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Cultured Left Foot

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481 "They call it a Royale with cheese"



  • Biography
    Football Manager YouTuber. https://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot

    I have been playing football manager sim games since CM2, and I don't think I've ever missed a year of the series.

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    Football Manager YouTube Content Creator

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    Man Utd

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    Journeyman Save (YT Series)

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  1. If you'd like to watch this series, its a YouTube playthrough series : www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot WE DID IT !!!!! C.D. TOLEDO ARE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE CHAMPIONS !!!! WAHOOOOOO !!! We beat Barcelona in the final 3-2 after an epic game ! We leave the club in fantastic position, the board have been superb and have been upgrading most times we asked. They didn't really have an excuse given the financial bounty we've created for the club. We won the club a number of honours incuding every available top competition in Spain. And the climb up the leagues was consistent throughout the save. But the key is the Champions League win !!! This has been one of my favourite saves I've done since playing this game since Championship Manager 2 !! Absolutley Amazing. Thanks to everyone for the support and the comments on the videos and my posts here. I can't believe I achieved this and compelted the challenge. I'll certainly back to do it again as a YouTube series on FM25. After not compelting the challenge in England last game itterarion, I'm delight to say Spain = Completed.
  2. If you'd like to follow this Youth Academy Challenge in more detial, its a series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot C.D. Toledo - SEASON 20 (The Catch Up Review) So, its been a while since you've had an update from me ont he forums. The save hasn't not died and the challenge continues. We've progressed 20 seasons and are now a force in La Liga. But rather than giving an update every season as most do, I'm giving update every 10 or 20 years ! The save has been great fun and really enjoyable and the club have climbed from strength to strength over the years. Climbing from the reaches of non-league to La Liga. We've secured 3 4th places finishes in the La Liga since we gained promotion to the top flight. Our last season was our best season in terms of points and wins - we've still got some catching up to do to Real Madrid, but we're making solid progress. Of course, over the time of 20 years we've made some amazing improvements to the club in terms of facilities and finances. We've also manage to become a club legend and all but one name on the lise (Raul Bravo) is a product of our Youth Academy save. The key players now that we are in the La Liga are our three Spanish superstars. Joe Page* (named after a Patreon), Pedro Moreria and Miguel Moreno. And that, after 19 seasons, is where we currently stand. One final snapshot of the club overview. I'll be back for another update in 10 seasons time ! Onwards we go for the Champions League and La Liga titles ! If you'd like to follow this Youth Academy Challenge in more detial, its a series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot
  3. I'm 12 seasons into a Youth Academy Only save..... My board have very recently decided I'm not using the club's youth system well enough..... I haven't signed a single player in this save (which is all on YouTube!) and all players have come from the academy.... I also raised this issue on FM23 too. And then at the end of the season it remained : Seem to have become more prevalent since the Winter patch. Cheers, Dave
  4. BustTheNet (on this forum as Rashidi) does a lot of work on this in his "Bring your tactic" stream. It pretty much debunks the myth that all tactics MUST be learnt and familiar, I think it does help, but you can change from game to game and it not be that detrimental to the team. If its a good, well balanced system, then it'll work without knowledge - but knowledge will likely help!
  5. I described what is happening in the background of the game here : Cheers, CLF
  6. Yeah, players that have big reputation help boost the reputation of the league. The best way is to strength your club first and win more in Europe. Get further in European competitions to increase the co-effecient which then gets spots in the champions league and gets more of your league into European competition. Once you've got a good squad for you, start loaning out or selling your fringe/squad players to your league rivals so that they get better players and get better results. You bascially need to try and make your league more competitive in European competitions. Further you go in Europe means a higher increases in your countries European coefficient which means more teams from your country get in to, which Europe means a quicker increase in rep for the league. And then it becomes cyclical, to the point where you are in the Champions League every year and at least one other club is reaching the Europa League group stage. It is a long slog, but it can be done. You're doing what is called a 'Build a Nation' save. Plenty of chat around those sorts of saves in the Challenges sub forum.
