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824 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

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  1. Finally. A fresh install of Windows did the trick for me, in order to do the benchmarks. Quite happy with the results. Although i realise now that my CPU might not have been at a steady 5.5GHz turbo speed. Type: Desktop Model: Custom CPU Model: R9 7900X CPU Base Frequency: 4.70 GHz CPU Turbo Frequency: 5.5 GHz RAM: 32GB RAM Clockspeed: 5200Mhz GPU: GeForce RTX 3070 Graphics Level in 3D: Very High Benchmark 1 FM24: 00 min 33 Sec Benchmark 2 FM24: 01 min 13 Sec Benchmark 3 FM24: 02 min 38 Sec Benchmark 4 FM24: 09 min 06 Sec
  2. I don't know how i'm able to mess this up. I can't load any of the save games. I only get a message which says "The save game could not be loaded". What am i too blind to notice here? I do know i have the right files "Benchmark 1/2/3/4 FM24. I've downloaded them multiple times with different browsers (Thorium, Opera GX, Chrome). What am i doing wrong?
  3. Ah, the good, old waiting on the train. Yeah that could be annoying. Experienced that when visiting my girlfriend at the time in Notodden. I actually have no perception of Ørland. Never been there and probably never will. I was at Luftkrigsskolen in Trondheim during my service. Being from around the area it was always home to my parents during the weekend. Enjoyed going to central Trondheim now and then. Downhill bicycling all the way was fun. Not so fun on the way back. One tend to get a bit tired of Trondheim if it's aimlessly walking every time
  4. I'd recommend Trondheim as well. Nice place with a lot of history and stuff to do. Also in areas around Trondheim. You can actually go see Hell as well Not that there is much to see though. A lot colder than one might think
  5. 101 pages. Well done. But how come there are only 25 upvotes for OP? We have to do better there, for sure.
  6. What a refreshing read that was. Transparency with both good and bad stuff, short-term and long-term plan and a big change. Can't get into FM23 at all but now i'm looking forward to FM24. And i'm very excited about FM25. Can't wait Great article. More of this please
  7. Just upgraded my system from an i7-9700K to Ryzen 9 7900X. The difference is like night and day. Have to say i'm very happy with the results. Model: Custom CPU Model: R9 7900x CPU Base Frequency: 4.70 GHz CPU Turbo Frequency: 5.50 GHz RAM: 32GB RAM Clockspeed: 5200 Mhz GPU: GeForce RTX 3070 Ventus x 2 OC LHR Graphics Level in 3D: Very High Storage Type: NVME SSD Benchmark 1: 00 min 38 Sec Benchmark 2: 01 min 15 Sec Benchmark 3: 04 min 54 Sec Benchmark 4: 11 min 00 Sec
  8. "Reduce the noise a bit" - From the headline feature reveal video: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxQI_Los7BJtI1xN_ygWIPY1iL8VuA9auw The reality: 98 scout report cards. In the Swedish 3rd tier. That's insane.
  9. Compared to what it should have been (eliminating several year old bugs) i don't find it a good product. By itself it is a decent product. Column width and behaviour is one of the things. The game is riddled with minor bugs. Like not remembering previous screens, nonsensical interactions (getting asked about my previous game in a pre-match commentary when the game they're asking about happened 3 months earlier, and in a different season). Players on the tactics screen unclickable all of a sudden unless you go back one screen and back again to the tactics screen. Random players on the squad screen are highlighted without being highlighted (clicked). Press conferences not loading properly. Game slowing down significantly as soon as you progress a few seasons (compared to earlier versions) and much more. I haven't even thought about the ME yet. Without the details, the ME is always 2 steps forward and one step back with it. But strangely enough; the ME is the one part i have the least issues with. Perfection will never happen. That's why i said 'virtually'. I don't mean it in a literal sense. I should have been more clear about it but i wasn't talking about the ME. It was more about how stuff outside isn't really connected. As an example; You can have one stat on one screen showing x information and the same stat on another screen showing y information, when they should be the same. As if the game updates the screens at different times (if at all) during processing, when they should be updated at the same time. There will always be things to criticise, but when adding new half-arsed features and not fixing old errors the criticism will not lessen. They will just expand. I also have all versions prior and i miss playing FM22. I've always thought the newest game in the series was the best version. This year it's different. I consider it an upgraded FM22 with added features which are still in a Beta phase - at best.
