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Everything posted by crooy3

  1. Aha, ok. I need this for Croatia. Maybe later for Bosnia too but Croatia is priority.
  2. Ok, I think I understand what you mean. Right now, what I need is a list of all the cities in the database from one country. Only the name and Unique ID of each city.
  3. I need something similar to this. No shortlist needed. I wanna export data from pre-game editor to excel. For example. Export all clubs with Unique ID, City and maybe some other data. In the game there is Print Screen -> Web Page option to export data. Would be great if something similar is possible in the pre-game editor. For example. Inside the pre-game editor I can manipulate with the views of the searched data. And now I would like to export that data to excel (or as .html file (like from FM-Web Page) and then I can export that to Excel)
  4. I addition to my previous post, I have not deleted any of the Reserve teams. It is not a problem in my case.
  5. Got the same error message while trying to activate league system of Bosnia & Herzegovina. At the start, I made the basic rules in Basic editor and it worked well, with no problems. After that I converted the file to Advanced editor. With advanced rules the verification in editor went through without any problems. But, in the game, the same "Rule Group has empty discipline rules" error. Of course, I can create the game and play the first season. But after the first season I get crash dump and there's no way to get into second season. There are problems with Discipline rules. Here are the rules with the advanced rules (the file with a problem) And here are the rules with basic rules only (that file is working)
  6. It is possible to recude the number of child competitions. Take a look at this topic for more information
  7. Hmm, yes, it is working if the file is verified in editor and saved as .fmf. However, since I'm using Dynamic Relegation System from 4th division and below, I can verify only first three divisions. If I'm going to use file with 4th division playable, I still have to go with .xml and the colors are still messed up.
  8. I have a problem with the club I created in the editor. No matter what colors are assigned to the club, the main color in-game is blue. Also, the kits colors are random despite the fact I manually made all settings for all three kits. Here I have the screenshots. You can see the difference between settings in editor and what I get in the game. Background color should be yellow. I know I have blue as the foreground color buit it's not the same. Ingame blue is much darker then foreground blue in editor P.S. I have the same problem with all clubs I created. Some of them have neither of colors set as blue in editor. Still blue in game.
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