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Posts posted by WojciechZed

  1. Er, not it doesn't happen all the time in real life. Name me the last time that you saw the manager of a Premier League team seen at a stadium in a foreign country to scout a player. 

    Now what you might get, is some scouts attending games and then once they decide to give the player a thumbs up, the manager might, on occasion, take one trip to take a look at him themselves. In FM though, you get messages numerous times about a manager being at a stadium to see a player. Can you imagine Guardiola being seen at say, Sevilla games, 3 or 4 times in a row, during the season, to watch a player? It doesn't happen. The fact that one manager used to do it doesn't make it common.

  2. I think one unrealistic thing about this game is how managers from other teams are often reported to have been seen at a match to watch one of your players that they are interested in. This doesn't tend to happen in football, unless of course it is an international manager. I recently had West Ham manager Pellegrini seen at the stadium in my midweek Russian league game to watch a player he was interested in. Really? Should he not be with is club in mid week, preparing for the weekend game? It would be better if it said scouts were at the match from a certain club.

  3. So I had this happen recently, and this type of thing tends to happen often, as you will know. One player is unhappy he isn't getting playing time. I talk to him and tell him I don't currently have a place for him in my team, but if he buckles down and works hard blah blah blah. This isn't enough for him and he says he needs playing time now. So to put it simply, the meeting doesn't go well, because I refuse to give him a place in the team just because he wants it. He isn't an influential player, so I hope it doesn't effect the team, but of course, it does. Suddenly I get a situation where I have a split in the squad. Some of the players agree with him and feel I have treated him badly, and some are on my side. It's about even. So I look through who is agreeing with me and who isn't. This doesn't get me far either, as my captain agrees with me, but my vice captain doesn't. Some influential players agree with me and some don't. My question is, what would you do/have you done in this situation? Either way some of them will be unhappy.

    On a slightly different note, I noticed while having talks with a player to explain a situation to him, that an important option here is missing. I told a player I would be placing him on the transfer list, but couldn't give the reason that I wanted to, that being, their is a foreign player limit for the starting line up and I simply have to offload some players who are not foreign. Not sure it would make him feel any better, but would be nice to have this in. The media sometimes ask the question as to whether you not registering a player was because of the 'harsh' rules of the league, so it would be nice if this could also be incorporated into player talks too.

  4. Yep most of the Leipzig team was basically in the 8s and 9s. When a team does badly, most of the players tend to get bad ratings. When it does well, most of the team has good ones. The amount of times I see that a team (mine or the opposition) is losing by 3 or 4 goals, the whole defence has a bad rating. Sometimes this result can be down to one or two of the defenders having a horrible game, but I can't remember the last time I saw a split, where some of the defenders get a good rating and others get a bad one. It seems to often treat the defence as a collective unit, even when sometimes the bad result is really the fault of just one defender or two, who are having a horrible game. Also, whenever a team is winning by a high margin, the opposing team almost always has bad ratings, as a whole, while the winning team has great ones. Sometimes the winning team is 3 or 4 nil up because the opposing team is playing terribly, not necessarily because they are doing that well, but again, they will always have a high rating, just because they are winning. Do players of a top team deserve 8 and 9 ratings because they beat a team 3 or 4 leagues lower than them by a high margin?

    The goalkeeper thing is tough because if he hasn't had anything to do, then what rating should he get? A high one doesn't seem right, because he didn't do anything, but a lot one doesn't seem right either, since he hasn't done anything wrong. The starting position in FM seems to be 6.8 for some reason, so I assume that is the equivalent of an 'average' rating, hence a goalkeeper that hasn't had anything to do, should be getting 6.8, even if the rest of his team are getting 7s, 8s and 9s.

    It's also true that defensive work doesn't seem to be rewarded as much. Of course you will have defenders and defensive midfielders receive man of the match awards, but their rating will usually be in the 7s, because they don't have that assist or goal that immediately hoists their rating up, and amazing last ditch goal preventing tackles or winning the ball in the middle of the park all day doesn't seem to translate into a high rating quite as well.

  5. I think this is something that has been brought up before, but I don't think that the match ratings are done as well as they could be.

    Players are either given too generous ratings for doing one good thing in a match, or much too harsh ones.

    For instance, a player can have a very average or even below average game, then score a penalty, and suddenly he gets a 7.2 rating and is the PoM.

    On the other side, I had a game recently where my team took a 6-0 drubbing in the Europa League. It was against Leipzig to be fair, who are a bit too good in this game. Watching it, I could see the defence were terrible, and the goals being scored were generally down to their faults, not the goalkeeper. In fact, he made quite a few fantastic saves that prevented the score from being even higher (yes it was very one sided and could have been worse than 6-0). He didn't seem to make any real mistakes for the goals conceded, and yet he was given the worst rating on the pitch and the lowest I have seen in this game (5.2). All but one of the defenders had ratings below 6, with one getting 6.0 exactly. It almost seemed like the saves he was making were not calculated into his rating, and all that mattered was that he conceded 6 goals. Of course, when you let in that many goals, you're not likely to get an 8 or 9, know matter how many saves you make, but he definitely seemed the least to blame out of the defence and yet he got the worst rating.

    Have you ever felt the rating not to correspondent to the player's performance?

  6. Now again I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. In the EL, my German club has no issue with stands (there is no empty stand). Only in the CL is the area behind the goal empty. If it is due to the terraces thing, that would only make sense if only the CL IRL has a rule where you can't have terraces. If European games in general have the terraces rule, then it's either a bug, or SI forgot to include the rule for EL matches, otherwise that stand would also be shut for my EL games.

