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Everything posted by bpecanha

  1. Me! I've always played without using attribute masking and relying on player search, but in my current save I've been trying to avoid that, only signing players who are fully scouted (or trusting on my judgement if they're not fully scouted). Started with Club Brugge, predicted to finish 2nd in the league, but we were actually in 8th. I held my job until the January window because we were doing alright in the Conference League (I almost lost a match to Lincoln Red Imps in the group stage though). After the transfer window I went 5 matches unbeaten, but lost one and they sacked me. New manager actually got knocked out of the UECL in the Round of 16 (where I left) and finished the league in 11th, but he managed to win the league next season. Then I went to Belgium 3rd Division with R Knokke FC, but the team was terrible. Once we lost 3 or 4-0 and I ironically praised the team because I was angry. They reacted well. For me that was the end and I've resigned after 4 months with my team in 18th (last place), although our xG said we should be 2nd (!!!). After that I went to FC Blau-Weiss Linz in Austria and only now things are starting to look better. Got in a relegation battle when I arrived, lost 10 games in a row, but actually managed to save the club in the final day. Last season I finally overachieved in this save and finished 6th with a club predicted to be last (we don't have money, so signing good players and real gems without using player search is really hard).
  2. Mine was a match in Brazilian Série B, I was fighting against relegation with Operário-PR and we've faced Coritiba (one of the best teams in the division) away. Coritiba comfortably scored 3-0 past us and we couldn't even hit the target, but I did some tweaks in the 70th minute and, all of a sudden, everything clicked, we've scored in the 72th and again in the 74th minute to make it 3-2. I don't know why, but Coritiba seemed in shock with the goals and changed the formation to a 3-4-3. It only helped me and in the 87th minute my striker scored a beauty to make it 3-3. Coritiba were putting men forward and searching for the winning goal, but in the 93th minute we hit them with a magnificent counter-attack to make it 4-3. I remember that I ran like crazy in my house celebrating, it was incredible.
  3. I always love those April Fools messages in my saves, but they shouldn't appear if I'm unemployed, right? Just got sacked after a disastrous season with Club Brugge, but the message appeared; It's probably easy to solve and also quite fun, but I've decided to report it anyway.
  4. The april fools joke just got better. Thank you TEAM#1 board for your incredible generosity!
  5. I was using the editor when I saw this thread, so I've decided to take a look into it. Usually the best player with 1 in a certain attribute (excluding goalkeepers sometimes) has a CA between 80 and 110, but there are some examples below and above that margin. In South Korea's 2nd tier you have midfielder Bruno Lamas playing for Busan IPARK with Concentration 1 and CA 117. Kaoru Mitoma's dirtiness is 1, although this can be considered a good thing as well. Obviously his CA is bigger than 110 (149, to be exact) In Ecuador 1st division, left midfielder Braian Oyola has Jumping Reach 1 and CA 115 (he's just 1.58m, so it's completely understandable) Anthony Elanga from Nottm Forest has Marking 1 and 130 of CA. To be honest, I'm from Brazil, so I've never paid attention to Elanga (I don't even know if I have seen a match where he was playing). However, he plays in the Premier League. Considering that a lot of amateur players are in the game at the lower rep teams, I very much doubt that Elanga's marking ability is worse than an average sunday league footballer, imagine then comparing to people who doesn't play at all (like me). He is obviously better. I think it's used to determine that a player is REALLY bad at something compared to professional footballers, and sometimes I think it's just to give enough room to increase other attributes (I believe this is the case with Elanga). Funny thing: there was a defender while searching called Kenner Gutiérrez that had 1 for Teamwork, Crossing, Dribbling and Technique, but I think someone was really mad with him because all of his set attributes are really low . His CA is 107, but his recommended CA in editor was 1. And when you load him in FM, he's actually quite good for the level he's playing.
