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Choi seung won

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Everything posted by Choi seung won

  1. When do you expect the next major update to come out? They said it would come out at least before Christmas, but I think it's too late. Considering that there was no update at the official release, it should come out at least within the first week of December.
  2. I am experiencing the same problem. The full-backs always have an open line of sight and angle to cross, but they don't try. Then, a back pass is made and the midfielder or winger finishes with a mid-range shot.
  3. si needs major changes to player dialogue scripts and interactions. I haven't changed my nearly identical interviews for years (especially when interviewing players, the options have been pretty much the same for years). It's really annoying.
  4. I will be looking at the december update and rate the fm23. If the issue raised in the bugtracker drags on until March, I have no intention of buying the fm series anymore. Issues raised in the bugtracker (particularly the match engine defense issues) should have been resolved prior to official release. Users who bought it with money are currently playing a game full of bugs, which is a ridiculous situation.
  5. si developers!!! Please respond. Why are you ignoring demands for stadium improvements? Why do you answer only what you want to answer?
  6. Right. It seems to be ignoring the instructions and playing according to the pattern set by the match engine. In fact, since before fm23, I felt the instructions were mostly useless. Commands such as cross early, dribble more, etc. are not applied by the match engine at all.
  7. Fullbacks always have the timing and vision to cross, so why always backpass? Always pass to the winger or midfielder behind you without crossing right away and finish with a mid-range shot. is it a bug? The instructions to post an early cross are useless.
  8. I agree with your argument. si deserves to be blamed. They are deliberately silent about what users are desperately asking for. Stadium improvement, national team improvement, set piece improvement, etc.
  9. The dribbling and movement issues of the inside forward and inverted wingers will definitely be fixed in the next update, right? Right, developers?
  10. As you said, it's hard to report as a bug because traits don't appear every time a player has the ball. However, when I observe the full game, I asked this question because most of the players always use similar defensive movements, shooting patterns, and cross patterns. It seems that the trait is difficult to implement properly in the match engine. Thanks for the reply.
  11. It’s something I’ve been curious about while doing FM for a long time. Each player has their own characteristics. I like to dribble on the defensive side, penetrate into center from both sides, have great skills and like to pass under my feet. Do these traits really work in the match engine? It doesn't seem to be working properly. If you look at the overall highlight, each player has no personality. All you have to do is score, defend, and play according to a set pattern. Waiting for a reply from the developer. I'm really curious.
  12. I wish Miles didn't care about this useless 3d manager's face, but only about the stadium. If you don't like that, I'd like to at least make a stadium editor. Again, customizing the manager's appearance is a really, really, really useless feature.
  13. I think the roles of inside forwards and inverted wingers are very important in modern football. Currently in matchengine, as people say in forum feedback, he's actually playing closer to an attacking midfielder. He is terrified of dribbling and always chooses backpass or crosses as his priority. This problem must be fixed in the next patch.
  14. If you do not want to improve the appearance of the stadium, create and distribute a stadium editor so that users can improve it themselves. Currently, user-created things such as face packs, kit packs, and skins make fm much more fun.
  15. It is true that users can play millions of matches. By the way. Many of the defense-related bugs reported on the Match Engine Bug Tracker right now are obvious to anyone after playing a few games. ... what's even more annoying? while completely useless features like manager appearance (watches, accessories, etc.) are added, the really important issues like improving the appearance of the stadium, improving the set pieces and improving the national team are not taken into account at all.
  16. I really don't understand every year. What the hell is the match engine team doing for a year so they can't catch bugs?? Every year paid users should report bugs. Shouldn't the match engine team make a bug-free game before that? I'm really annoyed.. they didn't fix the match engine during the official release. We have to wait indefinitely again. To play the right game. Games are always completed after March. It's absurd.
  17. Even though users have been asking for a stadium editor for years, is there any reason why si doesn't make it??
  18. In the current match engine, the right full-back seems to have good performance regardless of the player. In particular, all of the top dribbling success rates in each league are right fullbacks. Isn't that a bug?
  19. He should at least go on loan to another first-team team or even sub as a first-team team. Playing for the u-18 team doesn't suit his age and transfer fee at all. It seems like a bug.
  20. While playing fm23, the role of inside forward and inverted winger doesn't seem to work properly. In particular, most of the patterns go to the end line without dribbling inward and raise a back pass or cross. It seems like a bug. 7:40 He could dribble in, but he goes to the side. 39:10 He was able to dribble inward to create a shooting angle. Orlando City vs Columbus Crew.pkm
  21. I know it's very difficult to implement dribbling in the match engine, but it will be really good if you just modify the consistent pattern in the current match engine. And the current full-backs' dribbling success rate is too high. You must correct that part.
  22. Too often ai clubs sell players for much lower than the purchase price? It makes no sense to sell a player who is particularly good like that, is it a bug?
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