  7. Club reputation increases have been a problem in FM for a while. They don't increase enough with good performances, but decrease quickly with poor performances. At the moment reputation increases as part of League and Cup wins and with playing in better, high-ranked divisions. In the case of San Marino teams, its likely the overall league reputation is what is actually holding you back from increasing your rep quickly. I agree with the opening post that its a bit strange that singular club rep doesn't increase quicker with consistent european performances and appearances for clubs from smaller leagues, it really should. It shouldn't be massive, but consistent appearances in European competition will increase a rep of a club IRL. I know there is a much bigger jump as soon as you qualify for the champions league "proper", but that again isn't as big as it should be for certain clubs. My advice would be to try and focus on getting the league as a whole (loaning and selling good players to other clubs in your own country) or at least the country coefficient up significantly by pushing deeper into Europe. It'll take time. But its doable.
  8. Kjelsen having the best one-game performance for Valerenga on loan! 1 appearance and an 11.20 rating!
  9. I think the issue here is that IRL only Sergio B is signed as a Designated players. Alba will have a contract that likely has huge bonuses and sponsorship deals that inflate their earning amounts - something that cant be done in FM. So you're stuck, because the reputation of the players means they warrant a designated player slot. The only other thing to try and do is offer him a wage as a senior which then utilises the "buy down" option from the allocated money. Confusing, but do-able. But all you can theoretically offer is a max of $1.6m a year. "With Messi, Busquets and striker Leo Campana already occupying IMCF's Designated Player slots, Alba will not be a DP, meaning that his annual salary cannot be larger than the approximately $1.6 million maximum for Targeted Allocation Money signings." This was a quote from MLSSoccer.com when Alba was announced. My advice is keep trying and keep moving money around to see if you can get something to work. Not much else to do.
  10. Oh yeah, that is very odd then. Log it as a bug in the bug tracker forum and see if an SI representative can get back to you
  11. It maybe that the international slots you have left ( the 2 available) are actually part of deals that were done before you took over and maybe time limited (so if you have them for 1 more year as part of a previous deal, then you can't trade them away). Easiest way to see all international player is to select all players in the filter for your squad page, Select First team, U21, Youth etc and count how many have the international label. No other filter is in game to assist with it. Hope that helps.
  12. I completely avoid there advice. I enjoying managing in the MLS alot on FM, its fun and quirky. But alot of the programming/coding around deals/trades and drafts means that opinions of staff all seem to be well off. If you think its a good deal and will benefit the team, then go for it. I've had a 5 star member of staff in MLS that still says that exact message with every single deal I've offered / want to offer. This included when I traded to bring in a striker that ended up scoring 30+ goals in a season. In short. I'd ignore his advice.
  13. What I mean by this and to share a little further (as I'm also playing in Germany....) I've just loaned out this CB from my 2nd team..... The key thing to note here is that he's played 18 appearances for my 2nd team and scored 2 goals.... Backed up by his 'History' tab... But... when we look at the 2nd team's fixtures for the year... They've only played friendlies that I've arranged.... (which in his history tab aren't there... they are however classed as non-competitive in his statistics). So although it looks like the 2nd team aren't playing official fixtures, they are somewhere in the background. These fixtures will determine if they get 'promoted' from hidden leagues and make their way to the Bundesliga 3 and so on. You can generally determine if they are moving up the hidden leagues by your 2nd team players average ratings over the season in 'Competive' League fixtures. If the majority are scoring over a 7, likelikhood is they are going to be promoted and moving on up the hidden leagues. Hope that makes sense and helps a little.
  14. As far as I'm aware, over time they will naturally climb the 'hidden' leagues and go from Part-Time to Full-Time and appear in the lower divisions, then in the Bundesliga 3 (if they have good enough players etc). Not much else you can do about it. But, others may have more knowledge around FM24.
  15. I'm back again for another year of torture and pain as we climb the ladder of football using nothing but homegrown talent! We didn't quite succeed with Guiseley last year, finishing 2nd in the Premier League and losing two Champions League finals.... This time, we are back and attacking Spain ! As ever, if you want to follow along in more detail, it'll be a series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot C.D. TOLEDO SEASON ONE REVIEW The season was good from the off as we climbed to 2nd and then 1st after a few games. A drop off early in the season coincided with an injury to our main striker, but we soon recovered and mounted a title challenge. We nearly ran out of steam, but secured a playoff spot with a good win on the final day of the season. At the end of the season, our club looked like this, we had no money for improvements anywhere as we found ourselves 2 million in the Red come the end of the season.... Taking on two B Teams in the semi's and finals, we managed to secure a first season promotion! The youth intake was decent, but nothing spectacular. The stand out player was Brazilian/Spanish striker Antonio Carlos. We push on into the Spanish Federation First Division with a pretty poor looking bank balance! Onwards we go! WISH US LUCK !
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