  6. Hello, I'm playing the youth challenge here in the forums with Fraserburgh from Scotland. Starting without badges, I asked my chairman if I could do coaching courses to improve my attributes. They wouldn't allow me to study because it would overload our current staff. I said I would make sure that no staff member would be overloaded, and that all training categories would be assigned, and the chairman accepted. He said that if I could guarantee that, he would allow me to study. You can see how my coaching assignments are set in the staff.png file. Even if I exclude myself of the assignments, you can see (staff2.png) that I could ensure light/average training anyway. In fact, when I did that, my chairman was pleased and I had a green circle in Promises section. I thought that my chairman would allow me to study as soon as I adjusted what he asked, but it didn't happened. "Ok", I said", "maybe I need to wait until the duration ends". I have waited, but the promise simply disappeared and nothing happened. For one or two months I didn't had the option to request to do a coaching course again. When it finally reappeared, I asked and - much to my surprise - the board rejected again! This time saying that they were afraid of losing me. In the end, chairman's promises weren't real and I'm still without any badges, as you can see in mystats.png. When I click in Board section, it only shows the last interaction, which is weird. Unfortunately, those interactions are already gone in my current file, but I've uploaded it anyway.
  7. This save with FC Jazz didn't last long. We had the worst odds in the league (with the exception of Honka/Akatemia, who didn't had odds), and with three relegation spots it was always going to be hard to avoid the drop. I actually felt that we could've avoided that, but our slumps in form during the season were too critical. Our attack was quite decent to be fair, we only had six games without scoring in the entire season, but our defence clearly didn't had the level to compete and was atrocious. Our attack was the 3rd best in the league (alongside EIF), but our defence was the 2nd worst, only above Honka/Akatemia. It's a shame that it ended like this, especially because we had a lot of promising youngsters coming through the ranks. I'll definetely try this challenge again, it's so much fun to try to make a limited team work.
  8. 90+4 minute. I'm winning 1-0 and trying to hold the result with everything I have. Opposition has a dangerous free kick in the left side of the box. Goalkeeper Koponen goes to the area. The freekick is taken and Koponen simply tries to score with his hands! The obvious result:
  9. Trying this challenge again, this time bringing some music to this thread with FC Jazz from Finland. A club that has a decent history, much to my surprise - the Paprikapaidat (Pepper shirts, in English) has won the first division twice, in 1993 and 1996.
  10. Hi everybody, I'm playing with the team I support (Vasco) and, this time, I've set my DoF to make player signings and to take care of contracts. Although I think he's quite slow, he's trying to sign some players. Usually, what I'm doing is to set scouting duties, get the results and, if I like a player, ask my DoF to sign him. However, I'm having a problem with staff. Actually, my DoF brought four new scouts and a reserve assistant manager. However, I seriously need an assistant manager to the first team and he doesn't seem to care. I don't want to negotiate contracts with staff myself, so I have two questions: 1) I have placed an advert looking for an assistant manager and got a lot of interest. If I shortlist my favourite options, this is going to make my DoF try to sign them more actively? 2) Is there any other way to make DoF sign a specific staff quicker? Thanks
  11. I'll start again. Had problems with my computer and lost a lot of progress with Villa Española. Don't know where I'm going to manage, I tried Slovenia but rules there are awful. Maybe Ireland, Turkey or something more random like Albania or Kosovo. Edit: I just realized that there's no relegation in Ireland...
  12. VILLA ESPAÑOLA - 2026 Youth Intake Uruguayan Second Division Well, there is no other word to say that: this is terrible. I've signed six players only because I wanted to have a full U19 team, hoping that someone is going to become better than the predictions, because they all look awful right now. For me, the best one is Santiago Rivero. Finishing 17, Determination 15, Resolute personality and decent pace, this is alright - other atributes are terrible, though. Also, I want to bring something that I forgot in my last update: I had to rebuild half of my staff, because all the brazilians I brought to the club, including HoYD René Simões, decided to leave after their contracts expired in June. My finances are really bad right now, so I'm planning to rebuild it again to save money. Villa Española had two youth intakes and there's no one who barely looks like a good football player, so we need to recover our financial status as soon as possible to make improvements in our facilities. This isn't just going to be a youth only challenge, is going to be a financial one as well.
