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Posts posted by Corperate

  1. 2 minutes ago, DarJ said:

    So there is a huge misconception about this in the FM community and I'll try to explain it as simply as I can and @Rashidican correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'll start from the "overlap right/left": When you have the instruction turned on, it doesn't tell the fullback to run forward and go past the winger on that flank (yes I know it increases the mentality of the fullback and decreases that of the winger), the fullback is making his natural movement; what the instruction does is, it tells the winger "hey, you might want to slow down a bit and wait for the FB who is making his natural run and give the ball to him". That's all the instruction does.

    For "underlap right/left", it does nothing more than tell the player on the flank "hey, you might want to slow down and look for someone inside making his natural forward movement".

    So in both tactic those instructions might not be effective because you don't have anyone on the inside that moves forward naturally trying to get himself into the box. Maybe the volante will do it but he's on support duty so he's more incline to hang out outside the box. If the volante was on attack then it will make sense to use the instruction on the left.

    There's no such thing as an "underlapping run" that is caused by the use of that instruction. An underlapping run is when the IWB runs inside and that has nothing to do with the "underlap right/left" instruction 



    Thank you for your comments and yes I get a lot of what you are saying. But I think you have slightly misconstrued the specifics of what I have said. My understanding is that an underlapping run is anyone central making a run forward this could be an inverted fullback or a volante. 

     This is essentially my question... will the 'look for underlap' instruction include those further vertically forward. In the instance of my tactic the left back and winger looking to play forward to a center forward. Instead of looking to make gains down the flank?



  2. On 12/12/2020 at 04:11, Rashidi said:

    Underlap when you want to drive play inside and overlap when you want to drive play out.

    I have been trying to figure out the specifics of an underlapping run for some time now. And would really appreciate any feed back to my questions below.

    In the below system who specifically is making an underlapping run? 1.) when the inside forward or winger has the ball and 2.) When the wingback or full back has the ball.

    My understanding is that the wide players... both wingbacks and wingers/inside forwards are looking to play the ball inside..... to anyone central.... This would include a Midfielder roaming forward from 'horizontally behind' the wide player,.. and also more forward pass to someone 'horizontally further forward' for example Winger/ Inside Forward to a striker ahead of them.





  3. Merry Christmas All,

    I am looking for help in my tactic, especially the defensive side. I am kind of tied to the low block/ regroup and want to get this working. The fluid counter preset includes counterpressing instruction yet has deep defensive line and LOE. Don't really understand this. What exactly does the regroup instruction do and how is this tied to the intensity of pressing and line of engagement?


  4. Thanks for your response.

    I am looking for a fast paced counter attacking system, I suppose a cross between Gegenpressing and fluid counter. With Son as the main outlet, I am playing wide as to stretch the ptich and make more space for a through ball to Son. AM I correct in this?

    I am guessing the regista is inpractical and yes the right back would be better on attack but neither Doherty or Aurier are good enough in my opinion.

    What would you change to get this tactic working better?  Are my thoughts on underlap down the left correct? And help make space for Son and the mezzala? Also Looking for overlap on right is not typically counter attacking football I am guessing.

    Just finished the season 3rd in the prem and Uefa cup winners, so not too bad. Could do better though!!

    Please let me know your thoughts

  5. Yeah true just checked Shaw... fairly solid full back

    Am I correct in saying you would put the SV on the same side as the winger? ( I am playing a winger on the right and an inside forward on the left.)  

    The overall tactic, I am looking for a swift attacking/ counter attacking system. Any tweeks you would recommend?



  6. Hi all,

    I am currently managing Man Utd and using a SV coupled with an anchor man. What side is optimal for the SV..... The same side as the winger or the same side as the inside forward ( currently using). Left back is weak so was thinking of swapping sides of Anchor Man and SV.

    Please let me now your thoughts.



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