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Everything posted by paz

  1. - Load save game - Force win in the 2nd leg of the playoff - You will likely play Catania in the final, who have just played a whole season in a simulated league that is playable. So why wouldn't there be statistical data on those fixtures that have taken place?
  2. - Load save game - Force a player to get an av. rating of 9.3, scoring a hattrick (or something very good) - You get the usual news item saying player was on form - BUT the usual button on the bottom right of the screen to 'praise the player' is missing
  3. - Load save game - In staff search, look for someone that is a coach with attacking, technical and determination of all 15+ - Make sure you are including Juventus staff - Maurizio Trombetta does not appear even though he meets the criteria The code probably is excluding current Juventus staff who are due to retire in 30 days time
  4. - Load game - Play forward a couple of days and you will be offered a new contract - As per screenshot, the 'challenge for the serie a' plan that has already been agreed for next season, should be displayed there - At the moment nothing is listed
  5. - load game - progress to season summary - schiraldi and giannnini will be highlighted as free signings, when they are in fact through the youth system (which of course is not free) - i imagine the code needs fixing so that if youth candidates are signed the day after their trial officially expires, that they should still be counted as youth candidates
  6. - Load save game - Force transfers in of jozy altidore and harry arter - Try and register either for juventus next gen, you will be met with the 'you need to register at least 15 players', and there aren't enough options to click enough people to get to 15 because all the players 'yes' buttons are greyed out - Nonetheless, the AI manager will be able to register him and they will play in the next game
  7. Managing Juventus and really struggling with the rules for registration for the B team. Even when setting a non over 21, non50game app player to play for the B team, he doesn't seem to do so. Also when trying to play a gk who isn't registered to the A team, it doesn't let me register him for the B team. The registration fails because it says I don't have the minimum amount of players registered for the B team. I feel like this is a bit user error, a bit bad explanation from the game and a bit of a bug. So would appreciate any advice from people who have managed to get people playing for the Juve B team during the season
  8. - Load game - Pick Tiago Djalo as an 'available for b match' player, and even click him into the suggested starting line up - He will not be picked
  9. I'm managing Juventus. How do I take control of the B (next gen) team
  10. Player below has had their handling improve by a score of 1, but on the green arrow, it doesn't have '1' next to it. Whereas other attributes that have '1' next to it, have indeed increased by 1.
  11. Aren't the save files all time stamped? Meaning you can associate the upload time with the post time?
  12. If you load the save game, you'll see when you create a rec focus for a comp, the U21 Euros for 2031 does not appear
  13. - Load save game - Request to build new stadium - When board discuss it with you, chose the 'now that we aren't limited by expansion capacity, let's expand the stadium
  14. Load save game dated from today with 'wimbledon and qa' in the title. When the season summary message is displayed, the same talent identification message will be displayed 3 times
  15. Is there not an audit trail of me uploading a save file around the time of posting this bug?
  16. If you load the save game and force the results that see Wimbledon finish 2nd, you will get this news item. Of course, it is not a repeat of last season's performance because the team has achieved promotion this time (2nd so automatic) rather than finishing 3rd (play offs)
  17. If you click the orange text, it just takes you to the wimbledon squad. save game attached
  18. Ah so you have to search and add each team manually. I guess that's fair enough. Thank you.
  19. Is there any way to select the teams you target when you offer a player our for permanent transfer?
  20. The news item below says we were unable to finish the job.....the play off final is not until tomorrow....when we may finish the job!
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