  13. VILLA ESPAÑOLA - 2025 SEASON Uruguayan Second Division Well, things went quickly wrong... remember that we already had a spot secured in the Playoffs after winning the Torneo Competencia at the start of the season. However, after that epic 8-4 against Uruguay Montevideo, our 3-2-3-2 system quickly became vulnerable at the back. We have conceded in 14 straight matches. Our attack scored in 11 of those matches, but it wasn't enough for us to grab a lot of points - we only got one win and five draws in this sequence. At this point, we were in last place in the regular season table, although relegation wasn't a real problem for us due to our great start in Torneo Competencia. However, something needed to change. I've decided to re-evaluate our squad, and I found two big problems. If you ask me right now, I'll say they were obvious, but I simply couldn't realize at the time. First one was our wings - they were our best attacking threat, but also our biggest weakness in defense. I don't like to use full backs or wing back (D), but I had to do it since our options for attacking fullbacks were really limited. The other one was: our team was too small. So I built a taller back four along with my (newly set) defensive midfielder, even if players weren't the best ones available. So my new tactics looked like that: And it really helped our form. I knew that getting back to straight wins was almost impossible, but we managed to get some good results and play decent football. In this division we have to look at three tables go get the full picture, so here's how everything ended: Regular season: Overall table: Average points table: Playoffs: We have faced our rivals Rentistas in Playoff semifinals, and even with a below average regular season, I felt that we could beat them. We played the first match at home, and it wasn't good, they neutralized all of our threats and we lost 2-1 - it could have been even worse. For the second leg I made some changes in the midfield and it really worked, we went to halftime winning 3-1 away. However, Rentistas found another goal and took the game to penalties, where we lost our composure and missed all of them. It wasn't to be. Player of the season Lira was a joy to watch through the entire season, and he was the only player that maintained good exhibitions even when our form vanished. Really good player.
  14. VILLA ESPAÑOLA - 2025 SMALL UPDATE I wasn't going to update things here until the end of the season, but I just played one of the most epic games of my entire in Football Manager. So, before the start of the Uruguayan Second Division, teams play a tournament called Torneo Competencia. 14 clubs are divided in two groups and, after six matches, the best team in each group qualifies to the final. Our tactic worked really well, and Villa Española managed to win all six games in the group, to my entire surprise. And we were playing well, not just winning, which is even best. We were going to face Uruguay Montevideo in the final. I was expecting a tough match, but they outclassed us in the entire first half. They went to the half-time winning 3-0, and it could've been more. In the dressing room, I've subbed my RPM and went with a trio upfront, two Advanced Forwards and one Target Man. I did this in the final minutes of the match against Rocha and it paid off, as you can see by the late, late goals. However, Uruguay Montevideo scored 4-0 in the 53th minute. At this point, I was hoping that I could avoid an humilliation. But the team suddenly clicked. I hadn't changed anything since the fourth goal. And then this happened: I don't know how we did that, but we simply turned into prime Real Madrid for the rest of the game and scored 8 GOALS. Uruguay Montevideo looked powerless, especially during the extra time. A fabulous win. Now we are champions of Torneo Competencia. What does it means to us? Not too much, but we have actually secured a spot in the league playoff semifinals, even if we finish dead last. Now, teams are going to play 26 games in the regular season, but the Overall Table already looks like this: And what about relegation? Well, there is another table with Average Points, they take into consideration this season and the last one (if you're promoted or relegated, they'll only count the current season). So even if we have a terrible regular season, we need to finish at least in 12th place.
