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Posts posted by seabas3

  1. Hello,

    A few days ago it was announced the CPL will have an expansion team launched in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canadian Premier League Announces Expansion in Saskatchewan – Canadian Premier League (canpl.ca). While this is great I was wondering if for FM22 we will see this club eventually be added to the CPL in a future season?  Specifics on when the club is going to join the league is still a tad uncertain with the aim being for the 2023 season, essentially I'm curious if SI will guarantee put the team in or if they still need more information. I know during saves I've run into expansion clubs which will eventually be put into a league but never actually do during the save and just remain without being in a league. In one case for the CPL - York9 was rebranded as York United FC and in the game, you have both as separate clubs with York9 remaining in the CPL. 



  2. Hello,

    My current save is with Forge FC in the Canadian Premier League. Now we have had an amazing run of form and find ourselves in the Scotiabank CONCACAF League Semi-Finals against Olimpia. The issue is that this tie takes place in early January when the CPL and likewise Forge FC have their holiday. I saw that a training regime was set for surrounding the week of the match - however ALL my players were still on holidays. I can't seem to call them back and so I made an extra save to see what would happen when leading up to the match and I had to play with a bunch of greyed out players! I don't know if this is a bug and quite honestly where to put this but in past renditions of FM I have run into these issues before but mostly for friendlies or testimonials. 

    Can I have some help please? If you need more information please let me know.

  3. Hello All,

    This is more of a personal satisfaction and ego-booster suggestion but I feel it could definitely be improved upon. I find that the fan's views of favorites, icons and legends to be very unrealistic for us managers. Some of us do incredible things with clubs and bring unprecedented success - the board love us and even the fan ratings are through the roof - and we aren't even an Icon. I understand that it is not easy to get Legendary or Icon status - however especially with smaller clubs or lower league saves, I find the measurement broken on how fan's judge you overall within those three categories. 

    I feel to improve this there should be more than just three categories. This could get a bit complicated or tricky to define but it can make this more fluid and accurate. Another suggestion would be a fans section for dislikes; Dislike, Anger, Hatred... something along those lines. I know for a fact that this is within the hidden sections of the database or editor - it would be nice to see it out in the game as well especially when players swap to rival clubs or managers talk crap about your club consistently. Or maybe someone constantly performs well against your club and fans develop a rivalry with that player - especially if they say something about the fans.

    Another expansion is with clubs. I know this is viewable within the "club" screen, however I feel more could be made out of it. In between social media, manager and player reactions before/after matches and so on - this should be brought to the forefront and adjusted accordingly. I feel that similarly it can be further expanded upon rather than just a "rivals" section. There's Geographical Rivals I understand and Derby's but there should be a definition of how heated a competitive rival is or how competitive the Geographical rivalry is.

    For example, when I was managing Liverpool, Leeds became a direct competitor farther down in a simulation. We met in the Champions League finals 3 times in five years including directly competing for the rest of the domestic competitions. Within the span of five years we had 9 finals where we faced off. This should have been expanded upon but it's hardly anything - even within the media. Active rivalries should become more profound within FM.

    Overall FM can be a bit more in-your-face with rivalries.

  4. Hello All.

    This is a common suggestion within the FM community. While women's football is coming into mainstream franchises like FIFA - they haven't fully jumped into it - only putting national teams in the game. I understand that with FM this is a massive task and it will take lots of time and money, however I feel that Women's Football can be fazed into the game over time till eventually it is fully implemented.

    The way I thought this could happen is via Historical Data. We already have lists of previous winners and records - why not have that for Women's Football? I understand that this is a bit tricky, especially since their would be no simulation or viewable teams for some time, so all there will be is just data which will remain the same even after simulating 100 years into the future. To fix this is a simulation but that means lots of data and existing players need to be in the game. It is a start however.

    On the topic of women's football - I find that the amount of female staff within FM is practically non-existent especially with newgen staff after several seasons are simulated in FM. I know that men still dominate football and hold most positions within a club but it is slowly changing - however no matter what position I'm in at club level - I can find no female staff. This should definitely be a change/start - especially with newgens.

