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Everything posted by Novafluff

  1. Season Review 2023 Table | Transfers | Finance | Facilities | Youth Intake Having quite an okay team for our division i thought from the start that we should try to do our best to get promoted while these guys can carry us as youth will take a while to get quality from. It ended up being a battle for promotion where 5 teams all could go up starting the last game. We lost against 4th placed Hässleholms IF which saw them winning the title and us ending 5th, a win and we would have been champions. On the more positive side we got a good prospect in Jimmy Karlsson already in the first intake where i had 0 expectations. He will start in the central midfield next season. We also managed to upgrade our JC and YR which is good for the long run. Top Scorer: Jesper Lundborg 15 Goals | 26(0) Games Most Assists: Brandon Camacho Sobek | 7 Assists | 24(0) Games Best Average: Brandon Camacho Sobek | 7.40 Average | 24(0) Games Top Prospect: (01-A)Jimmy Karlsson | 0 Games
  2. The fight for promotion as we are about to play the last game against Hässleholms IF is tense for real!
  3. I ended up starting over even thou it started good in Hungary it seems for me that i need to play with Sweden as i have always done in this challenge. So starting with Högaborg BK, same club as last year. The club that brought through Henrik Larsson the Celtic legend.
  4. Worth noting is that the club had agreed transfers for two players on my joining date so these will not be used and will try to get rid of them
  5. Ended up having to simulate 3(!) seasons in Hungary as it first went from 20 to 18 teams and then 18 to 16 but now it stayed at 16 so we finally had som promoted teams in the league. Out of three teams we chose Szolnok as they had adequate facilities comapred to the basic of the others. Goal is to stay up
  6. I dont know if this question has been up, but it seems like after first season hungarian 2nd division cuts down from 20 to 18 teams which mean there are no promoted sides. So i guess you need to simulate two seasons?
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