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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Can some please help me replicate the Training and Youth Facilities on this image to the Junior Coaching and Youth Recruiment? Two things that I'd like to review if possible or if they make sense: 1/ Having the "Adequate" and "Good" only, instead of the full string 2/ Getting the stars rating correct; because it doesn't seem aligned with the classification. Or is it correct, it's just the correlation with the stars that is different?
  2. You went a bit into the youth development, I think it would be really cool if both of you go into a bit more detail of the tactical approaches, taking into account the numbers both your teams are getting. Awesome save from both of you, as always.
  3. Hi @keysi I was going through the files but I wasn't able to figure it out. How can we make the lower bar to be the colours of the team we're managing? I think it was like that on the previous version of the skin.
  4. if you want to do that, go all the way and colour it with the team colours 😁
  5. I don't know if anyone has the same issue as I did, but the id for the "secondary" team colour is "ttcl". This is on the La Liga Page, and I was able to make it show the team's colors. <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="ttcl" /> <integer id="set_property" value="colour" /> </record>
  6. This might be some (very) stupid questions. I've been trying to change some panels to have the colour of the teams, everything's fine most of the time using the "primary" and "secondary" colors. However... This is how it shows when I'm on the Premier League screen - the primary and secondary colours are from the competition rather than the club. I think I can solve the "primary" part by adding the red replacement as follows (at least it works on other panels): <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="tbcl" /> <integer id="set_property" value="red_replacement" /> </record> But I wanted to do the same for the "secondary" parts, but I don't know what the equivalent is. 1. Is this the best way to do this? Or am I giving myself more work than necessary? 2. Is there an equivalent for the secondary colours that I can use?
  7. Thanks! It worked! But now I'm very curious as to where the file in bold is, since I wanted to change something on the bars (round the corners), but I can live with how it is right now.
  8. When adding the kits to the club overview, I've tried to change the colours of the containers and got this. What I wanted to understand is if I can change this to the colours of the kits per se. I know where to change, just don't know what to put there or if it's possible.
  9. Can anyone tell me how I can change that "overview" and "international" part and make it as the rest of the titlebar? I wanted to make it with the secondary and primary colors as well (maybe inverted, still need to test it) Thanks in advance Edit: I've managed to do it, but the text always stays white and not as secondary, so I'd need help figuring out where those texts can be changed.
  10. Just a couple of quick questions. I downloaded the latest version from this thread, I haven't changed anything and the popup of the players is always showing like this, be it my team or AI Don't know if it's expected by any chance. Also, @_Ben_ you had mentioned that it's possible to have the attributes like this (screenshot is not mine): But I don't see that selector on my game, do I need to change something?
  11. Hi @Wozzie quick question: Is it possible to get the logos of the clubs on that "Match Overview" tile? If yes, can you please let me know how? Thanks!
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