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The Amazing Dale Watkins

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Everything posted by The Amazing Dale Watkins

  1. Serbia is up for this. I think it'll be a nervous 2nd half until England can find a second
  2. It's never easy during a massive event like this, but honestly, it's been a disaster for many years now.
  3. The prime example is probably Marseille in 2016, where the English fans got ambushed by a Russian paramilitary and still got much of the blame.
  4. Sorry if that came out wrong. I wasn't going after England fans. I reckon this clash was mostly between Serbians and Albanians, with some English caught in the middle. Edit: German TV didn't mention Albanians and called it a clash between Serbian and English fans.
  5. Oh, I don't care who started what, and I'm not blaming any particular fan group. I'm just sick of these things.
  6. Disgusting. It's time to stop normalizing this. I think the only tournament we didn't have violent clashes was Qatar, but that can't be the solution.
  7. Not being emotionally invested, I don't think doubts are in order. England is one of the tournament favorites, and I expect them to win this group easily. The more likely game to end 0-0 is the one against Denmark, especially if both win their openers.
  8. Sesko is an absolute monster and in great form. This could be his breakout tournament.
  9. yeah that was painful, and somehow I'm not surprised that it involved Italy.
  10. I'd put a tenner on this being the first match we'll see a yellow card for complaining.
  11. Albania needs to return to more successful tactics: kick the ball out of play deep in the Italian half.
  12. Yes, there are 300k Albanians in Germany, but that's still less than half of the Italian population, and most of them are actually Kosovo Albanians, who have their own team. I'm not an expert on the Balkans, but I suppose it's plausible that Kosovans support Albania in this tournament.
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