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Everything posted by Lusitano

  1. I've expanded the Portuguese league system, and it stopped generating matches on some divisions from the start, so instead of crating new comps, i just used extinct one and renamed them to match the real one, and i started a new test game, and 1 division doesn´t generates any matches, i run some simulated seasons, and eventually all the 4 top leagues stopped generating matches, some lower also don't generate matches but others do. I've expanded other leagues and there were no issues. Attached is the editor file and the savegame was uploaded.
  2. Honestly.... it's real has hell, clubs spend money they dont have, then go bankrupt
  3. https://maisfutebol.iol.pt/liga-3/video-arbitro/liga-3-jogos-da-fase-de-subida-vao-ter-video-arbitro In portuguese but easy to translate, Only on the promotion phase and championship
  4. Thank you for the update, should be something indicating that... I think.
  5. I was testing the expanded Spanish db i made, saw the bug thought it was my fault, so run an unmodded game with all default files, and the bug was still there, i created a new game that i uploaded its a fresh start, easy to progress the game by going on holidays. I simulated 6 season the bug was always present. From what i can see that league table uses the games played by each team on the group they are playing.. Can it be a second best placed team ranking?? File name is Spain Bug Unmodded
  6. So it seems some teams that are in the groups get also put into the parent competition, so they basically play in 2 divisions at the same time. So as you can see on the screenshots Oviedo B plays in group 1 and also on the parent competition, the same for the other 4 teams.
  7. Not a bug, don't know why but they changed something on the last update, at game start there is a warning ou can only select a team on the country you choose to start on. But after that you can add a manager and select whichever team you want.
  8. Again...... Hope in the next version of the game it will be fixed.
  9. So...... I dont know why i bother, been posting this bug for 3 years running. But here it goes.. For the 3rd... or is it 4th year running the Portuguese U23 Cup Winner is credited to the away team no mater. who wins it, the credit goes always for the away team. Did a small save to test this.. and... yup still here. Just gonna post the photos, no point on uploading games or whatever because SI doesn't even bother to fix this bug. Winners 23-24 Final 24-25 Final 25-26 Final 26-27 Final First Year Benfica (home Team) won but Sporting (Away Team) gets credited as the winner Second and third year's the away teams won it and get credited correctly Fourth Year Braga (home Team) won but Benfica (Away Team) gets credited as the winner
  10. Hello, So it seems i something on the __restricted__ folder inside the graphics/pictures that messes up the loading by the editor, i noticed that some team have restricted kits and the xml lines were duplicated on the non restricted xml.
  11. Well.. Got it to work on the original file. The only alteration made was the remove the restriced folder and add those files on the correct folders and merge those xml's. There is something on that folder that screws up the Editor
  12. Tomorrow i'm gonna do more test to try and find out. But has you can see with the FC12 defults kits everything works.. almost everything because the shorts with the lower cuff isn't working.
  13. I dont know the details about it, but some teams have special request for licensing.
  14. Nope, so something is wrong with the default 2D kits, i copied last years kits and created a new file, and the issue persists, i'm gonna do further tests. There is something different on the default 2d kits and the FC12 defaults kits that is enough to make the kits work
  15. resource archiver, but i did replaced the default kits by FC12. The editor loads alot faster with my file than the default one. I just repack the original file and the issue remains, so its clearly a error on the file.
  16. SOrry but no. I did some changes to it,a nd SI might not like that. i'm gonna try and repack the original file and see if it works and see if i can upload it somewere..
  17. I did updated my graphics.fmf file myself with FC12 defaults kits and the issue is resolved, didn't try and repack the original file, but i think its a issue with the original raphics.fmf file.
  18. It's licensing issue my friend, can't change them since they are fully licensed.
  19. Same here, but i think is a graphics.fmf problem, i usually update that file with the FC12 kits to replace the default, and the new file does show all of it.
  20. 3 more years then.. Its was reported on FM 2021, still here, but i guess we are a small market.
  21. Any update on this it's.. like 3 years with this same bug.
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