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Everything posted by 04texag

  1. I don't recall exactly, I'll have to find it. This was back in the Sassuolo era. I set up a conservative build from the back, with the 4231 shape. Back for played always back, as ball recyclers, then the front 6 were very fluid with positional rotation/flexibility. I did use Cautious mentality, and the fb-AU role, as you can tell that specific combo to hold position and do very customized setups. It worked a treat.
  2. I used to do this, and did two years ago with a de Zerbi recreation, it definitely can work.
  3. Played one game, tweaked things throughout, and landed on a first version to keep messing with. My my, there were some really beautiful phases of play that looked on point. This was quite a fun new thing to find and play with.
  4. Love the post and what you've done. Thanks for illustrating this tactical approach so well. Can't wait to give this a go! I had ideas in my head before seeing your tactics screen, a lot similar though some differences.
  5. I tried to do an England recreation after their smashing of Iran. It's hard though, as with the forward attackers, they are way more fluid than the ME allows. For example, Sterling plays like an IW or IF at the AML spot, but many times he would drift in the middle third of the pitch to the right side of Mount whom I assume was the AMC. It's too hard to get all of that variability working right. Otherwise, it was a great tactic to play with. A 4231, that in phases played like a 433 with Rice sitting in the hole and Bellingham exploring high up the pitch, perhaps like a BBM or Mez.
  6. It also depends on the teamwork attribute. Guys with high teamwork, no matter the PRD can be very good at getting out of position to cover for others, or moving to the ball to support each other, etc.
  7. I think that the two DM slot roles selected are both going to get plenty forward, I think this is actually the most balanced of the two, but worth playing both to see.
  8. Possibly? You need more than one runner I'd imagine, so maybe a really agressive wingback. But still that's only two runners with two sitting in the whole looking for someone to move beyond them to thread through balls for. Maybe try one as a customized AM, or a Treq, and that could vary things up a little more.
  9. Glad i'm not the only one just mashing encourage and shouting at the PC! In all seriousness, it takes more than conceding one for me to get too drastic, unless I've already been seeing something else concerning that needs changing.
  10. Personally, with two WB on attack, and three attacking forwards, I would leave them in the DM strata and likely change the dlp to def duty as well, but worth trying as is both on support. I'd maybe try the left WB on support since the volante, depending on player, is going to be pretty agressive.
  11. Napoli definitely has a fun squad to play with right now. Kvicha is great. I think politano also fits well as a fun playmaking roaming 10
  12. You've mentioned players but you could have done priority transfers. Excited to see how this gets on either way
  13. @crusadertsar I think I missed it, tried to reskim, but did you announce what team you'll be using for this tactic?
  14. Ya, that should be fine. Maybe the quality or attributes of your defenders? I've had a lot of play from the back without that TI and not needing play through the middle. Usually just shorter passing, then tell gk to distribute to CBs
  15. What was your passing length setting, and did you have someone in midfield to drop deep and help with building up play?
  16. One thing I've found that helps with this a lot is not overly relying on play from the back. With the right TI and roles you can still play from the back but with much more of a vertical game than just always recycling.
  17. Um wait a second, loads mind blown gif, how did you put these together? I really love these visuals!
  18. I went to A&M, and NOT enjoying the season... I tend to go with AF-A over most other roles when running a single striker
  19. Howdy from texas?? I like to think about the difference with these as do I want an offensive focused scorer, who might press occassionally (AFA), the prime scoring threat for my team, or do I want more of a team player, presses very often, more all around player or willing to lay off to another striker or IF-A.
  20. I used him in fm22 although maybe the is an unseen mental attribute where he always doubted he could play and he swapped teams every two seasons. Hopefully a fluke.
  21. Super happy to see this thread. Love your approaches and glad to see this match up with a style I'd love to try emulating.
  22. Personally excited to see the direction you go here. I too am working on a long term Villareal Juego de Posicion save.
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