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55 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Cambridgeshire UK


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    Everything football and everything iOS & Android.

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  1. Been running FM24 & previous FM's on Linux Mint and a few other Distros for a few years now! Just managed to get The Sims running too.
  2. Have loved every title however the ones I got the most gameplay out of coincides with no children lol FM05, FM07 and FM10 & 11 stand out to me as the most enjoyable. FM08 was another I really got on well with.
  3. Ahh ok thank you! It’s such a beautiful skin all round and the option would be amazing at the flick of a switch!
  4. I didnt think this skin had attributes?! They look awesome. Am I missing where I can enable them?
  5. Can anyone please advise how to remove the instant result button please? I have never been a fan of it personally (no offence intended)
  6. Thank you for this lovely skin. I now need to learn to play a whole new way!!
  7. Would love to see this skin. The colours are sublime and the player profile is spot on and not at all cluttered!
  8. Making them available i Steam if you had the disk originally to prove you own it would be awesome!
  9. I reluctantly bought my last physical copy 2 or 3 versions ago now
  10. I notice little things like players pointing/organising off the ball after passing the ball to someone else for example. Such a good touch of realism.
  11. This might depend on if you sign in to your device with your MS account and utilise the OneDrive functionality
  12. For the first time in maybe 12 years I will not be buying FMM in addition to the full game. I used to buy both and play mobile to get my fix outside the house, in the car (as a passenger!) or anywhere in fact. Mobiles had gotten so much better that it was less taxing on the battery life when playing. Such a shame really, I mean its odd to think that however many of us would have even be happy to pay £10 to play it, if the majority of those people dont have a sub to netflix, how is that ensuring SI get any more profits? Or have netflix bundled them a wad of cash and said - here is for exclusivity and we hope to gain even more subs in future on top of the norm. I dont know, I mean I bout FMM23 and played less than an hour so I will just pick that up again and continue with that instead. Can FMM23 still be bought on the Google Play store? I plan to maybe move to Android within the year and would quite like to get it if this Netflix nonsense continues to next years games too.
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