  15. Villa Española - First Update Hello! I'll be starting with Villa Española in the Uruguayan 2nd tier. They were founded in 1952 and play in Obdulio Jacinto Varela stadium, with 3.7k capacity. Villa Española played in the First Division recently, in 2021 - they had back to back relegations, however. I have already played pre-season games and also had our first youth intake. I'm going to show the highlights below. My profile: Current squad: Best players: Tactics: We've been playing like this so far. Firstly, I've tried to use two half backs and two WCBs in support role. Our tactical shape was similar to what I thought first, but I felt that the team lacked numbers in attack, so I have switched to this more straightforward version. We are conceding a lot of chances, but also creating a lot, so overall I'm quite pleased right now. As you can see in the screenshot below, our preseason went quite well. First two games were against lower league opposition, I think we were unlucky in both of them, specially against Unión de Durazno: they had two shots and scored three goals! That's when I've switched tactics to this one in the screenshot, and the team got more balanced after that. We won our rivals Cerrito and beat Cerro, a team of our division. YOUTH INTAKE: I forgot to take a screenshot of all 16 players, but there are 11 players that I have signed: Nothing to be really excited here, but I really like Martín Díaz and Guillermo Sosa, they both were already promoted to the first team. Díaz is going to be one of our options to the DM roles; Sosa is being retrained to ML and is going to be the imediate replacement to Alan Olivera. Nahuel Lima and Matías Suárez are also good, but their personalities (Casual and Unambitious) are really bad, so I'm keeping them in the U19s right now. I also brought some staff with me, and my best addition so far was the signing of Brazilian HoYD René Simões. As a Brazilian, I know him really well, he's an experienced manager and even managed my club IRL. But the best thing is that he's a Model Citizen, so hopefully this is going to increase our chances of getting a great intake next year. Facilities and finances:
  16. I love when someone here does a save with a brazilian team, I'll be following it closely. Portuguesa is a respected team here in Brazil. Unfortunately, they had a VERY controversial relegation in 2013 Serie A and never recovered. I'll explain what happened in the spoiler. Just one thing that I want to mention, I'm used to play in Brazilian lower leagues. Good Série D teams (like Portuguesa when you started the save) could easily play well in Série C and even Série B, the level is quite close. Série B to Série A is a big gap, though. And you had a lot of players that I liked to sign (Thomazella, Jean Victor, Chrigor, Nycollas Queiroz, Renan Gorne). A really good team for this level in FM. So that's why sometimes players will ask to leave.
  17. Hello! I want to play in Romania, but there are three leagues: Liga I, Liga II and Liga III. However, only Liga I and Liga II are available to play, even if I load Liga III. What should I do?
  18. Obviously I'm biased because I'm from Brazil, but the Brazilian Série A is really tough. There are 12 big clubs (Atlético Mineiro, Botafogo, Corinthians, Cruzeiro, Flamengo, Fluminense, Grêmio, Internacional, Palmeiras, Santos, São Paulo and Vasco da Gama) in a 20-club league. And other clubs are strong as well, this year you have Athletico Paranaense (2022 Libertadores finalists); Bahia, now owned by the City group, Red Bull Bragantino, Fortaleza and Cuiabá. This year I'd say only Goiás, Coritiba and América Mineiro aren't that good (guess what, they are the bottom 3 in the league IRL). You have a lot of regional rivalries, overall the league level is very balanced. If a team in the relegation zone gets a win against the leaders, It'll be surprising but it's not the end of the world. Calendar is mad, but in the state league it's nice to play a team full of subs/youngsters, even more if you're in a continental competition.
  19. I support Vasco da Gama (Brazil), our main rivals are Flamengo, Fluminense and Botafogo. Flamengo and Fluminense I would never manage, but Vasco's relationship with Botafogo is kinda good despite the rivalry. So I've managed them in FM16. In two years, I won the Rio State Championship, Brazilian Serie A, Copa Libertadores and the Club World Cup. The Club World Cup was a shocker because we have faced Al Ain from United Arab Emirates in the final, they won 2-1 against Juventus in the semis. And in the final we've wasted a lot of chances, they held us to penalties, but then we won 6-5.
