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streety last won the day on December 2 2016

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88 "There's no crying in baseball"


  • Biography
    42 Year old lives in Stafford supports Liverpool Works for the NHS as a Data Administrator


  • Interests
    Football, Motocross, Computers

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Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Rushall Olympic , Royale Union Tubize-Braine

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  1. I did not know that..think it's safe to say you might be right
  2. No unfortunately not. I would like to see the same sort of info you have with other staff members in your club. Maybe it could be implemented in future versions. Owner Bought club price Personality Plans for future Key stats?
  3. Maybe try at the end of current season if they have upgraded the others.
  4. The lower leagues are relentless. I find the problem is with contracts and keeping players. If you lose a player if you can get a replacement otherwise you lose players left right and centre
  5. Attempt 2 So after my first failed attempt in Italy, I have chosen a country thats not been completed as of yet - Belgium
  6. Oh really? i didnt know anything about that...i mean i would be managing a team mostly free transfers so that poses another problem
  7. So the choice of my next attempt has it down to Denmark or Croatia..or a out of Europe Mexico. The one team has 8 loan players in the first team just to get them promoted the other has a B team aaannd Mexico ive never managed in before. Where to go for my next failure?
  8. @syemo Unlucky in your sacking i know how it feels as of today, are you looking to give it another go?.
  9. Season 23/24 Well overall it was a season of disappointment. I was hoping for a good season but it was evident things were going to be tough. Overall i was invested in the save but no matter what i did..tell a lie we had a mini revoloution in results to try and get out of the relegation playoff zone but players form and morale was just rock bottom and going into the Relegation playoff i was trying to hype myself up in dodging the trapdoor but watching the match it was clear it was a combination of everything that ended up in Relegation. Only my 3rd relegation in FM - Season over - RELEGATION . Season over - Sacked Final League Table Contact Terminated SACKED! I want to give this challenge another go...
  10. @Gersdude123I hope so, if i can get the squad up to code i reckon we can stay up. I would like to go for the FA Trophy again as i did not take it that seriously and still got to the semi finals
  11. Season 23/24 So this first season we were written off as relegation favourites and a tough season ahead was in store for us. League League Fixtures 1 League League Results 2 Overall the cup competitions were not my priority but a surprise semi final in the FA Trophy was a nice distraction and in the end i was a bit gutted to be knocked out
  12. Well i ticked over to November but 5 points off the relegation spot its not looking good, Im seeing this though trying to turn it around or by getting the boot i think the latter is more likley
  13. So my saves not going as well as i had hoped it would, Guessing im not going to see christmas before io get the boot.
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