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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. So many people actuallly think we Know 100% and this isn't just a Speculation thread. Lifes too short to get Pissy about whos right and Wrong on a Speculation thread FFS
  2. Finally say down and watched the Lollujo and Zealand Videos. Rehyped. There seems to be enough for me to be interested in the changes, mainly the improved scouting, recruitment meetings and squad planner. Not a massive change across the board, but enough for me to be suitably happy with what they have done.
  3. Also, seeing as Twitter permanently banned my old account and I'm starting fresh, drop twitter handles if you wish. You all seem like decent people tbf. @KyIdols08
  4. What face pack? If you are REALLY fussy like me, the NewGan Faces are Cutout style. Looks Odd if you Use DF11 Faces IMO
  5. I'm seeing it as unlikely as well, unless SI just give Zealand, Lollujo Etc free reign to Stream for a set period (say 6-10pm tonight) and then release the Beta instead. There is enough streamers to allow them to do the Donkey work.
  6. Looking at the YouTube Comments, I feel SI will open up a whole world of S*it if they live streamed it. They may well do, but just having Youtubers release videos and then releasing the beta may well the best course of action. Like Ripping a plaster off.
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