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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. Gordon in for Foden would've killed us. It's weird Gareth haven't went for it.
  2. Far from the snooze fest pretty much all of us expected it to be...
  3. Rumours are, we're going with Mitro and Vlahovic both up top, with SMS behind them. Tadic on the bench. Going for it, it seems. It couldn't possibly backfire...
  4. Ah, our manager and captain Tadic with ballsy predictions. Again. Have you learned nothing from that disaster at Qatar?! Goddammit...
  5. As long as we don't embarrass ourselves, I'd be happy with it. I'll take that 0-3 from arenaross and Gareth's handbrake. Keep it on for just one more game.
  6. I live in a really small town and I know about two dozen people working and living in Germany and/or Austria. And every time they come back, they talk about how many others is there. It's insane. And more often than not, they'll have no problems at all with Croatians, Albanians and anyone else. They work together, live together. It's only when they come home, that their inner nationalists breaks through. Until they go back to Berlin. Everything's hunky dory then. People are weird. And idiots. Weird dumbass idiots.
  7. Pretty much every Balkan country has a large diaspora in Germany. Our folks love it there...
  8. Every damn time I put my faith in Croatia (on our Discord sweepstakes), they let me down...
  9. As for the game... Spanish defense seems shaky, Rodri or no Rodri. Cheeky 0-1 for the neighbours.
  10. Yeah... Can't really argue with that... But even that aside, we have some huge on the pitch problems. Our squad is unbalanced. We have no proper fullbacks. Aside from Kostic but he's both way too attacking while being useless in defense. So to try and remedy that, our manager tried pretty much every formation and system imaginable, basically throwing everything at the wall, hoping something will stick and we'll become more stable at the back. So far, that hasn't happened. We're still awful defensively and everyone semi capable will cut through us like a knife through butter. Mitrovic was our main output going forward but playing in Saudi Arabia took its toll. He just isn't the same player. Mitro became sluggish, slower than usual (and he was a turtle before), his movement is all wrong. Vlahovic is a decent option but he needs a proper partner. Mitro had something going on with Tadic but Vlahovic just feels like the odd one out. Doesn't play that well with anyone, doesn't really connect with his squad mates. It's weird. So basically, our defense is terrible. Our attack got worse. And I have no hope for us, except for maybe just a point against Slovenia.
  11. Serbia properly FM'ed Sweden... Somehow kept a clean sheet. I'm still wary, though, fully expecting us to revert back to our shambles self five minutes into England match. Watched too much of these folks to learn not to expect anything but misery.
  12. As an outsider, this weird dick measuring contest between fans of some clubs is getting extremely tiresome...
  13. I should feel excited since this is our first Euro in 20 something years but our team's been so dreadful ever since Qatar's qualifiers that I can't help but fear the worst. As for the games, I'll watch them as much as possible. I've missed maybe two, three games during the last World Cup. Love me some tournament football. And it'll be a month or so without live football (I don't bother with friendlies) so there will be an itch to be scratched...
  14. Serbian league has huge issue as well. Per our league rules, EU nationals aren't foreigners in the league yet in the game they are which makes playing with two top sides in the country basically impossible since most of their squads are foreign players. Our community had to issue a fix through Workshop and it was done in two days yet this issue lingers in the official game all the way back in the early access. It was reported, acknowledged long time ago and still isn't fixed, officially.
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