  7. Does anyone else get the impression there is a bit too much rainy weather for games? I assume when you play in Spain or Italy, you don't have this, but I am currently playing in Germany and it looks like 80 or 90% of games have rain. I know more rain can be expected in places like Germany and England, but that much?

  8. Has anyone seen chipped goals or scissor or bicycle kicks? I have played quite a few seasons in total now, always tend to watch it in the 3D match engine, and have never seen a chipped or lobbed goal, or a scissor kick or bicycle kick goal, or even attempt for that matter. I appreciate they would be rare, but I want to confirm if they can actually happen.

  9. It's looking as though this is an issue caused by German clubs having terraces and the fact that these are not allowed to be used in UEFA competitions, so the terrace seats are empty in CL and EL games. In IRL though, as someone mentioned to me in another thread, this issue is sorted by clubs from Germany using rail seats, that you can flip down and fix into position, to avoid fans standing, thus following UEFA guidelines. Hopefully SI can incorporate this into their game. 

  10. 1 hour ago, forameuss said:

    He literally says why.  FM only has options for terraces and seating.  Terraces aren't allowed.  Real life it's not strictly "terracing" but FM doesn't model it.

    If it's happening with just the German sides, that suggests he's onto something.

    So you are suggesting that in FM, both Borussia Dortmund and Bayern have terraces behind one goal, and this isn't allowed in the CL, so that's why no fans are there during CL games? Would be insane if that was the reason, but if it is, then surely other users here are having the same issue, when they manage a German club in the CL or when they play against one.

    1 hour ago, forameuss said:

    One of the graphical settings is turning off the crowd, given they're animated and will be taking up resources.

    I have not done anything with the graphics settings. The rest of the stadium has a crowd. I don't think you can take out the crowd for just one part of the stadium.

  11. There are certainly some clubs who have done decently in European competitions, and it would be interesting to have their league in FM, such as APOEL (Cyprus), or even Qarabag (Azerbaijan).

    When it comes to additional lower leagues I went for Germany. I think we have plenty in England, although I'm sure some users would like to delve even deeper, but Germany would be nice, if nothing else, to be able to have the leagues where the B teams play and allow them to participate in them and not have to create friendlies for them to play in all season.

  12. 1 hour ago, AytchMan said:

    One possibility is that one of the pre-game news items may occasionally say that, due to low expected attendance, one or more of the stands may be closed (to save expenses or something).  Look for that.  It could be the problem.  And yes, I see it sometimes but I play lower league and we never come close to filling the stands.

    But it has happened when I managed Bayern and Dortmund. Did not happen when I managed Ajax.

    9 minutes ago, Dalglish said:

    I could be wrong but I think it's due to terraces being closed for Champions League and Europa League matches  Therefore the empty section in your picture is closed as it's not a seated area. IRL it would be safe standing but in FM there is only seated and terrace (FM doesn't take into account safe standing).

    Same as above. An exclusively German thing to have terraces closed during the CL? Hard to believe. Also not like IRL.

    1 hour ago, Carambau said:

    Maybe a graphic detail issue? Check the preferences

    I doubt it, but in what way? 

  13. So I reported this as a bug a while back in the bugs match engine forum, but since then, that area has been closed. I was told it might be a glitch with reading the game reading the attendance number properly.

    Obviously this won't be fixed for FM19 now, but I am curious if anyone else has had this bug, or whether I am just unfortunate and it is just my version of FM that does this.

    When in charge of Bayern, I realised that there was no crowd in one stand behind the goal for all home CL games, no matter who I played. I was wondering if this was just a one off thing with this particular save. I later had a different save managing Ajax and did not have this issue in the CL. I am managing Borussia Dortmund now in a different save again, and once again the issue of no crowd behind one of the goals is there for CL home games. It seems to be some glitch that only affects me when I play as a German club in the CL.

    Has anybody else had an issue with this? If not specifically with German teams, then generally having no fans behind one of the goals, and not because the attendance is low, but even with full or realy a full capacity stadium.


  14. As we know, in real life, players, particularly certain players that have specific characters, have a habit of doing all types of things externally to the club, that can affect their position at the club, or at least annoy their coach, teammates or fans, or all three. Examples of this could be interviews with the media, criticising their own manager or a teammate/s, or perhaps hinting that they would be interested in joining such and such a club. It could be a social media post that is seen as disrespectful to the manager of club, or 'liking' a social media post linking them to another club, as players have done before, that suggests they want to force a move. It doesn't have to be negative of course, it could also be, for instance, an apology on social media to the club and fans for their recent behaviour, perhaps a negative reaction to being substituted etc. These types of things happen a lot in real life, so it would be nice to see some of that in FM.

  15. So as was suggested for me to do, could we actually give players with long hair, long hair please. Could we also have a few more hair types for players for the 3D match engine. So far I haven't seen any other than short hair and bald.

  16. Could we zoom closer in the 3D match engine please? Even the closest zoom isn't that close. Also the same on 2D please. The distance (how high up you are above the pitch) has varied in 2D over the years in Football Manager. I personally prefer it closer, and at the moment it is quite far out, the circles/players are very little, so perhaps we could finally get the option to zoom in and out as close as we want to on the 2D pitch, much like we can choose the match speed?

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