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The Amazing Dale Watkins

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Everything posted by The Amazing Dale Watkins

  1. Nice touch that Germany plays in pink against Hungary. I still remember the little homophobia scandal involving Hungarian fans at the last Euro.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8RYd2xg-fP/ hmm, I guess there's no auto-embedding of IG
  3. I expect a difficult match for Germany, and I'm curious to see which lessons Hungary learned from the Scotland game. Obviously, they shouldn't give Kroos as much time and space, but he was basically playing a modern interpretation of a Libero, dropping very deep in possession, and closing him down aggressively is also risky.
  4. Isn't Mandzukic younger than Modric? They could use him in this tournament,
  5. Disappointing performance by Czechia. They looked somewhat dangerous in the first minutes but not even trying anymore
  6. Surprised to see so many Portuguese supporters. I expected this to be firmly in Czech hands, with Leipzig just a couple of hours' drive away from Prague.
  7. Turkey has been rubbish in the run-up to the Euro, but I still can't see Georgia pulling this off.
  8. It says something about the game when Hernandez, Kante, and Rabiot were France's best players
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