  5. International Management is an area of FM where lots of improvements can be made, I've always done at least one international save per year and rather than it being enjoyable it seems very passive and uninteresting. There are several reasons for this which need addressing:

    • You cannot train the players when away on international duty.
    • The whole FA structure is under your control; hiring and firing staff - while this can be nice at your club, it really doesn't make sense when it's outside the First Team on the international level. No I don't want to take over the U23's squad for the Olympics and no I don't want to bother setting up U18's staff for my country.
    • First Team selections should come first before youth squad selections. If one player from the youth squads is selected and you want them in your first team squad - your veto the selection and he's brought into the First Team.
    • Timing to meet squad seems too limited. I understand international management is run on a very tight and strict schedule - however more could be done with the international squad and managing that time. It just seems too rushed.
    • More communication is needed with star players of a nation. We know that first team managers constantly talk with players in and around the squad - or other players may enquire into potentially breaking into the squad. The only time this comes up is during an injury or after you select the squad. Media and player enquiries should be way more frequent.
    • Media and Mail are great but more could be done to hype up international tournaments. I feel that there is not a lot done when talking about big international fixtures and reactions from that - especially during major tournaments. During the World Cup or other International tournaments - mainly the Copa America and Euro's - majority of the world stops and watches the matches with media going into a frenzy. It's hardly anything in FM.
    • International Management takes place over months between matches - understandable where at times it can be a bit frustrating. In the meantime it is possible to view matches or keep an eye on players via emails. However more can definitely be done - especially with scouts who should keep track of player stats, minutes and places within formations where they are used. I find that this only ever comes up during selection and it's not detailed enough. 
    • On the topic of viewing games, an email comes up afterwards where it says you were in attendance and they list a player or players whom you may have been keeping an eye on. Speculation is non-existent afterwards and especially with the communication comment above - news and social media articles should be more prevalent as the world speculates whom you are looking at. Especially after a really good or poor performance.
    • Nowhere near as many interviews. As the manager of an international team, you are constantly in the limelight with a whole nation constantly wondering what you are doing and whom you are going to pick. I understand your traditional press conferences before and after matches or tournaments - but definitely more interviews are done and should be spaced out throughout the year.

    These are just a few options I've suggested which can help the international management side of the game. If you have anymore please comment below.

  6. Playing FM, I don’t feel there is enough “hype” or “euphoria” around managers as in real life. In FM theres a great deal of articles reviews and social media posts for players but nowhere near for managers as there should be.

    Even if you are extremely successful at a favorite club and in big wages - that never ever stops the media and fans from spreading rumours or posting articles of “what could be” and “tactically they’d do this”. You also see plenty of fans wanting other managers at their clubs even when they are doing relatively well. Especially if a manager is misrepresented in a statement or lets something slip.

    I also feel as a manager you do not get asked about your position nearly enough as you should do and what your future plans are. Or being offered or having agents or directors of other clubs sniffing around you for their future plans. This should be implemented into FM especially with the Club Vision now in the game. You can receive private articles, posts or emails from other directors (which does happen in real life) about subtle interests or “would you like to join after your contract is up” sort of vibes. Then it can be a crazy storm if it becomes public knowledge - you getting a new contract at a club or destroying team morale and making your life miserable. Again this happens literally all the time, especially behinds the scenes. 

    I really feel that in FM theres lots to answer for about tactics and players but little about yourself and the interest in you. There definitely should be more hype, especially when your hired - theres definitely not enough even then within FM.

  7. I know background staff such as your board members have a big influence on the game, especially with the club vision now involved in the game this season. However, I would like to see some sort of indication or status to know how good your background staff are. Obviously you cannot hire or fire them, that's not what I am asking.

    I am asking for a star rating for either your board members or a 1-20 attributes which can be seen by you. I believe they do have attributes which are hidden and can be viewed on the database editors or a few tools which you can download like FMSE on FMScout. The reason why I want to bring this to a viewable attribute screen is because of the heavy influence they have in the game. In regards to finances and negotiating new deals, you may wonder as the manager why your not getting great new sponsorship's and higher income. An attributes screen or star rating of your board can detail that. 

    The biggest point of this is during negotiations you can opt for the board to negotiate or if the board take over buying players then you would want to know roughly how good they are at negotiations. If they are poor at negotiations then they could spend way over budget or not even get the player that you want. This is the same for player contract negotiations, sometimes the board could overspend or force a player to not sign a new contract for being poor in negotiations. 

    As I said, this is not an ability for a manager to take over and do board activities, that is not within a manager's scope. Rather, it is the ability for the manager to understand and make a decision whether to rely on background staff or take on more responsibilities or leave them to the board. For example, I know Daniel Levy is an absolute hard-man when negotiating and very stubborn - that can be reflected with attributes or star ratings including a personality which is already available in editors or the database editors but displayed for the manager to see. It can also be a deciding factor when selecting a new team if you know how the board operate.

