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52 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. hi there, i'm really sorry, the code seems right, I dont know why it doesnt work. Thing is, In other team playters page I see just the option I need from the selector panel menu, so the game has to pick just that one. In my players page, however, I see all the options. So I have to pick the option i want manually, and then delete the popup button. The game remembers the selection, so it switches panels automatically. What do you see in the selector panel menu in your pages? (I hope I've explain it clearly enough)
  2. hi guys, thanks for giving me the idea of generating photos of regen with ai. I work from home and I'm extremely bored, so this is a good past time . I'm not using midjourney and the results are a bit cartoonish and not so realistic most of the time, but i wanted something df11 style more flamboyant and with more variety than the average newgan. I mean, look at these guys:
  3. I've created a first selector panel with this code <panel> <container class="subsection_box" appearance="boxes/bordered/transparent/paper" id="SUBP"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" /> </container> <!-- widget class="popup_button" id="popv" auto_size="horizontal" height="20" click_event="msis" appearance="buttons/custom/customise panel/button" fixed="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" inset="6"/> </widget--> <container id="ppdp" default_item="ppdp" navigation_container="true" file="PANEL FOR PLAYERS IN YOUR TEAM" save_session_state="false" minimum_width="-1" default_width="-1" priority="2" valid_for_international_managers_other_team="false" valid_for_other_team_managers="false" valid_for_unemployed_managers="false" valid_for_unemployed_player="false"> <translation id="title" type="use" value="" /></container> <container id="ppdo" default_item="ppdo" navigation_container="true" file="PANEL FOR PLAYERS IN OTHER TEAMS" save_session_state="false" minimum_width="-1" default_width="-1" priority="2" valid_for_unemployed_player="false" valid_for_human_team_managers="false"><translation id="title" type="use" value="" /></container> <container id="ppdn" default_item="ppnt" navigation_container="true" file="PANEL FOR PLAYERS WITHOUT TEAM" save_session_state="false" minimum_width="-1" default_width="-1" priority="2" valid_for_other_team_managers="false" valid_for_unemployed_managers="false" valid_for_unemployed_player="true" valid_for_human_team_managers="false"><translation id="title" type="use" value="" /></container> </panel> you will have to activate the popup button the first time (delete !-- and --), because the selector will not choose correctly the panel for players in your team (I don't have a solution for this). After you change the panel you want, you can disable the popup button, and it will be like the game has no selector panel but just the panel you want when you want it. The id you see are just an example. I hope it is clear
  4. hi guys, I just wanted to share some screenshots of my skin. One of the things I dont like about skins is that they have the same structure for different types of players. Well, I've finally unleashed the power of the mighty selector panel, and I was able to get three different overview panels for players in my team (first image), in other teams (the second) and without a team (the third); the panels switch automatically. Everything changes, even the tabbed panels. Forget my enthusiasm: probably (surely) it is something you know how to do from a century or so, but for me it's all new
  5. hi guys, do you know what panel controls the career stats? I can't find anything. thanks!
  6. thank you for the feedback, much appreciated! i'm playing on 1920x1080. the left panel was the original one from the material skin, except for the grey box with the scout report and selector panel at the bottom, which I added because I love to get useless stuff in the player profile, like the team shirt (they are so beautiful I want to see them more). The overall idea is to get most of the information from the tabbed panel in the upper side (i've added bunch of panels as you can see). In the bottom area my idea was to add things I need for judging how my players are doing. Something that doesn't need lots of space (like a progress bar, or a fitness graph). I'll continue to tinker here and there and see how it goes! i'm sorry, it is a personal project, i've added so much stuff from other skinners that I don't even remember
  7. hi guys, just wanted to share my player overview panel. nothing too fancy, i've taken bits here and there from other skinners (the base is the material skin). I think there is still room for improvement, I can use better the space in the bottom area especially. I dont know how I changed the colour of the stars, honestly I like them more yellow
  8. hi guys, do you know how to expand the box in the tactics screen? I don't want the space left and right thanks!
  9. hi there! do you know what panel is this one? thanks
  10. i'm afraid that goes beyond my skills at the moment, can you explain?
  11. Thanks, yes I can swap between the two codes in order to see either the city or the supporters, but not both at the same time
  12. hi guys, I like to add some "useless" stuff on my personal skin, and so I thought of adding three images in the club overview panel: the stadium, the city and the supporters. Problem is: I don't know which code I have to use. In order to make the supporter image appears I used this one: <widget class="picture" id="lftB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" file="pictures/logos/background/default/left" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/> <record id="object_property" > <integer id="get_property" value="mbpc" /> <integer id="set_property" value="file" /> </record> </widget> and that's ok. But If i use this one for the city: <widget class="picture" id="rgtB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" file="pictures/logos/background/default/right" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/> <record id="object_property" > <integer id="get_property" value="sbpc" /> <integer id="set_property" value="file" /> </record> </widget> nothing happens, as you can see from the image I've attached. In the config.xml file for the supporter images I've included this code: <record from="1000" to="graphics/pictures/club/1000/logo/background/left"/> For the cities I put this code: <record from="1000" to="graphics/pictures/club/1000/logo/background/right"/> All seems pretty logical to me, but maybe the code it's not working anymore? In that case, there is a solution to show three images in the club overview page? Thanks!
  13. hi there, just a quick question: do you know some code related to city population, city continent and stuff like that? I'm tinkering with this panel (a sort of mix between FMEnhanced and the Material Skin, for personal use), and I would like to add some details. Also: it is possible to show city and nation (the stuff in the red box in the picture) in separate lines? thanks!
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