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  1. First of all, Gibraltan football sharing the same space with the proper game is a fantastic addition, however me personally I couldn't care less if were being honest. The Gibraltan game is very much a part of FM24 and why not, its something that's never been done in this genre. There are many concerns when it comes to last year's game and completely understandable given the lack of information, I hope the inclusion of Gibralter does not impact other areas and essentially "paper over the cracks". This is not a rant or a disrespect to the Gibraltan league but a mere concern for the future of FM.
  2. The frog is Ippei-kun. The mascot for Ehime FC, and unofficial mascot for Japan in the 2018 World Cup.
  3. I believe Sortitoutsi were just identifying players who might be considered a "playmaking wingback". This is not an alleged screenshot from the game. It's from the Sofascore app.
  4. The easiest way is to delete the graphics/icons/custom/star rating folder.
  5. So I assume you have then gone to section meta data.xml to correct my error. Found the right section, which is actual "Stats Pack", which leads you to team/analysis stats pack, which in turn leads you to match/pre match stats panel.xml
  6. A hint for everyone. Find section meta data.xml. Almost each page is defined here (but not the sub-contents that might be inside them. E.g. you won't find all the different news articles here). Sorted by which section of the game it is found. A search for the stats panel will show you this: <record id="tcis" section="tcis" help_page="club_info"> <translation id="text" translation_id="284365" type="use" value="Stats[COMMENT: team information panel; stats section]" /> <record id="widget_info"> <symbol id="class" value="team_container_information_stats_panel" /> </record> </record> The class value is what you need. In this instance team_container_information_stats_panel. Search for "team container information stats panel" in your extracted panels folder, and there you have it. Sometimes the xml will not have the word "panel" at the end, but otherwise this is a pretty robust way of finding specific pages.
  7. Yes. All the stats are calculated in-game. The video uses an overlay specific to that video. In the skin it shows general stats that are appropriate for all positions next to the pizza chart. You want to edit those general stats, hence:
  8. Covered in the FAQs. This is based on the archetypes in the article, and the boundaries change with each SI patch to cover approximately 10% of players for the target position group. As answered on YouTube: It is an overlay for the video. The game has no way of displaying stats that are aggregated from across multiple saves. To edit the skin, I recommend reading through the skinning guides on this forum.
  9. You need to do it everywhere within the skin files. Find & Replace in Files is your friend
  10. You're almost certainly going to have edit the file it points to: player attribute analyser.xml. I expect there are minimum height and width requirements.
  11. I can only speak in general terms, as I don't know SI's internal machinations, but there are two main elements here. 1) The need for change. As with any piece of software, it's difficult to predict the future with any accuracy. You will build it with the intent of being able to add new features along the way, but you cannot be certain even 5 years into the future what those features will be. As you bolt on new features to the existing foundations, it becomes exponentially harder to continue adding. Then there's technological changes that your system isn't built to make use of, and capacity - that your system no longer can hold everything that you want. Like an old PC. It has a DVD drive, and 2 USB ports. That's perfectly fine. But now you no longer use DVDs, and you have 10 peripheries that require USB. You've been getting by with adapters, and your PC still works, but it's unable to use modern technology. When you go to buy a new PC, you will look for requirements that match your needs (with a slight eye on the future). 2) Which brings us to the choice of Unity. You know you need to change, because what you have currently has no long-term future. You can do the same as before and build it in-house. This gives you full control. But it slows everything down. The software is unique, so you can't access external help for troubleshooting. Recruitment is tough because anyone you hire will have a steep learning curve to familiarise themselves with your systems. Or, you can use a third party. Where-in you give up a little bit of freedom, to address those other issues. The more widespread the third-party platform, the larger a pool of developers you can hire from. Like buying a new PC. You can build it all yourself, but you'll have a lot more to do when it arrives until it is up and running. And if you don't have the knowledge to build it yourself, you're hoping that you can find someone who can help. Or you can buy it prebuilt. It may be a little more expensive, but when it arrives you can set it up relatively quickly, because you have leveraged the knowledge of the people you brought it from by getting them to construct it. Why they chose Unity over another option? That's something only SI can answer.
  12. Nope, not possible with this layout. However, by grouping via training focus, the skin naturally combines related attributes. Looking at a role that focusses on passing (perhaps a deep lying playmaker)? All those attributes in the passing group are key. Looking at a role that requires a player to get up and down the pitch (such as a wingback, or box-to-box midfielder)? All those attributes in the endurance group are key.
  13. Does the progress graph not do that? You can select a time limit and just to look at specific attributes:
  14. What average rating? Like where will they be getting that average rating from? At the start of FM24, none of the previous seasons were played within the game, so there is no standardised comparable average rating to display (sofascore's average rating would be different from FM's average rating).
  15. Yes, please can you provide a screenshot. And details of your resolution, game zoom and Windows zoom levels.
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