  8. While it is frustrating its also reality. There have been countless cases of players wanting to stay at their parent clubs and earn massive wages rather than going out to play. That won’t change.

    However I do agree that say a young player has a year left on his contract and you bid for them, more should be made of it. At least for sure in the media and more heard from the youngster as is the case in real life. Often young players will use this opportunity to either hold to ransom their parent clubs or run down their contracts forcing their clubs to sell - very rarely do you find “genuine” youngsters. I feel that this should be reflected more in the game.

  9. I agree with everything bar the star/scouting system. The whole point is for you to not actually know (unless you cheat with the editor) how good a player is. Stars very depending upon how good your coaches and scouts are at judging players, how they are currently playing, where they are playing and the status of your club and the standard it is at. Its not straight forward like FIFA because it’s realistic, people misjudge players all the time.

  10. Hello,

    I feel that the finances screen is due for an upgrade and revamp. While I understand that we do not have complete control over clubs as chairman, we do have a big influence as managers over finances and therefore need a better understanding of them. While the generic overview is great, I feel that there should be a monthly update from your board giving a message as to the financial health of the club - but then explain the situation you are in briefly and maybe what you as a manager could do about it.

    For example;

    When I'm in December planning for the January transfer window - I notice that my board has said for this season I have lost 80 million pounds so far for the season in an email. Why is that; is it taxes, player wages, transfer fees, board expenditure - whatever it is note it. More importantly I want to know if that will be made up for the rest of the season through ticket sales and eventually income playing in competitions. 

    I just find that the finances can be a bit confusing and I hate to say it - but if we can keep the finances as is, maybe make it a bit prettier to read - but in a monthly email have it "dumb down" for us managers to understand more clearly and how it affects us from there.


  11. Hello,

    I feel that within FM, the way some things are presented could be changed. It was a really neat feature to see your team name added to a simulated trophy when you get a news article in your inbox after winning a trophy. However I feel that this could definitely be improved upon. When you receive an email after winning a trophy, it lists who you beat, score line, etc.. It also mentions how many times (if at all) you've won the trophy and the last time you did, however I would like to see a list of where this puts you in the all time stats of the competition.

    So say that you are Liverpool and win the league, you can have your normal blurbs above but then below I would like to see something like this:



    Manchester United - 20 (2012/2013)

    Liverpool - 19 (2019/2020)

    Arsenal - 13 (2003/2004)



    List out all the winners from the past, including the last time that they won it. Highlight in some fashion the team that won; doesn't even need to be your team - just the competitions that you are in. I think that while FM is great for data, the way it is presented could be better. This is one avenue out of several I feel can be improved upon.


  12. I feel this already happens in the game but I do not think its given as much attention as would be done in real life. I have seen plenty of times in game where players; including my own develop really quickly and then reach close to their potential rather quickly. I once sold a defensive midfielder who was deemed as a wonderkid to Manchester City for 45 Million Pounds. His stats didn't look as good as the cost suggested and I didn't see much improvement. However the media deemed him a 'wonderkid'. 

    I downloaded a scout tool to see what his Ability was out of curiosity; it was a 143 PA... which is Lower-Mid Premier League table level if that. I feel that yes, more could be done to give variation for development but I also feel that more could be done to bring these wonderkid players brought to our attention better. Maybe through media reports in our social feed or through news articles or scouting reports. It could fluctuate monthly or bi-yearly, based off the 'worlds' opinions on upcoming talents.

  13. Not all the time. Players do not always improve their technical and mental abilities. Physical abilities are the most flexible and easily affected after injuries and as you grow older towards your prime. 

    Other abilities take longer to develop over time then physical attributes as well. Plus the "unrealistic" part of physical abilities as you described is not actually unrealistic at all. With proper training the "stats" can increase dramatically. Think of real life players, Adama Traore for Wolves, a perfect example. He has got insane pace, acceleration and physical attributes; however his finishing is terrible, crossing hasn't improved much and other attributes. There is a reason why Barcelona let him go and why he was so frustrating at times at Middlesbrough. Despite all those prime years developing, his physical abilities improved and made him scary, his technical and mental abilities are still limited and probably won't develop much further. 

    Its common for people to be naturally gifted or excel in one avenue but not another.

