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Everything posted by SaMason2012

  1. I’m playing Real Madrid this play through. Been asking for affiliates, but board keeps saying no. There are currently 6. Is that the max in FMM? If not, why am I not getting allowed to add more affiliates?
  2. Today, I had promoted some folks for the next match because it was a national cup match with a low level team at home. I did this 2 days ahead of schedule. The reserves and the first team both play on the same day, but the reserves played in the morning and the first team played late in the afternoon. When I pressed continue to match day, the reserves had already played their match. I continue clicking into tactics and I don’t see the guys I promoted in my list of players. I go into my reserve team and find that they’re already back in the reserves. But still had 100% condition. I then promoted them for next match again. And then after the game, they went back to the reserves as intended. But I hadn’t seen the demotion before the next match.
  3. In testing another bug, and demoting Nacho for testing purposes, I get this notification… even though he had been removed from the captains list.
  4. On Oct 31, I demoted Ramos S. And Nacho to the reserves for testing. They played on the 1st. Didn’t return. And then after their game on the first of November, I demoted Clark C. To the reserves for testing. Their next game was the 8th of November. After their game, Nacho, Ramos, and Clark didn’t return.
  5. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Sometimes, after the reserves game, my player returns. Almost all the time, my reserve players return. I can’t actually claim that I’ve seen a reserve player not return in a next match promotion! But next match demotion is a gamble. Seems to be about 50/50. Mostly, my games and my reserves matches fall on the same day. Sometimes the reserves matches happens first, sometimes they happen second. I have been trying to send my guy even before match day, so he will for sure play the match. Sometimes, he returns, and sometimes he doesn’t. For this current season, I haven’t waited to see if he returns, but for the previous seasons, he continues to stay in reserves. I’ll test and report back the likelihood of my player returning on my current.
  6. I lied again. It just mostly doesn’t work. You guys really need to drill down on this functionality and figure out why it’s so finicky.
  7. I lied. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.
  8. NVM? On my third season, a few of my first team players returned after demoting for next match. Going to keep this ticket active for this season’s outcomes.
  9. Second team promotion for next match only seems to work as-intended.
  10. I'm a little late to this topic, but what ended up being the solution to Hommels' need for specialist to improve? And if the OP had to make a change to his group of coaches, doesn't that mean that there needs to be more coaches in the backroom? And also allow CPU to poach coaches as needed as well?
  11. I’ve tried searching for Luka via staff search. No good.
  12. I’ve played 2 full seasons as Real Madrid. Luka finally bowed out, but in the heat of it, I was competing for club world championships… didn’t outright hire Luka. Now, he’s gone! Please help me find my Luka! Lol!
  13. In my save with Real Madrid, Nacho is pleased to be the club captain... but I have opted to choose Rudiger and Bellingham as captain and vice captain. Not sure why he's pleased to be the club captain and I also have other players who thinks Nacho should step down... even though he's not even on my captains list.
  14. Uploaded save game as "Ming Yang - fmm_save_1.fms" to ownCloud.
  15. I've gone on one match beyond when I recognized the problem... but it's the same thing even in the following match. Showing last week's stats and telling me about last week's outcome even though this time it showed the weird box score of 4-1. Fabio wasn't even part of this game. Enes Unal was the one to score for Getafe and Raul Garcia is from Pamplona from 2 matches ago. As you can see, it's still showing the Pamplona score of 2-0, but the box was 4-1.
  16. I've got a bug where I was given the last match's report as the most recent match. I used my backup GK instead of my rotational one and I demoted my starting GK to the second team since I knew I wasn't going to use him for the remainder of the season except for CL finals. The ratings and condition drop (from usage) are applied to the players that played, but in the match report, the ratings are from the last match as well as the events. I got an injured player who got replaced early in the game, and it shows in the match report. Even the opponent's stats are from last week. What's strange is it was a 2-nil score in the last match, but the report shows the box score as 0-1 and then reports as RM getting the victory at 2-0. Hahaha.
  17. This is a thing for me this in my 2nd season as well. Uploaded save to cloud. They all succumbed to the same injury in the middle of the season. I'm already past that point and heading towards the end of the season,
  18. When demoting someone for the "next match", they don't automatically return to my first team. When promoting to first team for the next match, the players automatically return to the second team. Fabio Quagliarella has been demoted for the next match and never returned to the first team.
  19. When looking at national teams and their icons, I don't see the faces for France. When I look at the same people in their club squad selections, the faces show up perfectly fine. The news even gives me the right faces to the right names if a national game was in the talks! I am currently using the faces and icons from sortitoutsi.net. So far, the faces appears to be replicated perfectly fine into most everything. They just don't show up in France's national squad selection screen. What I have also noticed is that when I get to the point where I have navigated to these said countries' national squads and clicked into the players, that player's face is no longer possible to pull up until AFTER I run a skin reload. Skin reload fixes the issue where their face disappears, but does not resolve the fact that their national team still can't pull up their faces properly.
  20. Yes, Jake. I have seen it happen after multiple games. But I have gotten past it as the one game doesn't define my career... it's just rather annoying. Do you guys think this could be resolved if I was able to provide more games where this disconnect happens? Please advise. I have been quite busy on the PC version as of late... so I can't provide any mobile updates at this time.
  21. I can't recall. At this point, it's been 3 in-game years since then. Hahaha. But I do remember them all happening in very short times. Not sure which came first, though.
  22. No updates at the moment. SI is looking into it, though! Maybe soon.
  23. My VAR bug is that all my VAR decisions are disallowed goals for both teams. Sometimes, it helps me win/draw… and sometimes it helps me lose. Lol!
  24. I’m not sure everyone is getting this, but all VAR I get are negative ones for both teams. Disallowed goals galore.
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