  20. MAY 2022 I went back to the 5-2-3 WB Wide because I felt it was giving us better results and it paid off, with two wins and one draw against teams at our level (ou worst than us). Our exhibition against Técnico Universitario wasn't one of the best, but we were lethal in the 2nd half and got the win. Mushuc Runa was a boring match, nothing to highlight here. In the other hand, the match against Deportivo Cuenca was crazy stuff. They outclassed us in the first half, but somehow only managed to score one goal. We levelled the score in the 2nd half, only for them to score again. However, my tactical tweaks were on point this time and we started to put pressure on them. Quiñónez equalized, and then Palacios scored the winner in the last kick of the game with a weird header, causing absolute pandemonium in the stands. This match against Cuenca ended the Apertura (or the Opening Stage) of Serie A. We've finished in a respectable 6th position, only two points away from Guayaquil City, who finished 2nd. This is certainly better than I was expecting and definetely gives us some hope to clinch a Copa Sudamericana spot next season. Now, we need to maintain the rhythm in the Clausura. One thing is certain: even if we improve in the next years, we'll still have a lot of work to do to beat Independiente del Valle - they have great players, great facilities and are demolishing the league. TRANSFERS: We are trying to offload some players, but nothing has been done yet. Adrián Angulo was close to sign with Venezuelan side Zulia, but refused to play there in the end. However, El Nacional is looking for good business and secured the loan signing of IDV center back Andy Velasco - we also have the option to buy him for $ 32k.
  21. ECUATORIAN SERIE A - FEBRUARY TO APRIL/22 That was a really decent start to the season, especially considering we were predicted to finish 13th. February was magical, with a solid win against Aucas and great result against Barcelona de Guayaquil, one of the favourites to lift the trophy. Our defensive work paid off against them and we were the best team through the match. In March, our form started to drop, with bad results against Guayaquil City (the surprise of the league so far) and mainly against Orense at home. Libertad was a decent draw, but I'd like to highlight our fixture against Delfín - one of the most entertaining and thrilling matches I've ever played in Football Manager. They scored in their first shot and then we were the better team by far, conceding no chances. El Nacional finally got a penalty in the 24th minute, but Ordóñez hit the post. Three minutes later, Jaramillo was sent off for Delfín after a terrible foul, but somehow they found the net again in their 2nd shot. The second half was madness. Byron Palacios got one back for us quickly and it seemed that we would get the comeback sooner or later, considering the amount of chances that we had. However, their goalkeeper (Juan Martín Rojas) turned into prime Neuer. That was true until the 92th minute, when he made a huge mistake after an easy cross and somehow dropped the ball in the feet of Maicon Solís, who only kicked the ball to the net. Two minutes later, Diego Armas sent a free kick to the area and Jerry Parrales netted a beautiful header to give us a spectacular victory. April was our worst month so far, but I understand it, since we have faced a lot of tough teams in sequence: Emelec, Independiente del Valle and LDU Quito. El Nacional actually played well against LDU, but were totally outclassed against Emelec and Del Valle - don't be fooled by statistics in the IDV match, they were dominant from start to end. At least we got crucial wins against Cumbayá and Universidad Católica (Quito). LEAGUE TABLE: With four games left to end the Opening Stage of the league, we are heading to end in a respectable mid-table position. My main plan for this year is to stay in this part of the table and try to fight for a Copa Sudamericana spot - hopefully it'll be possible. Our main concern is our current form, we can't let our recent matches (against big clubs) affect our performances against the smaller ones. We are in 12th place in Last 5 Games table. I have made a 3 month update this time because I had already played those matches before creating the topic. Now I'm going to post month to month updates, as I said in the introduction.