  14. After the unfortunate circumstance of Bury and the Bolton conundrum, I find that not enough in game is made of the financial difficulties and actual risks in regards to other clubs. I know that we could receive messages in our managing tenures about the circumstance of the clubs we manage, but I do not really see any notifications about other clubs in peril. This could be used as a hunting ground to potentially bring in players or even give some contrast and diversity to our Social Feed and News Articles. I believe there is already point deduction penalties in game for this but I do not realize it till after it has happened when I browse through how the world is doing in my own save; I'd like to be notified of this or have some dramatic news article pop up keeping me informed of these issues when I am subscribed to a nation or league.

  15. I find when the draws are given out for competitions, Champions League, FA Cup, etc.. the screen can be a bit boring. Maybe if there was something made more of the draw, adding sound effects or just something to make it more exciting. A new screen, a different background, some animation or even LIVE interaction from the Social Feed that can be seen. Maybe slow it down a little bit too or choose the pace of the draw.

    I think the same thing and concepts can be done with Deadline Day and end of season awards such as Player of the Year, or Team of the Year... Speaking of which there should be a manager of the year award thats based globally not just per league. I definitely feel that these two areas could be utilized to actually bring some half decent tension or excitement into a draw. Make it grandeur or whatever, just change it up a little.

  16. 1 hour ago, maccataq said:

    It certainly would add an element of realism to the game and the main reason top clubs scouting teams are so big is because many of them will be youth scouts so placing the emphasis on managers to ensure this aspect of the club is doing well, will add more weight to the process of developing youth players in the game.

    I guess what you're suggesting is already a feature of the game but wrapped up in youth coaching, youth recruitment etc. It might be a level of detail too far for a lot of people but I guess it could always be delegated to your HoyD/DoF etc and the game can be played much in the same way it is now.

    It is true it may be a step too far and bleed into a chairman role which FM is not supposed to be. However, I do not see the harm in modifying the newgen dates and system, or for the fact of getting scout reports of these potential wonderkids that will pop up in a certain area soon. 

  17. I made this post two years ago, I will post it below.

    Okay, I know that due to child protection laws and all that jazz that you are not allowed to incorporate the young academy children into the game and have 12 -14 year old's in the game. Yet what about the youth coaches, staff, facilities and etc... 

    So rather than just having a board meeting on improving the youth facilities and going on from there, how about actually hiring and firing youth staff below the U18 markers. Youth development staff can be upgraded below this level to improve the quality of youngsters coming in on regen days. Also you are able to upgrade the academy facilities below the U18 levels as if you were to upgrade your own facilities in the game. Also I think it would be cool if you sent scouts to see the "regens" below the U18's level but not necessarily get a report as you do in the game but rather a vague summary like; "There seems to be some good talent coming through" or "There is no significant promise." something of that sort. 

    Now coming with the youth facilities and so on, I would love that to be up-gradable. Then this led me to expand on upgrading the facilities...how about we get more in-depth with the ability on upgrading and expanding the facilities. So you can upgrade and develop not only just the facility but specific aspects; like certain equipment or treatment facilities, also the quality of pitches and so on rather then just making it a collective whole. This applies to all facilities whether its training facilities or youth facilities or as mentioned above the academy's. This can also be applied to the youth stadiums.

    So using Kirby Academy as example, you are able to also invest in those stadiums for your youngsters and maybe have a say on trying to invite your fans to go watch the youth players and gain money through them as well...mainly applied to the bigger teams in a save but you get the idea.

    So what do you think, could it work? Let me know below.

  18. I would like to see more internal promotion of your youth coming through. I know that there is the ability to promote 'youth staff' and so on through investments. Maybe actually seeing the staff, hiring and firing them would be cool. They can have their own attributes and so on. Obviously, I believe by law we cannot add players under a certain age, and I am not sure we can do it via regens either. However, getting reports from your youth staff stating that a player coming through in maybe the next year or two looks like he is going to be really good would be a neat thing to add.

    In terms of real life, there is a lot of scouting, videos and reports on young talents under the age of 16. So with the above stated, maybe we can get news articles and have proper youth scouts which will give reports of maybe finding a talent somewhere and he may be promoted within the next year or two. Maybe an actual name can be given in the reports so it builds anticipation.

    Another suggestion is to revamp the newgen system. I do like the concept of a 'regen day' however I feel that more movement and realism can be added to youth players coming in and out of the youth system at a club. I do not feel that finding players should be down to one day, but rather maybe a monthly occurrence of players who the youth staff and U18 staff feel are ready to be promoted.

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