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Posts posted by Jellico73

  1. I cheated and loaded a skin that shows the hidden attributes.

    My Resolute Winger that left has a Prof 15, a Loyalty of 10, and an ambition of 15.  And he went to a team that's 3 spots higher in the club coefficients but 10 spots lower in Nation Coefficient

    My Fairly Determined Goalie had a Prof of 10, an ambition of 18, and a loyalty of 12.  And he went to a team that's a lot lower on the tables than I am.  Although the team he originally wanted to go to was a little higher.  And he's been on the team since we first made it to Ligue 1.

    My Driven D(R) went to the same team as my Resolute winger, and has a Pro of 12, a Loyalty of 12 and an Ambition of 19.

    My current D(L) who's Fairly determined, with a Pro of 10, a Loyalty of 5, and an ambition of 13, a players whose been my starting D(L) for the past 7 years, recently walked into my office and said if we don't win the Champions League he wants to leave.

    Now, if I was still a Ligue 2 or even CNF team, I can understand their wanting to move onto something a bit bigger and better, or if I was losing consistently in the early rounds of the Europa or Champions League.

    But I'm not.  I'm a top 5 team in  the 4th ranked league in Europe in the country that's ranked 1st in Nation Coefficient, and I've never not made it past the group stages of any tournament I've been in.  Now, if I was getting bounced of the Knockout Rounds of the Europa or Champions League, or falling consistently short in the Coupe de la Ligue and Coupe de France tournaments, I can see why some of my better players would want to move on.  But even when I won the Coupe as a Ligue 2 team none of my players then tried engineering a move to a "bigger" team.  These past 6 years I've qualified for the Europa League twice, the Champions League twice, and been fairly successful in both.  My players weren't coming to me telling me they needed to move on when I was 16th in the Ligue or didn't qualify.   Why come in now?  Why not last year when we only made it to First Knockout round of the Champions League, or the year before when we made it the Quarter Final?  Did my teams chances of winning it all somehow get worse the higher up the table we went, or the further into international competitions we went?

    These moves are, in my mind, at best lateral. Whats the logic behind leaving the 2nd place team in Ligue 1 for the 7th place team in the Bundesliga for "a better opportunity to play Champions Ligue or Europa League football?"  Especially after four years of performing pretty well on the world stage with the team your currently part of?

    I don't think the mechanic is entirely broken, but it certainly appears to me that Pratchett's Law of Odd's is at work here, and that's not a good thing.


  2. 3 hours ago, kidthekid said:

    What's your experience with ambitious personalities? Many players say ambition is good but I feel like if you are not a top club in England, Spain Italy or Germany, then ambitious players would want to leave your club no matter what. Do you find that a problem?

    Well, speaking for myself, in the past six months I have had a player with:

    • Fairly Determined
    • Resolute
    • Driven

    Come to me and say they want to leave for a team that will allow them to compete on a bigger stage.  Never mind I'm the 29th ranked team in the world, the 47th Richest Club, have been to the Europa League Semi's Twice and have been in the Championship three years in a row, I'm still not a top club...apparently.  I don't know how much a players personality has to do with them wanting to move, frankly I think the whole mechanic is bugged.


  3. 18 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

    I almost started in France this year, ( love the idea of lots of 2nd Nationality and foreigners coming through the ranks). My ptrference in France would actuallly be for a team right down South such as Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse orCannes, but that was before I knew about the J in AJ Auxerre. 

    I'm having a blast with my USL Dunkerque save.



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