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Posts posted by Corperate

  1. HI All,

    Was wondering if anyone uses an anchorman in a 41212 formation? I am guessing it helps in being more defensively sound playing with more width and on the counter.

    Am using a very good specialist anchorman and the results are not great. Any tips on how to make this work would be appreciated. (legends database). Also what does the look for underlaps do in this instance? 



  2. Hi all,

    I am struggling to implement a good 532 tactic with Tottenham. I wish to play through the middle but have more success from the flanks. Anybody have a good tactic they can share with me? Should you look for an overlap in this formation considering there is only one player assigned to the flanks? Any advice would be welcome.

  3. Hi All,

    When should you use the overlap instruction in a 41212 formation? Exploit the middle look for overlaps? Does this mean it will look for a wingback running forward or...... Will the wingback be the one looking to pass to an overlap?

    Have tried and found best success with Not exploiting either the flanks or middle. I have Kane up front so do want some crosses going in.

    Any help would be appreciated :)

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