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Posts posted by Chip

  1. 1 hour ago, JNOUnited said:

    Im hoping if I find the right PI's for the WM's that I can get them to play like IF's in the attack phase but get them to help defensively as well. So defensive shape is a 5-4-1 and the attacking shape is 3-4-3

    Remember you can select an WM's PIs to that similar of a IF if they play a support role. Cuts inside, dribble more, cross less etc. or just whatever suits your needs. 

  2. Before you start putting anything in to practice I would do some research into Conte's tactics first. Look at sites such as Speilverlagerung (although I'm not sure they have anything on Chelsea atm), EPLindex, outside of the boot and we ain't got no history.

    This will help you understand Conte's tactical thoughts more and what adaptions he makes in games and for other types of games. 

    Remember that you probably won't be able to replicate the tactic exactly so some things in the articles you may need to ignore for FM since there's certain pressing techniques which you can't implement in game. Good luck

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