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Posts posted by Pointless

  1. I really missed these simple and elegant themes. Every theme that comes out today, especially the player profiles screen, has so many things that it becomes annoying for me. Thank you for such a simple and nice theme ^^

  2. 18 saat önce, Jamie Aubrey said:

    If you move it over to the Fm23 folder and open the config file and change the last line to required version 23.0.0 from 21.0.0


    Some panels/features might not work but it will do until the creator ports it over 


    17 saat önce, GIMN said:

    There's no harm in giving the above a try.  It is worth noting that depending on how the skin was set-up, you might be missing access to certain screens - most likely with the more recent additions (squad planner & data hub)

    I tried this option above, but nothing appears except the menu. Messages, Squads, Transfer screens etc no screen.

  3. 36 dakika önce, GIMN said:

    Too kind.  I really need to stop playing around with new ideas now and start cleaning up the files/folders.  Fingers crossed the full release on Tuesday won't bring up any surprises!

    Attributes - maybe.  There will definitely be a version with graphical attributes (like my skin last year, or @sebastian_starttrbts's awesome work), and I'll see how easy it is to go back to change everything back to regular attributes.  If I do release a version with regular attributes it might be a little while after the others.

    Dark theme - probably not.  I haven't looked into it much yet, but I anticipate it's going to be quite a lot of work to undo everything so far.  Unfortunately it's not just a case of changing the text colour in the settings, and there's something like 500 xmls currently (although I expect once I finish going through the files some will be deleted as I copied them oer and then realised they didn't actually control the thing I was trying to change).


    Thanks for the answers ^^

  4. 6 saat önce, GIMN said:

    Both the key stats issue and the colour schemes issue have been fixed; and link above updated for new release.  I have, however, just noticed in your screenshots that there are some areas that are not properly translated and still in English.  This will be addressed in a future update. For ease, new link here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2wl5vjdb7lrc09d/Mustermann_v1.1.rar/file

    Thank you, it looks pretty good right now, I'll let you know if I have any problems. <3

  5. I think I have some minor issues. These will definitely be solved, although I throw the color files in FHD resolution, they do not change, but the colors change in QHD, I tested, I changed the file name, but it did not detect it, I think there is a perception in the codes :D Another problem I have is that I play 95% in FHD, but the middle part in the profile section does not work properly I'm sending an image for it.



  6. 3 dakika önce, Lck_Ambush said:


    Enjoying the skin! Not certain if this is a "bug"  but the "Touchline tablet" interface which is on screen inbetween highlights does not retain its dimensions after a highlight has played. When you first open it, it is squashed a bit to the right side of the screen. If you click and drag the border to stretch it and fill the screen it will stay there. After a replay, it will return to its original position on the right side and you will need to drag it again to change dimensions.


    I came to say the same thing, friend explained the situation well.

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