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Everything posted by Slipky

  1. AUGUST 2023 The tactic: Annoying month. Pau scored their only shot on target. Concarneau equalised on the 92nd minute. Ouch. Still, very happy with the results so far.
  2. This officially made me come back to the forum with a thread of my own. Good luck in Singapore!
  3. Welcome to Caen, France! My last Early Access save for this game, and a save that'd possibly continue into the main game to some extent. Nothing too exciting, just kind of a fallen giant here. Used to be a Ligue 1 regular in the early-mid 2010s and haven't found their way since relegating. Nice Facilities, talented squad... Let's go! Here we go!
  4. Had to put it here. Great AFC Champions League run, Makoto!
  5. Dude, you really made this enjoyable thread a real pain in the a** the last couple of pages. Just wait like all of us do, okay? Jesus.
  6. The situation in Israel forces me to work from home. Lovely for some FM24 escapism. PUSH THE BUTTON ALREADY!
  7. I really think the new features, especially the set pieces, warrant a slightly longer beta. 3 weeks sounds... Plausible.
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