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Posts posted by WojciechZed

  1. Hi folks.


    For those already playing FM21 beta, I have two questions.

    1) Have they finally given players with afros and long hair, afros and long hair, or is there at least going to be an option to edit real players to have it if they don't from default?

    2) How are stadiums looking. In previous games some stadiums (like Barcelona's or Monaco's) did not look anything close to the actual ground. I wonder if there has been any improvement on how the stadiums looks?

    Of course I plan to play the demo and explore for myself (still not sure if I am going to buy FM21. I didn't buy FM20), but I wonder if anyone can give me the answer to these two questions right away?

  2. If FM really cannot give any players with afros their afros due to the player's image rights, then hey could at least allow us to give them afros in the editor mode, just as we can change the hair colour, skin colour of a player etc. I mean if you can make a black player white or vice versa in the editor, and that doesn't infringe on the player's image rights, then surely you can also give a player an afro or long hair in the editor too?

  3. This might have been raised on here already, but I was curious if it was said anywhere if the Covid pandemic might be incorporated into FM, a bit like Brexit was?

    I think it would be interesting if it was, and as was the case with the Brexit scenario when it was implemented into FM, we don't know how long it will go on for so there could be different scenarios in different loads. In one scenario things could get back to normal quite quickly, and in another it could take months or even more than that and you would be playing in empty or part empty stadiums until then. This would of course affect the finances of the club etc.

    Personally I think it would be interesting to have it in, at least as an option you could turn on and off. Has this already been talked about and did anyone at the FM team mention it?

  4. Three years into my save on FM19, I decided to have a look at some Polish clubs to see how their squads have changed in those three years. So I am not actually running the Polish league (not in background either), but I'm also not running the French ligue, and yet for some reason, none of the Polish clubs seem to have made any transfers in those 3 years. Their squads looked almost the same as when I started, except for perhaps having a few young players brought into them from youth teams. I mentioned the French league, as I am not running that (not in background mode either) and those teams have bold and sold many players, as they should have. Does FM just ignore little teams from little countries and cause them not to be active in transfers? Does it help to have them in as a background league and does that slow down the experience much, as it does to add more leagues in full?

  5. In FM19 we discussed how the manager a team has doesn't seem to make much difference to the quality of the team. I.e. if a top manager takes charge of a, let's say, not so big club, or nation, that team starts to play better. Has this been improved in FM20 or is it the same?

  6. Hmmmm, second time the question has been asked and once again, the SI team are very quiet. Somebody over there must know.

    Let me ask a slightly different question then.

    How do SI go about creating the stadiums? By that I mean, from what I can see, they seem to have some square/rectangular structured grounds, that you may find more of in England for instance, and some circular/oval structures, particularly noticeable in seating area in the corners of pitches when you play in one, that you might find more of in Europe.

    How about seating? Do SI create a bunch of 5000 seater stadiums, 10000 stadiums, 15000 seater stadiums etc. Or do they only go up in 10 thousands i.e 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 etc? I doubt they go up in one thousands. There definitely aren't that many stadiums. Do they then assign each of these stadiums with the correct colours to a particular club that has the nearest amount of capacity to it? I.e. a club with 22000 seats would get a 20000 seater or a club with 78000 seats would get an 80000 seater etc. and then if the colour of their stadium's seats in real life is red, then it would obviously be red in their in game stadium too.

    I think I once saw somebody on here write that the game doesn't generate stadiums with less than 10,000 seats. Is this true? So even if you are coaching a very lowly club with only, say, a 2000 capacity stadium in real life, in game it would get a stadium with a 10000 capacity?

    I am very curious about how this works. Perhaps a member of the team could enlighten us, or perhaps somebody who plays knows, or one of the researchers?

  7. Actually having had a think about it and seen some of the replies, bonuses disappearing while on loan makes the most sense. Any bonus you agree is based on what the player does at your club, not at another. So the loaning team would pay that player's wage, or part of it (whatever is agreed) but any goal bonus or other bonus payment isn't counted while he is on loan.

    1 hour ago, yolixeya said:

    Not really if it means they would play rather then sit on the bench.


    1 hour ago, Nombre de usuario genérico said:

    In reality, the player would want compensation for the bonuses while on loan

    Why would he want compensation? I know players can be greedy, but more often than not, the players loaned out wanted to go on loan. If he isn't playing at his current club, he isn't getting any of the bonuses anyway, unless he has an unused sub bonus, that I personally think is one of the most absurd ones that exists and never offer it is any contract. As mentioned above, he would probably be happy to get playing time.

  8. I remember I started a topic some time ago asking how many different types of stadiums there were in FM and never received a reply. I understand how stadiums are generated and how you might often see many teams with the same stadium (just different colours) because they don't have the licenses to produce real stadiums, but I was wondering if SI would at least give us a rough number of how many different types of stadiums there are in game?

  9. Well it would seem daft if you sign a player to a contract where he gets a bonus per appearance of goal scored for your club, then goes off on loan and you still have to pay that bonus when he plays for or scores a goal for the club he is on loan at. Why would you pay it if you are not benefitting from it? 

    I would think if the club loaning him is agreeing to pay the full wage, they basically pay him whatever is in his contract, including bonuses for goals etc. while he is there. Having said that, I agree with the above, it would be interesting to experiment with this and see, because I am not completely sure.