  22. SQUAD, STAFF AND TACTICS Before presentating the squad, I'd like to say that there are currently 35 players in the club - this is an unsustainable number, even more because we are on a 500k debt right now, using all our wage budget and we're only going to play in two competitions this year: the Ecuatorian Serie A and the Ecuatorian Cup. That being said, I'm planning to offload at least 10 players, but I simply can't find good deals right now, so I'm waiting patiently. Let's see who we have at our disposal in the club: GOALKEEPERS: Leodán Chalá is one of the best players in the club, and I'd say he's one of the best goalkeepers in the league as well, so he's obviously our best option right now. David Cabezas seems to be a reliable option in the bench. Jordán Congo is transfer listed, and Sebastián Zumba is likely going out on loan. CENTER BACKS: I'll explain it later, but I'm using a 5-3-2 system in my start at the club, so first I'm showing the center backs. It's a position where we lack quality, although we have promising players like Rommel Cabezas, Norman Micolta, Jhonnier Chalá and Jeremy del Castillo. I haven't found my back 3 yet - Jhonnier Chalá seems to be our most reliable option, but the rest of the spots are open. Jerry Parrales is also being used a lot, and even Daniel Patiño is being tested in the position. Ronal de Jesús and Jipson Orovio are likely to leave in the near future, they both are transfer listed. LEFT BACKS: Another position in which we are stacked, with three options. I've used all of them and Orlín Quiñonez seems to be the best of the lot - he was injured when I arrived, and then Eddy Mejía was our first choice. He had good games, but I feel he lacks consistency sometimes. Bryan Nazareno is a good player, but he's a defensive-minded left back and I'm using offensive wing backs, so maybe he's the one who's going to be sold. RIGHT BACKS: Here we have the exact opposite situation of the LB role: lacking players and desperately in need of someone. Daniel Patiño (listed as a CB) was our first choice at the start of the season, but his performances were below average - that's why I decided to play him as a CB. Adrián Angulo doesn't have the level and is transfer listed. With that terrible situation, despite our short budget, I had to find a good deal in the market and got Junior Ayoví on loan from Guayaquil City - hopefully he'll be a good addition. Ayoví was our only signing in the first transfer window. MIDFIELDERS: Another difficult position and one that we are looking forward to bring reinforcements in the next transfer window. I have decided to give a chance to Miguel Caicedo in the starting XI and he didn't disappointed me, one of our best players so far as a BWM. Kevin Arroyo is our backup player in this role, and Bryan Tana is playing as an Advanced Playmaker - Manuel Balda and Diego Armas should be the main options here, but they both were playing so bad. Balda actually found a bit of his form playing as DLF in attack, as well as Madison Julio, who's playing as a AMC or ST. Armas isn't playing well and was benched. Bryan Oña was transfer listed at first to help us make some money, but no team wants him right now, so I'm considering giving him a chance. Jesús García is clearly a U20 player, he's only there because I'm not using a U20 setup right now. ATTACKING MIDFIELDERS, WINGERS AND STRIKERS: I have put them all together because this part of my tactic is a mess, to be honest. I don't know if I stick with a 5-3-2 or 5-4-1, I've been rotating players a lot and it's hard to find someone who performs really well here. Ángel Quiñónez, Maicon Solis and Byron Palacios are our best options right now. Jorge Ordóñez and Steven Gómez are options in bench; Carrillo, Asprilla and Caicedo are transfer listed, while Valverde and Linthon are listed for loan. Talking about departures, only one player left so far: midfielder José Bueno was loaned to Serie B side America de Quito. STAFF MEMBERS This isn't a great staff team to be fair, but this isn't terrible. César Benalcázar is a good Fitness Coach for this level. I want to make progress and hire a HoYD as soon as possible, but our options aren't good right now. Our former assistant manager, Adriano Samaniego, had his contract terminated because he was from Paraguay. TACTICS These are our three main setups - I don't train them at the same time, but they are used regularly. The idea is to play using the wings with fast players, getting players in good positions quickly and retaining defensive shape at the same time. I'm getting mixed results. Sometimes, it works like a charm, but in some matches we are absolutely dull.
