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Everything posted by italodornelesrs

  1. My intention to increase the score is also to correct it when it comes to the knockout game (2-game knockout). Note that the aggregate score DOES NOT APPEAR at the bottom. It is outside the space designated for it. PS: I play in windowed mode, 100%. My monitor resolution is 2560x1440 (QHD).
  2. Perfect. I understand. But mine looks like this (without the moments bar), and I wanted the score to be a little bigger (like the marking I made). However, it's obvious that if it's going to cause other problems, I'll leave it like that, but I would like the score to be a little higher.
  3. Solved, thank you very much. I would just like to increase the size of the scoreboard (about 50% larger), do you know if it is possible, without disconfiguring the rest? How could I do it?
  4. Mine was like that too and I didn't figure out how to fix it. I already did some tests, but I couldn't solve it. But what I really wanted was for this to be made available. Even with this "supposed" color flaw, it was perfect. I would very much like to use it.
  5. Just giving my opinion, I believe that the tactical menu version used in version 1.2 was better (that smaller menu). Likewise, in the in-game part - the game is happening, I preferred the version of "Detalhe do game" like the uniforms of the teams next to the stadium. It was more immersive. The new version that the uniforms are retired, in my opinion, is not legal. Finally, this could be included in the "Home" section, as well as the staff's opinions on opponents (indicating the style of play, the formation of the game, among other information). As a compliment, I enjoyed very much the fabric "Leagues in Destaque". And this also gives passage fabric for two days. As a suggestion, just even give a photo of the stadium where the next game will be, there it will be perfect (to my pleasure).
  6. Yes @snowofman. I'm from Brazil and unfortunately there is very little material here on how to create or edit skins. Unfortunately. I really wanted to know how to do it, to make these basic adjustments and make it perfect to my taste - without sharing it with anyone, just for personal use.
  7. I really hadn't seen that it was in a folder in MODS. I found it and placed it. However, it bugs and disappears when I use a different view. But the skin is really very good. Congratulations on the work @TCSSkin. My only 2 points about the skin are the 1) hidden attributes; 2) in the home tab, you could have data from the next match below, the scout/staff's analysis of the opponent (in the style of Zealand's skin). Other than that, I think she's perfect. The in-game panel with the uniforms and the stadium in the background is perfect. Very handsome.
  8. I use WTCS. I think it's one of the best skins currently (if not the best). However, I like to see hidden attributes and I was unable to activate them in this new version. And I also like it when it's like a tab and in the old versions, I was never able to activate it as a tab (I say the tab is fixed and doesn't need to click on something to appear). I think this style that OPZ brings to hidden attributes is fantastic:
  9. I’m sorry to ask again, but I really liked the project and I’m looking forward to using it. Did you finish the project or was it abandoned (which is a shame)?
  10. Good afternoon, project looks beautiful. I was a big fan of TCS. Are there any predictions?
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