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Everything posted by SaMason2012

  1. Yup. Samesies. Also can’t untick the box that says stat changes are affected by CA.
  2. Bro. You are the ****. Thank you for your hard work!
  3. So… it’s back to what I said: either Takuhiro is gonna be my Messi+Xavi… or something is broken. If you’re supposed to be the one to know and you don’t know where it’s pulling from, something is broken. Please review and LMK! I’d like to learn where this 247 came from. And, quite honestly, what even is a Peak PA?!? Lol!
  4. Beeped and then maxed out at 200. LOL!
  5. It's 110% from the database... you must not be a Merengues fan, so you probably wouldn't look to see the hard data for their players. First thing I always do is look at the players' CA/PAs just to see what the game thinks of my boys' futures and/or current careers. Just to prove to you I'm pretty certain you're in the wrong... take a peaky-peaks at ma boy Takuhiro Nakai. Definitely -9 as you have mentioned... but Peak PA is 247 when the max is only 200. Having not played FM22 and FM21, since I just played 20 until a year ago, Peak PA is something new to me. And Takuhiro Nakai has more than the max allowed. If you edit it, the computer beeps at you and tells you that's not allowed.
  6. I'm not sure if this can be considered "completed." I went ahead and just said eff it... I continued the game despite not being able to talk to my players individually after the poor performances. Well... I did have one guy that I was able to formally warn despite everyone else having that option grayed out. But after playing 2-3 games, all players could be talked to normally again. After 2 games for some, I was able to talk to them again... and others from that same starting squad were 3 games. But it kind of feels like one of my recent accomplishments caused the inability to talk to the players individually. I did become head coach of the year and unlocked rich benefactor in one fell swoop. If you guys can't find what broke the game, you may mark this ticket as completed as it seems to resolve itself after 2-3 more games for the current squad.
  7. Max peak PA is 200. Just like PA. But Takuhiro Nakai’d peak is 247. Either he’s built out to be the next Messi + Xavi, or something is wrong.
  8. Jake. I'm seeing a random effect. Sometimes, the player gets transferred right back after the game... some times, the player stays and I have to manually move them. I guess after the fact, I reported this, I saw more players get moved back if they're from the first team being sent to the reserves for one game. You may mark this ticket as completed at this time since I can't reliably recreate it at this time... I'll try to capture the moment better going forward.
  9. I was still able to get to talk to the players' about their recent form... but it's just what I'm seeing. I also understanding I'm cheating... to create a super American national team. LOL! But that shouldn't break the game... I uploaded a save called Ming_Yang_fm_save3.fms into ownCloud. Please open it up and try to see what you guys can do about the current first team personal player talks for the game we just lost to Barcelona. TY! Best Regards, Ming Yang
  10. I’m starting to see most players can’t be talked to after my games… I’m still able to talk to the ones that performed bad enough to get the prompt to formally warn/fine them… but all else? Can’t! Taiichi Campbell can no longer be reached in regular poor games and great games. It’s not just him.
  11. I'm seeing that as well. The IFs no longer score by cutting in... it appears they're scoring because of long shots and/or via free kick shots. Otherwise, they'd dribble down their line and then choose to pass back to the CMs/B2Bs/FBs. Sometimes, and it's very unlikely, but sometimes, my IFs would eventually cross into the box! All for a waste because my IFs have subpar cross (10-14).
  12. I have since loaded back a week or two and done the same thing and got the same result after the reserves game finished. I then moved my player back into my first team manually.
  13. When choosing this option, a window pops up to let you choose what you intend to do with the player. That’s not the bug. The bug is when you opt to send player to reserves for next match only. They appear to be stuck in reserves unless you go and bring them back manually. One of the players I sent to the reserves this way is actually mad that they’ve already learned all they could from the reserves and wished they’d be back to the first team.
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