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Everything posted by paz

  1. - Am in year 2037 - have had this as my primary tactic for 5 years, using it in most games It looks like it's the position.role.duty that's only competent. Can anyone help me understand why it's lower than normal?
  2. Yep that works. Thanks. Would you agree the way the game prioritises filters that are 'find similar staff' over filters you have actually created yourself is a bit counter-intuitive. Or is just the way I play the game and actually the majority don't have this issue. Thanks.
  3. You will see from the ss that the first 7 options displayed are filters that have been created by using the 'find similar staff' option. And only option 8 and 9 are filters I have created from within the staff search. Is there any way of stopping these filters being saved to this drop down box, so that I just see the filters I have created? Thanks
  4. What an interesting finding. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Pertaining to your DDM stance, I feel like the level of discipline attribute is not that important in FM23. Would you agree?
  5. It's also complicated by the fact he has an automatic 1 year extension if we avoid relegation in his final season of his contract. We will avoid relegation mathematically in probably March, which would be after he has agreed a deal with another club on a 'bosman'.
  6. Bumping this one as I'm in a similar situation now. I have a player who is asking for 120k per week. I've offered him 40k which his agent rejected. He is currently on 10k per week. In 14 days he will be 6 months away from his contract expiring. I am wondering if I will receive compensation when one of the 20 or so interested teams gives him a pre contract.
  7. How do I see the advanced goalkeeping graph for leagues other than the one I play in? This screenshot is from the data hub, done by my head of performance analysts. I'd like to see the same graph for some of the other playable leagues in my save, and then maybe a summary of all playable leagues. Is either of those requests possible?
  8. There's still enough room to pass the ball to the defenders. There's more defenders than attackers in the same area, so it'd be simple to still play out from the back, much in the way a Premier League team does, or my Saturday team does (with more chance of a defender making a mistake)
  9. I have the instructions: - play out from defence - take short kicks - distribure to centre back But still my gk was boot it to our lone striker who will get beaten in the air and the opposition will counter us and often score. Is there an additional individual player instructions menu that i am missing?
  10. Ok looks like I'm not the only one. Impact on the user is playing high intensity tactics are more risky due to not being able to keep as many players fresh in qualifying when you have 2 games in 4 days.
  11. You can use the save game with 'emergency keeper' in the last part of the filename. You'll see the amount of youth graduates that have played in the first team this season.
  12. I'm afraid I don't have a save anymore from this. I have a save from a couple of months before, if you want to play on debug mode and force a play-off final appearance? Let me know. Otherwise if you want me to play through the months and reproduce it, let me know. Cheers.
  13. If you load the save game, you'll see that International U22 games in the Pan American tournament are on at the same time as Premier League. That in itself isn't likely a bug. But what is, is the club having no say over whether the players can be refused the call up. I understand if it was a senior tournament then FIFA wouldn't let the clubs withdraw the players. But this is a U22 tournament, and I would expect the Premier League would be able to stop a club missing 7 first team starters (including their first and second choice goalkeepers). You can use the save game I just uploaded in my own name, that ends with Troon in the name to take a look. I went back a few autosaved to see if I missed an opportunity to deny their call up. I couldn't see anything, but I could be wrong.
  14. Might be just us two encountering this problem mate. Is there a list of known issues anywhere before I go to the effort of logging the bug?
  15. I'm playing Man City for the first time in 2 years and wanted to go back and look at what formation I used against them previously when we somehow beat them 3-0 (we still got relegated). When I clicked on the game it said 'full details are not available for this fixture'. Is there some sort of setting I have to enable? I could understand full details from 5 season ago not being available. But for 2 seasons ago, I'd think many managers would like to have the option.
  16. Hello people. It's half time and I'm in this screen. How do I rewatch the goals? Or any of the first half in fact?
  17. Hi friends. How do I stop the game having so many breaks from advancing (I believe processing is the correct word). Can I dictate to the game what makes the game stop and take me to my inbox, or a comp screen etc?
  18. How do I decide which news items the game decides I need to come back for (ie, it breaks the advancement of the game). I have checked the box to take longer processing.
  19. - Many months ago board said they wanted to expand stadium by around 3,000 seats - Work supposed to begin at end of season and be ready by new season - Now seasons has ended board say we don't have the money - It's true that we are currently 3mill in the red, but the board know that will all chance very soon given we have just been promoted to the Premier League, and with our wage budget being 3rd lowest in the Championship, it won't be long until the Championship prize money, Premier League tv money etc come into the coffers.
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