the Background Images, I'm at a loss (Although a bit thick)
  5. Nice Work. Lets us know the Result. Be interested to see your Squad too.
  6. Not Right before it, probably a month of game time before. Uploaded to Cloud as "Adam Thrower - Wrexham (v02)" Key to Hopefully replicating this bug is Selling the Goal Keeper "Vigoroux" and Promoting "Taye Ashby-Hammond" to the Senior Squad.
  7. I tried this, but there was no paper.xml that I could see that referenced <boolean id="blurred" value="false"/>
  8. Anyone know where I can find what controls the Blur to the Background Images? I've looked in Backgrounds/Boxes Etc but can't find anything relevant in any XML file Ta.
  9. If nothing else on this Journey to Learn Skinning, I've now realised I can have just 1 folder with ALL my Decompressed skins in it, instead of Many all over the Desktop
  10. God Damn it, I'm Dense. Thank you. Was Zipping the WHOLE output folder, rather than the folder inside the main.
  11. As per screenshot Below, Ashby-Hammond is Happy to remain at the club as Ben Wilson has left, However, Ben Wilson is Still first choice Keeper. I Have moved on my 2nd Choice Keeper and Promoted Ashby- Hammond back into the senior team, but he seems to have got himself confused.
  12. Does anyone know why when I rearchive a folder and drop it in the skins folder, the .fmf files won't show up in the Skin Dropdown? I've cleared cache ect, but it doesn't show in-game all of a sudden. It used to.
  13. If you could carefully cut around the players and get a copy for the background (or a similar one) you could make a nice 3d decoupage.
  14. Right. Things have changed since, mainly a change of tactic to a more Counter Attacking one. Unbeaten in 9, 1 Loss in ten and TO THE TOP of League one. And these Young lads I trusted to Develop this season are doing more than that, Bless 'em. So, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but seems that resting on a tried and tested tactic may not work as you climb the Leagues. I always have a tweak on a regular basis, but always remember to play to your strengths. In this case, Pace, Pace, Pace. Welcome to Wrexham Indeed.
  15. I'll give it a go. Looks pretty Similar to the code I used previously, but doesn't play ball. But I probably missed something simple. Thank you.
  16. Love the Skin, Top drawer as always. Anyone know how to change the "Stats" to maybe 3 rows of 3 with 5 Players per Stat? I've tried what I've used in WTCS in the Competitions panel, But It doesnt change. Would Like to make the most of the Space ideally.
  17. When I get this feedback from a coach, Does this mean as good as the player in his Prime or his Current Ability? or is it based on something else? Never thought about it a great deal in ~ 30 Years
  18. One thing I have noticed more and more (And Its just happened again) is clubs accepting my loan Offer THEY layed out, THEN countering it, usually by inserting a "Can be recalled" clause, a few days later. It happens pretty often. Why not just add it at the beginning, It seems an odd clause to add all of a sudden. I get trying to Milk a higher wage contribution or monthly fee, but a recall clause this often?
  19. This is also a HUGE Bug-Bear of mine. I have Tried all combinations of ball playing defenders, Short Passing, Low Tempo, Less Direct Etc and there is ALWAYS a 1990's Wimbledon Hoof-ball merchant
  20. I Never Specifically Mentioned "The fact that a defender just run opposite to the action" as some are clearly Bugs. My point was, generally but with exceptions, the Animations seem janky and at times cover bigger issues, resulting in a bit of a mess to watch, Such as a Lack of Speed being portrayed as standing still for a few seconds or a player standing still with the ball while clearly being pressed, rather then them quickly moving under pressure and misplacing a pass they just stand there and get tackled. We KNOW there is an Animation for Shielding a ball, so why Isn't it used rather than standing still? However, I Agree the ME has good Potential. I'm certainly enjoying the game for all its Issues.
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