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Everything posted by Daz2205

  1. Going to chime in with the topic of players pace against slower players when you have faster players as I have personally reported issues of player pace against open-play balls in to space or 1v1 chases. The player in this given example, Moukoko, sure he has 16 Agility, 16 Acc and 16 Pace but he also has 11 Anticipation, 11 Concentration, 7 Decisions, 9 Off The Ball, 13 Work Rate and those are just his Mentals - All these also take effect. A Slow defender with better reading of the game will most likely stand a better chance against a pacey/agile player - look at Thiago Silva for a real life reference.
  2. Any options/mandatory future fee’s should appear in the players contract page with details from parent and loan clubs. If in real life there is something that is not in game that’s a bug report for the researchers.
  3. I wouldn't say it breaks the ME but it can certainly lean towards your team. If you have the right attributes for what you wish to implement the effects can be quite rewarding for example myself, I press heavily down one side to which is also the side I wish my Team Instruction to favour, all support roles, on the opposite flank I have every remaining player "Man Mark" - not press, the opposite side to which I want to attack, this causes a pressing trap to win the ball back to the opposite side to which most if not all my players are on Attack duties further up the pitch. So it can help
  4. Away games are difficult this year and I can agree to this having found myself on away days drawing and losing consecutive games in between home games and I found myself needing to make changes and from those tweaks either sitting a little more deeper, dropping mentality, reading and analysing data from the games I find myself quickly turning it around and going back to winning streaks. Honestly this year in FM23 I genuinely have only ever had problems away from home and tweaks play their part in countering different opponents.
  5. Ooof, much appreciated! So much info is lost during games and all these skins that have match day additions look so good but I'm not a "skin" person so having just match day ones are a blessing! Didn't know this was a thing
  6. As in a skin JUST for the in-match viewing? Would you mind pointing me in the right direction of this?
  7. Top screen FM > Preferences > bottom left - Reset > Pick what one you want to undo.
  8. They can only take a look if you provide PKM’s of incidents you report or else they have nothing to review. Time stamp and a brief description of what is happening.
  9. Please upload PKM's from matches concerning any issues you have. Time stamp and a brief description of the issue. Hope this helps.
  10. The subs rule has come up an awful lot in FM23 and to reiterate just in case, you can make 5 subs within 3 stoppages. Fulham made 4 subs within two stoppages. For you as Southampton I can see you made 3 subs within two stoppages 67th and two at the 80th minute. If you were unable to make any more whilst trying to and the game stopping you then that is a bug. Hope this helps. (If it turns out to be a bug the game was stopping you, the Devs will ask for a PKM of the match)
  11. This is intentional. These are your typical double pivots when in these formations. You will still find the occasion where the opposition manager line up with two "central" midfielders but this year you will see a large amount playing these double pivots in many different formations. In-game they will sit higher up the pitch and push a little higher than how you think a defensive set up like this looks. When playing central midfielders in CM they will drop deeper.
  12. To my understanding that's because neither exist. These are intentional changes.
  13. They do happen. Mostly during set pieces, but they are there.
  14. Providing PKM's to these incidents will go a long way in helping fix these potential issues. Time stamp and a brief description will help.
  15. I believe this to be intentional, with FM23 if you slide up a notch on Mentality to “Very Attacking” the highest tempo changes to ‘Much Higher’ (excuse potentially wrong wording, currently going off memory as I’m not at the computer). But with Very Attacking naturally the tempo would get quicker as opposed to a normal standardised mentality of just ‘attacking’. As mentioned I believe this year to be more intentional with some of these subtle changes much like ‘High Press’ is the highest default. So if you wish the most highest of tempo’s you would need to be ‘very attacking’, I assume to be used in the most dire of circumstances.
  16. I could be wrong, but to my understanding of these pictures is the first you have selected "Attacking" mentality meaning the "standard" of temp is slightly higher as a default. On FM22 as you've pictured the mentality is set to "Balanced" meaning the "standard" tempo is more composed and geared towards the overall tactic, player role and individual player instructions. When increasing by 1 with "Attacking" mentality it shifts the tempo above the "standard" (meaning what the temp is, here is listed 'Slightly Higher as default because you are attacking with more intent) and more towards an overall tempo you wish the entire team to play by, I would assume now excluding player instructions and roles. When the slider is in the middle on "any" mentality, that I believe is a more 'guideline' that also incorporates players duties, roles and personal instructions. When shifted less or more, its geared towards a more overall team instruction. Again, I could be wrong.
  17. Upload the PKM to the match this happened in and time stamp the incident. It will help the devs look closer to the incident in question.
  18. Removing "Stay Of Feet" in the attempts to reduce fouls doesn't quite add up in what the AM is suggesting, though never a full proof way of completely eradicating them as it only suggests to stay on your feet instead of going to ground. On the note of the AM asking to remove "Stay On Feet" leaves open the freedom for the players to not know what the preferred way of tackling is, as now in the Team Instructions both "Stay On Feet" and "Get Stuck In" I would assume now be both unticked leading to perhaps player attributes/tactical set up 'taking over'. Certainly one for the devs to look at to see if there is something amiss. Perhaps even an issue with tackling in itself, that too many are just happening with certain formations/set ups.
  19. Although a legitimate case to report a bug and always encouraged, tackling and being overly aggressive/rough can also be attribute based regardless of team/personal instructions. Covering all grounds in regards to why your team is fouling/tackling too hard sometimes can be user player selection based rather than a ME issue but again, always report what you feel isn't right, that is the aim of these early Beta releases.
  20. Upload some PKM's of incidents in question, time stamp and give a brief description of what is happening/should be happening. These instances when pinpointed are a much greater help for the devs to have them know exactly what the issue is you are having.
  21. If all legitimate avenues of subs are made, and you know you cannot make any more subs and this ^ happens, then that is a bug that should be reported. Just in case others read this and aren't sure why they can/can't make subs when the AM suggests. I believe it's been reported but it's always better to produce your own findings in the same situations.
  22. Do you have the PKM’s for these incidents? You’ll need to provide them for the devs to take a closer look at the issues you’ve raised. Helps them a lot.
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