  10. On 15/05/2020 at 14:26, zyfon5 said:

    But sometimes even if bringing down tempo and pressing the intensity is still largely the same especially on higher mentalities.

    An interesting theory, as when I drop the tempo and pressing I still tend to keep a positive mentality, so the team continues to attack.

    With the league won, I decided to experiment a bit with this and see if being more defensive slows down the rate my player's condition goes down. Not only did I slow down the tempo and get them to stop their counter pressing, but I also went to a more conservative defensive style of play. Unfortunately I saw no change. It seems player's conditions were still falling at a similar rate to when I was getting them to play attacking football, press high up the pitch and play at a higher tempo.

    The only thing that tends to make a difference and cause player's conditions to fall at a slower or faster rate seems to be the amount of games they play in a space of time. So for instance, one of my midfielders had a match 3 days ago, but another midfielder was rested for that game. Their conditions were similar at the start of this match (the one who was rested had a couple of percent more) but during the match the condition of the player who played a few days ago did seem to drop considerably quicker than the one who didn't play. This is good, as irl I think the effects of a previous match would also start to take its toll on a player, particularly if they played 3 or 4 matches in a short space of time. Of course it is also quite possible that natural fitness levels play a part in this too. Players who have a higher score here might be able to endure more and have their conditions drop slower. Also players in midfield positions tend to have their conditions drop quicker than defenders, also like irl, where defenders rarely need to be substituted.

    It's a shame pressing less and slowing tempo down doesn't seem to help preserve player conditions though. A team pressing for the whole game should have their conditions dropping much faster than if they don't.

  11. Something I have noticed in FM19 when paying particular attention to it, and it may also be in issue in FM20.

    It seems when I slow down the tempo my team play at and stop them counter pressing, the condition of individual players goes does just as fast as when I am playing at a high tempo and counter pressing. Surely it should make it go down slower, as they aren't exerting themselves as much? It doesn't.

  12. A couple of points. First, why has it decided to put all my April games (except the first) on weekdays and just ignore weekends? The last weekend (April 10/11) had a full fixture list of Russian Premier League games taking place and I suspect the other weekends will also have games league games played, so it makes little sense why they have decided to leave out my club? Seems like there are a lot of wasted weekends there.

    Also, check out the congestion around the Russian cup final. Since my team reached the cup final, they have moved the original league game scheduled for that day to the Monday two days later. So I know have games on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Excellent. Really not helpful when my team is challenging for the league title. I suspect that this has happened because games can't be moved forward, only back, so they had shove it in there in that last week before the end of the season? I assume this because as I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of free weekends in April where I could play that game and they could have moved that match to April. They could also have moved the cup final to a week after the season finishes, but I am assuming that this isn't allowed either for some reason?

    Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 09.36.27.png

  13. Thanks for the replies folks.

    I was thinking more about injuries in training specifically, rather than players being injured too much in general.

    The player I had injured in training wasn't injury prone and didn't have an injury issue beforehand. Then suddenly 3 months out due to a fractured lower leg, so one of the other players must have gone in hard. It would be good if we could find out exactly how an injury in training happened.

  14. I know I can stick this in the feature requests forum, but I wanted to brainstorm a bit and see what people think of this idea.

    Sometimes one of your players will get injured in training. Occasionally that injury is quite a serious one. I had that recently. An important defender got a fractured lower leg and is out for 3 months. This is extremely frustrating because you might keep a player out of a game or take him off early when a result is secure, to avoid an injury, but you do not normally take him out of training to avoid being injured by a teammate.

    I was thinking that in instances like this it would be great if we could get a report as to how exactly the injury happened, and find out who made the reckless tackle that caused the injury. We could then perhaps give a serious talking to, or a fine, to the player who caused it, for being careless and injuring a teammate.

  15. Oh a couple more negatives.

    - During my friendly, Virgil van Dijk, who was playing for the opponents Liverpool, became overwhelmed by the pressure (in a friendly). Within a few minutes and with Liverpool winning, in a friendly I would like to repeat, the entire Liverpool team became overwhelmed by the pressure. Huh?

    - Transfer offers for you players. You still get 4 or 5 offers that are exactly the same from different clubs, and often (too often) non negotiable.

  16. Played a couple of friendlies in the demo. Thoughts so far.


    - General play seems a bit better in the match engine. No constant blocked crosses and shots and most of the action doesn't seem to come from the ball being pinged about and then crossed in from the wings, so that's good.
    - Setting up a system of fines for missed training, going AWOL etc. is much needed.

    Negatives (there are more of these)

    - Players still only have short hair or are bald. Witsel is a white man with short hair. It's absurd.
    - The stadiums still do not look any more realistic. I know, licensing issues, but an olympic track, copyrighted? Come on.
    - I am not noticing these different body structures that the players are supposed to have. The managers look better though.
    - Penalties. It has been mentioned I think. 2 penalties in one of my friendlies, and the player didn't fall over in the box for either of them. When was the last time IRL a ref gave a penalty if a player stayed on his feet?
    - Sound is completely out of sync. No cheering when a goal goes in, but then on the reply, loud cheering. Huh?
    - While the match engine is generally a bit more varied, it often seems like players just run through others at times.


    Not likely to buy game.

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