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Posts posted by autohoratio

  1. 7 hours ago, staclarapa said:

    I think the game would be more interesting if SI can put randomness to the referee decision to add more controversy and drama and unlucky/luckiness feeling just like real life. let say refreee decision only 95% accurate, the 5% will be a room for error e.g. the offside goal will stand, player get unfair red card, unrightful penalty, etc

    There's already inaccuracy built into refereeing decisions.

  2. 22 hours ago, harrycarrie said:

    Short corners are  back






    Add in my throw in routine and you get the below:




    Lol ratings:



    Love this game!

    Would be interested to know your corner routine. Not sure if it's the overpowered lack of tactical familiarity but when I'm attempting short corners, it often results in the corner taker playing a 1-2 with the Come Short player but failing to get onside before the return pass, or the Come Short player trying to play a long ball to a player on the edge of the area which is often cut out by the opposition.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

    Agree so much with all of this.

    Especially in regard to counter attacking football. I'm finding that poachers are sitting far too deep rather than on the shoulder.

    Maybe not quite enough 0-0's either!


    4 minutes ago, Freakiie said:

    Seeing the same thing with my Shadow Strikers in a strikerless system, they don't push up anywhere near as aggressively as they did in FM21. Makes counters a very rare occurrence as high mentality players just don't push up anywhere near as aggressively and quickly as you'd expect them to, so most counters just fizzle out due to a complete lack of support.

    Agreed with this. Also noticed this with wing-backs - I've been playing various 3ATB systems (mostly wingerless) and the wing-backs (or wide midfielders which I've also been using) don't seem to want to go forward soon enough when countering unless they're put on Attack duty.

  4. Inspired by this comment:

    A label on analysis graphs to show which team is which would be useful, as well as an alternate option to change the colours to contrasting ones for when the club colours are too similar, or one is too dark and blends into the background. Here's a quick 5 minute concept image I made in photoshop:


  5. 5 hours ago, styluz05 said:

    I'm playing as MTK and not had one of these fancy Deadline days they talked about. Gone through 3 deadline days just as normal. Am I doing something wrong? Not that I think the feature adds anything. Just wondered if it's a bug or you have to click "take part" lol 

    SI have said the new Deadline Day feature is only for leagues where it has significant media coverage, so the Hungarian league might not be considered to have enough media interest. If you think that it should have the DD feature you can raise it as a feature request (or possibly in the bugs forum? Not sure which would be better)

  6. The "debatable decisions" was that one goal was a tight onside call where VAR confirmed it was onside by about a foot.
    Where is the option to say "The refereeing in this game was fine."? None of these options are what I want to say.

    It feels like every time that a goal is allowed/disllowed for onside/offside the journalists in the game are programmed to bring up "cOnTrOvErSiAl ReFeReEiNg DeCiSiOnS".

    edit: And if I choose the "Wag finger" gesture (the popup hint says "as if to belittle" - belittle whom? The journalist? The players? The referee? The opposition? The fans?) I can only choose "Negative" dialogue options, which basically makes it pointless. Why? "Shake head" locks out the "Positive" dialogue options as well; why should that be the case if I want to disagree with the journalist's leading question?


  7. On 28/10/2021 at 19:54, Metal said:

    Can't SI sort out the pitch textures they are horrible, every pitch looks exactly the same bright green. Last year it was up to the mods to upgrade the pitch textures, don't know how there aren't more complaints as they really ruin the graphical experience for me

    +1 to this. I'd really like if they'd remove the concentric circle ones and vertical lines pitch textures as well, or at least add an option to show only horizontal lines.

  8. 11 hours ago, decapitated said:

    Is it just me or is this window showing Newcastle considerably overpaying for some of these players?

    Is that completely unrealistic? Newcastle's new owners are richer than everyone else in the league combined; more than 10x the net worth of Man City's owners. Other clubs are well aware of this and it's likely they will exploit it to the fullest extent by charging a "Newcastle tax".

  9. Just in case it got missed, and if it's not too late for the FM22 DB, Lukas Spalvis' contract with Kaiserslautern was mutually terminated a couple of days ago - after briefly joining in with team training after his injury hell he suffered chronic thigh pain which meant he couldn't get back on the pitch.

    What would be the proper solution from a DB perspective – if it's unlikely he'll be fit enough to play professional football in the foreseeable future, should his profile be deactivated from the database?

  10. One single attribute isn't the be-all and end-all. If he performs in the match engine as effectively as he does in real life then he doesn't need to have 20 Dribbling. And as always, the Liverpool researcher will be finetuning the player data to ensure that the players are accurately represented.

    Besides that if you have any data issues to raise you should post them here: 


  11. 1 hour ago, ImDaWeasel said:

    I know it's been the corner stone of football manager since the beginning but with their new way of how ratings decrease and increase, I think it should be totally gutted out and started afresh with every player starting at 5 and working their way from there. Theres just too little room for manouver when your dominating ball winning midfielder scores 6.3 and gets disciplined vs a 1 goal winning striker who scores 7.0 and gets praised. 

    Completely agree; right now ratings 1-5 are completely pointless, and ~99% of ratings will be in the 6-9 range.

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