  10. I feel like i need to express my feelings about this game. It'll be long and probably perceived as a rant. I'm fully aware of that and you have been warned I find that i'm not excited at all about this game. It's just the old 'adding features' but nothing else has been done. There are bugs that's been in there for ages but nothing's been done to resolve them. It's putting me off. Player interactions, promises, stats....you name it. It's all so disjointed and disconnected to what actually seems to happen. It's the best footie management game out there but it's rapidly declining in quality. For a new player it's probably amazing, until the player starts noticing the flaws. There are many. Looking back on when i've been asked by people if the new release is any good i've always said "it has the potential". I'm tired of saying that. I want to say "yeah, it's great". But that's what it feels and appears like. Always the potential. It always feels like a work in progress. Don't get me wrong. I know this game series is always a work in progress. What i mean is that each release, in itself, is an unfinished product. This has got to stop. For the first time i'm actually having thoughts like "maybe take a break for a year and fix the product". I know that would harm the product in the short term financially. But if it continues the same way we will have a product that gets more and more broken as it continues. THAT could be a catastrophic thing. They need to do something. Communication is next to 0 because "ooooh, someone said something unreasonable and bad". It's customer service, guys. It's not ok but it's even worse sticking your heads in the sand. I work in customer service as well and what i find is that lack of communication is THE major culprit in making the situation worse. People want communication. Not for the sake of it but to be able to better understand. If they understand they will be happier and will cooperate more. Apart from that one person. There's always that one person It reeks of social awkwardness. Which is fine in itself but then you really should get some people in who can communicate with the players. The patching/updating strategy is not ok. You find a flaw, you fix it and you release an update. If they are minor flaws then it shouldn't be too bad fixing them (not saying easy). Instead of giving them low priority and never fix them. That's worse long term. It is something i've warned about quite some time ago and now we're exactly at that point. For a seasoned FM player, compared to earlier iterations, this game just isn't good. By itself it's decent. - Custom views - Broken interactions and promises. - Match engine a step forward and then a step back with the next update (every year). - 6-7 months without a significant update every year for a product that has many elements of it not working as intended. - So many unnecessary screens. Many screens aren't needed in this game. Subjective opinion? I'm sure it is. - More and more clicks every year to get to the basics. - Etc. Etc. Every year i intend to create bug reports about my findings but in the end i don't. Why? There are so many bugs and flaws i wouldn't actually be able to play the game if i reported everything. Certainly not enjoy it. Small and minor? Sure. But bugs and flaws none the less, which should be fixed. It appears to me that SI have bit off way more than what they can chew and are stuck with it. Why that is i could only speculate. But the setup internally has to be overhauled. If, IF, it continues like this they and we will have a massive problem with this game in a fairly near future. They need to overhaul absolutely everything about this game. It's like old-school mentality is trying to get in touch with the modern times, building on an old foundation. It isn't working. To understand the game one is directed to the tactical forums. Great. But there are articles there that make it easier to just get a real life license in order to understand the game. Why the need to keep the basic functions of the game in the dark? The game needs to have explanations on how and why. Inside the game. Not articles and videos from everyone else. Misconceptions are easily born and sustained easily. I have no problems seeing why they appear and survive. There's virtually no explanation given to players by the game or official sources. I still love the game but not as much as i used to. I'm falling out of love with it. Because this product really needs to get better. At the moment, it feels like FM24 will be the make or break version for me. With the disappointment which is FM23 it needs to be significantly better in order to make me want to play it. I love the prospect of Women's leagues in the game and it would be a huge plus if that would make it to FM24. Wouldn't be enough though. The basics need to be fixed and virtually flawless. By basics i mean the bugs and errors that has been there for around a decade. A decade!!! That's inexcusable. I could have written one single line which i could copy and paste to the feedback forum every year, as my feedback. "Same feedback as last year". Ok, i would probably have to link to the original feedback in that case. But my point is that my feedback could easily be the same year after year, because the exact same problems are there year after year. So many of the new added features i don't even touch, so they wouldn't apply to me. Like the squad planner this year (subjective, i know)? Why? Just, why? You took one good screen, which just needed to be optimised, split that particular screen into more screens and made all worse. How is that even possible? When you add new features, make sure they actually work and that they are an improvement and not worsened. And i mean for each version of the game. Not a "we'll add this now, wait for feedback and finish it next year, or the year after". You have an Alpha and a Beta test phase for that. Don't add features just for the sake of it and fix them 4-5 years later. If they're even there at that point. They might have been taken out for another "improved feature", which has the exact same problem. Rinse and repeat. It's like you can't see the forest for the trees you're planting. Only...you're aiming for the forest but get so caught up in the individual trees that you don't realise you're in the wrong forest. Thus making everything disconnected. And the other trees you've planted.....are still outside the forest area you were trying to plant them in, but it's a minor mistake so you've left them there meaning to move them later. Issue now is.....you've left them there too long. They're getting too big to move and the roots are too deep. Anyway. I managed to get some thoughts out of my head. A bit in the ranty direction, i know. I'm not as disappointed as it might seem I also know that all of this is just one person's subjective point of view, right here, right now. I just wish that each version would be as good as the potential it has. Current Potential: 180 Current Ability: 120
  11. Have you tried switching Gsync/Freesync off?
  12. Have to say the same. Brilliant skin, which i used for FM22 and am now using for FM23 as well. Loving it. A tiny annoying little thing is the same with home team and away team stats. I wish i wouldn't have to change them for every match.
  13. As a player who only plays one save each FM there is one thing that is a bit unfortunate. If there are data updates, like incorrect league rules e.g, i will never get the chance to have those corrections in my save, as a new save is required. Playing a journeyman-style game with all leagues and players (yes, i know it's not recommended) it would be slightly annoying having to start from scratch after each update with data updates, in order to play with updated rules. I wouldn't be able to play the game until after the last major patch. I wish you could find a way that would update the league rules in exisiting saves. It could take effect during the next season change. Possibly with a news item or a pop-up which could say "rules for the league will have updated rules from season xx/xx" or something to the like. That way i wouldn't have to: 1) start a new save every time (which i don't anyway) 2) Play with non-updated league rules (which i always do).
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