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Posts posted by Corperate

  1. I have got the flat 433 to work well. The front 3 will work as is, however I can see though that this tactics is very flawed in other areas.

    I believe the half back works best if the defenders are set to stoppers, especially if counter pressing.? I would move Tollisso to CM Defend and use 2 mezzalas on support, fullbacks on support.

    Or another set up would be *2 carilerro's (Goretzka and Tollisso) on either side of an advanced playmaker support ( Thiago), wingbacks on support, 2 CBS and the front 3 as is.

    Possession football is best suited to positive mentality and to counter-pressing with aim to win the ball back as quick as possible and dominate possession. 'passing into space' is a tool for counterattacking/ attacking quickly so would advise not to use.

    Also you have 2 pressing forwards and a high defensive line you should move the line of engagement higher so as the strikers win the ball back as soon as it is lost. It is generally best to keep the line of defense the same as the line of engagement. For example with your tactic with the high defensive line and normal line of engagement is prone to balls over the top of the defense as the opposing defenders have too much time on the ball.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Djuicer said:

    Fair enough. Your team though, Im jelly.

    I actually think Keano was a BBM or Segundo Volante in the game, but that might ruin your system.


    Yes, and no. Its not that any mentality is a must for any style. The names are somewhat inaccurate. It is more a range from very defensive and upwards steps In all the TIs with every mentality until you reach max at very attacking. If you look at them as numbers instead it might make it more easy to understand (1VD,2,3,4,5,6,7VA).

    'Yes and no' I agree. I agree though that the game is versatile enough to get different styles going on each of the mentality settings and is a guide. But for best results I do think that the attacking should be Counterpress  and Counter, Positive works best with just counterpress, and cautious, balanced best with just counter or no transition TI's. Let me know your thoughts pls

  3. I think the attacking mentality works best, with counter and counterpress in transition. This is because the attacking capabilities of the team lie in top half of the pitch. The team is good enough to play positive and possession football but feel this formation 4231 deep works best as Keane and Scholes are ageing (in this save) and cannot dominate the central midfield as well as before. Also I exploits the flanks as the middle of the field is not occupied.

    I feel possession based football works better without the counter TI. Inside forwards on flanks to secure domination in the middle and fullbacks pushing forward either WB support/attack or fullback attack to provide the extra numbers to break the opposing team down.


    I can post the database I am using should you wish? GianniM ….. No Sporting Gijon legends though :).

  4. The team has unlimited power!!! Other teams in the league also have extra power so don't worry I'm not a bully:).

    Agree with the Keane comment for certain matches. Also have experimented...  and the attacking variant works well with the current player roles.

    The positive mentality is more for possession based tactics? Looking more for fast attacking football Man Utd are famed for. Cautious/ balanced mentality away against top teams and Attacking at home and for the fodder :).

  5. 10 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    In wingerless formations, an overlap/underlap instruction only serves to slightly increase the individual mentality of the related fullback or wing-back. But it does not lead to an actual overlap or underlap, because only a winger (i.e. wide forward or wide midfielder) can be overlapped by his fullback/wing-back. Overlaps/underlaps do not involve centrally located players. 

    In formations that employ wingers (players in wide midfield and wide forward positions), an overlap/underlap instruction slightly reduces the mentality of the winger in addition to increasing that of the fullback/wing-back.

    I know this may sound a bit complex, but I hope you understand :) 

    Firstly thanks for your response.

    I am not looking to be confrontational but.... are you sure about the wingerless underlap explanation? My understanding and I have observed matches is that the player in the wide position be it the wingback or an advanced forward looks inside for a run from an onrushing midfielder? I will continue to experiment with this.

  6. In a wingerless formation say 532 I would be inclined to exploit the middle of the pitch and look for overlaps from the wingbacks.This set up I am guessing favors Holding shape rather than counter attacking, giving time for the wing backs to get up the field and overlap? However if you on the other extreme exploit the flanks in this system would better suit counterattacking? Forgive me if I'm getting this wrong.

  7. Hello all,

    I have noticed that the standard vertical tikitaka set up with 532 formation uses underlaps team instruction. In this instance is the player who is looking for the underlap = the wingback?. I.E The wingbacks look for a midfielder or striker to make a run inside them, not crossing but instead playing an angled through ball? This is my current understanding but have seen in other forums different things posted.

    Also in relation to this does the Overlap instruction again in wingerless formation ask the wingbacks to overlap the midfield or striker: or the wingbacks are looking for the overlap from the center backs

    One last question would be what is the difference between exploiting neither the middle or the flanks... Or instead middle and overlap....   Tempo and counterattacking style?

    I would be grateful if anyone where to help with this.

  8. Hello all,

    I have noticed that the standard vertical tikitaka set up with 532 formation uses underlaps team instruction. In this instance is the player who is looking for the underlap = the wingback?. I.E The wingbacks look for a midfielder or striker to make a run inside them, not crossing but instead playing an angled through ball? This is my current understanding but have seen in other forums different things posted.

    Also in relation to this does the Overlap instruction again in wingerless formation ask the wingbacks to overlap the midfield or striker: or the wingbacks are looking for the overlap from the center backs

    One last question would be what is the difference between exploiting neither the middle or the flanks... Or instead middle and overlap....   Tempo and counterattacking style?

    I would be grateful if anyone where to help with this.



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