  23. Bienvenidos! I've decided to start with El Nacional, one of the most traditional clubs in Ecuador. The reason why I chose this club is because they have a very particular transfer policy: El Nacional is allowed to sign Ecuatorian players only, so this is going to be a Bilbao-esque save. I'm going to extend this to staff as well, so any staff member at the club who isn't from Ecuador is going to be released. For this journey, I've opted to choose former midfielder Christian Lara as the manager. Lara is a former Ecuatorian international and played in the 2006 World Cup. Lara was a small and technical player, so the intent will be to play offensive, quick football, in a suitable style for Ecuatorian players. About El Nacional: they are a team founded in 1964 in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Los Puros Criollos (pure natives) are back in the top flight after winning the Serie B in 2022 in real life (in FM, however, I've started in 2022 with the club already in the first division). With huge success in the 70s and 80s, El Nacional is one of the biggest winners in Ecuatorian football, adding 13 Serie A trophies to their cabinet - the last one in 2006. They are only behind the duo from Guayaquil (Barcelona, with 16, and Emelec, with 14 league wins). in FM, El Nacional plays in the Municipal General Rumiñahuí stadium, a 7.233 all-seater. El Nacional is predicted to finish 13th of 16 clubs in Serie A, with odds of 201.00 - anything better than this is going to be faced as a good outcome, since our financial status isn't good and our board only wants us to avoid finishing bottom of the league. I'm going to update this save in a month to month basis, and I'll bring my first steps in the next posts. Here's the database setup:
  24. Really nice thread. I have tried to recreate some Diniz-esque tactic (but also with my own touch) playing with Osasco Audax in my last save. I've managed to reach back to back promotions, started in the Paulista Série A3 (São Paulo's third division) and got promoted to Brazilian Série A in 2026. Unfortunately, my file got corrupted and I lost my save. 2023: Paulista Série A3 (winners, promoted), Copa Paulista (winners, qualified to Brazilian Série D and Brazilian Cup). 2024: Paulista Série A2 (semifinalists), Brazilian Série D (winners, promoted), Brazilian Cup (3rd round, lost 1-3 against Atletico Mineiro on aggregate). 2025: Paulista Série A2 (winners, promoted), Brazilian Série C (runners up, promoted) 2026: Paulista Série A1 (8th), Brazilian Série B (4th, promoted). In terms of roles it is kinda different, but when it comes to shape and instructions, it's very similar. This is how my tactic looked. Pressing Forward is a personal preference, but it could be Advanced Forward. Also Attacking Midfielder is not what Diniz does at Fluminense, but since I've selected three playmakers, I wanted to have an attacking midfielder with more focus on scoring goals. I've used a Segundo Volante - Support as well, it's a very common role in Brazil, although I think CM - Support is also a great fit. These two roles are almost the same thing, actually. Here I think it's almost 100% like yours, but I wanted to use Run at Defence, because I felt that my players needed this freedom sometimes. It helped a lot, specially with wing backs going forward with the ball and then retreating to find good passes and open up lines. I used to switch between Narrow/Fairly Narrow attacking width, Much Shorter/Short passing and Slightly Higher/Higher tempo, but this is the basic shape. I also changed crosses depending on who I was using as a striker, but usually they were whipped. Here I just haven't ticked the Slow Pace Down, but I don't think it makes a lot of difference, it's just a matter of resting players a little bit more. Here I opted to use Standard defensive line because my wing backs weren't good defensively, I had one of the worst teams in Serie B and got promotion. If I used Much Higher line, they would give spaces and concede a lot of goals. And sometimes I see his teams resting a little and not pressing extremely hard, so that's why I opted to use "only" high press. But it's kinda close to your tactics anyway. === Also, a comment apart from FM. I support Vasco da Gama, we are rivals with Fluminense, and I have to say: when Fluminense is in a good day, they are really great to watch. Quick, well made passes with lots of technical players and a clinical striker (German Cano), he just needs one touch to score goals and even scored an amazing halfway line goal against us in the Rio State championship - I was at Maracanã, unfortunately. In the Brazilian league we got absolutely trashed against them, somehow Vasco scraped a 1-1 draw. We're in a s*** form currently, but this match against Fluminense was crazy, Vasco scored within 50 seconds and then got dominated for 90 minutes. However, Fluminense needs their full team to play well. They haven't enough good options in the bench and sometimes need to rotate due to our crazy calendar. Usually, when rotating players, Fluminense tends to be more error prone.
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