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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. Does anyone know how to change the transparancy of the Widgets Background in the Player profile screen? They are a bit glaring against the Transparent background.
  2. Before I post this, would you co sidereal this a bug or am I using it wrong? When I set up a scout priority, there is a tab for 'Loan' however, it always gives me either existing players or players who are very much NOT available for Loan I.e First team players in same or similar Leagues. Is this right? Are the reports based on my scouts abilities?
  3. I wish there was an option in scouting to get a scout to search for players on loan with no wage demands. We can scout 100's of players in days, even in lower levels, but can't get a few agents on the phone to see how many of their players would be available without wages. Good to see SI bringing agents more to the forefront of the game, but there is some much more that could be done like this. Would love to be able to approach an agent and find out what players on their books *May* be available. At the moment is just sifting through players hoping to hit gold.
  4. Just a note to say, although not to my taste, what you have done is very creative and really shows what can be done. Well done @_Ben_
  5. Right. I've updated and both Scouting and Search Works fine for me. Old version worked fine too, but not sure if previous links host it anymore or they now host the latest version.
  6. Ive just edited my post as you were replying, I'm on an older version, that might be why. I'll update and let you know if I see the same errors.
  7. You mean on the sidebar? Mine works fine. Edit: Are we talking about the Latest Release on this Page? If so, Ignore my post, I'm on one a few releases back.
  8. Wow, you ARE human after all! Appreciate the help
  9. Thank you. I looked in here, but as a Newbie, Couldn't see what to change for white text.
  10. Its The skin from this thread "Mr Hough Mashup Skin"
  11. Which XML is for the "Comparision- Squad Comparison" widget on the Player Screen? The "Coach Summary" is in black font and is hard to see.
  12. OK, Now my Fussyness for everything being Linear has Kicked in. Is there a way to have everything the same shade? I have the background of the Form panel, the Training panel and the Sidebar all different shades. In an ideal world The Sidebar would be the same as the training section is now, but the training section actually the same as the form panel. Edit: Found the Sidebar in "sidebar menu table" Kinda Fixed it. On to my next task...
  13. Hurrah, I Managed it. You proud of me Mummy?! Turns out you CAN teach an old Dog new tricks, Even if he is an Mongrel
  14. Am I being thick(er than usual) I can't find... The second bit of code is for the background pattern, this pattern covers the top left and top right parts of the screen, it also covers the top half of the sidebar and this code should be located on Line #43:<widget class="picture" file="boxes/custom/interface/background pattern/paper" id="BgPa" transparency="1.0"> <!-- pattern -->The final bit of code in this file is the overlay I have added, this file covers the entire background including the sidebar and is for when you need an overlay to also cover the sidebar, and this code should be located on Line #30:<widget class="picture" file="boxes/bordered/solid/paper" red_replacement="bg" transparency="0.0"> <!-- overlay --> ...Any of those two in the Panels xml. Obviously I am being thick as @bahmet has done it, but I'm trying to learn rather then asking for someone to do if for me. Giz a clue!
  15. I assume its not as easy as it sounds or someone would have done it by now. I'm sure there was a game Many years ago that had a similar idea. Might of been the old days of Android Development TBH. You could basically build your own update. I mean, its probaly useless for FM. There is very few reasons NOT to fully update the game.
  16. SI need an "On the Fly" .ed/LDC compliler. You tick the changes you want online from those available and they are then compiled into a downloadable, installable file. That way people can update and install what and when they like. Please Note; I have not thought this through so is bound to be an awful idea somewhere along the line
  17. Did you draw the short straw in the office to be the one to announce this on here?
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