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Everything posted by Fredrik

  1. Why wouldn't a nation use the first names of created staff/players/whatnot? Could you tell me what you tried to get that result?
  2. And they are contracted to a club in a playable league?
  3. Did you select the editor file when you started the game?
  4. If this is an edited competition I have seen the same message when I tried to make teams keep their results from an earlier stage.
  5. You can set that type of player type. I'm not sure it does all you want in terms of giving these players the right profile though.
  6. To be fair I have sometimes thought that the reason SI is keeping some of this stuff hidden is due to various political problems. Even in EU countries that were never part of the Warsaw Pact or Yugoslavia it's sometimes very controversial to acknowledge minority languages or groups. I'm not talking about immigrants from Turkey or Morocco either. I'm talking about the native groups. Sometimes you have to choose what to do and you may want to keep some of this away from eyes.
  7. I don't dispute that they are a factor but I'm not sure to what extent. Case in point. I have done quite a bit of editing for Namibia. Data is sometimes hard to come by but in my own world I am happy to set city of birth to be where first club is unless I know something else. I have made sure everyone has a city of birth. Some names only exist in certain local regions but still show up in players from other regions when I start a new game. Additionally I see a couple of names that only Northern European players have being used by other ethnicities. And white players with obviously Black African names. Thanks to the fact that a lot of the black players have european first names it doesn't always look so bad. Namibia also has a sizable Mixed Race group but they don't seem to appear among the created players. I should probably create a separate thread for all these questions for people to chime in.
  8. You can re-use plenty of African or Asian local regions if you don't plan to play there. This idea depends on the local regions not doing much more than you already found. Local regions are somewhat helpful if you want to sort data or for example create regional divisions just as with your cup example. I don't see them serving much more purpose. My (impossible) pet project has for a long time been to better set various languages, names etc to better reflect real life. Local regions seem to do very little there even when it's supposedly a factor that regen names are using.
  9. We really need access to the name lists. This is ridiculous.
  10. It's still not clear if you're using Yugoslavia or have renamed any other nation. That is something that can tell what the problem is. There are (hidden) lists of names for countries and some of those lists don't seem to take regional differences into account. I don't know the situation with the former Yugoslav countries with those lists but in principle this is why an obvious Vojvodina(eg.) name can show up where it "shouldn't" be.
  11. Where did Gainsborough end up in the cup? Not eliminated by Peterborough by any chance?
  12. I meant players that existed that you changed the nationality of. Because basically I think there's a difference if you need eg. 200 players to flip he regen pool or if it's never gonna happen.
  13. I know this is an old comment but this is not what is intended. I have tried this with several nations and players of the home nationality will be foreign if one sets non-EU as a rule. I can confirm this after doing tests in other parts of the World. Non-EU rule means the home nationality is considered foreign in its own league. There may be a workaround to this but since there's another rule that almost does the same thing(max number of foreigners) I've not fully explored it.
  14. I don't have the answer but I have some questions because I wonder about a couple of your settings. What's the region? Southeast Asia? How many created players do you have or 'real' players with changed nationality? I'm not entirely sure this helps unfortunately but it needs to be clarified. I know this has been discussed at length over the years but there doesn't seem to a good answer. Some of it is obviously hidden from us which is a pain in the...
  15. I mean that you 'have to' create them in the editor. The players in the game are added by the local researchers but for various reasons not everyone is there. You can add them yourself. Having a maximum data base clearly helps but a lot of time even that isn't enough. If you haven't done this in the editor before I suggest you try it. There's no need to overthink anything. You don't have to get every attribute of players right. In fact I'd argue that it's enough for you to add a CA/PA for your division level and position(including secondary positions) for a player to increase realism. The more the merrier but it also means more work. IMO only a few players per team will do wonders and especially if you set their contract to be valid for at least two seasons(so that they stay with their clubs). What's worse? A player with the name of someone who exist IRL but with possibly simplified skills or a computer generated player?
  16. Add players to playable teams means they are usually pretty crap. I typically play in lower leagues or in exotic nations and I find that the solution to what I think is your problem is to add more 'real' players before starting. The newgens will all have the same types of skills so it will be completely random who is good or not. Real players will be good enough to play for the seniors and help balance everything.
  17. Hmm, good ideas. I think that's something that should be explored.
  18. Thanks @Yianni5063 This has been helpful. If you don't mind and hadn't thought of it: I'm really curious if this option has been properly activated. What I have is a bit of adjustment via the resourche archiver but never found a way to activate the options. The second one in particular is intriguing. Obviously this is from FM22.
  19. Using the option Add players to playable teams is also useful when it comes to such leagues.
  20. I don't know about that but I would look in the download sub-forum here to see if someone posts such a project.
  21. Which is exactly why I wonder if it's a skimming thing. The data seems to be there so what else?
  22. Agreed. We do know they exist since snippets of has been visible but it's never been possible to use it for us. If it ever was then nobody has ever showed it. I'm leaning more towards that it could be a skinning, rather than editor, question but it doesn't change that I want to see it.
  23. Could you try adding 5 in the empty columns in your first screenshot. I've done like below for my Dominican First division. Two groups with a couple of extra games with the other group: This creates a 18-game schedule.
  24. How does it look in the game itself or did you never manage to verify? 14 games implies that the game thinks every team should play its own group once. Is that happening or not?
  25. It's long overdue but I tried to use Non-EU rules instead of non-foreign and it's not working. What box do I need to tick in order to make the home nation be treated as non-EU ?
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