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Everything posted by Adelrahn

  1. Regarding Man-Marking. I have not assigned Man-Marking to the players in the pictures above. I was just wondering in general.
  2. @Marc Vaughan Slightly off-topic but another question i have is what happens if i put "Man-Marking" to a player that is not positioned exactly on top of an opponent. For example if both teams play 4-2-3-1. Both central attacking midfielders are between the two defensive midfielders. But the defensive midfielders have 2 opponents on each side - the central attacking midfielder and a attacking midfielder on the wing. If i put "Man-Marking" on a DM - what happens? Btw thank you for your answers. It helps me to understand the game better 😀
  3. So here are some examples. 1. No.14 and No.6 are my two defensive pivots. Their player roles are set ro DM. Pressing is "Own Half", Defensive line "Middle". Team Mentality is "Offensive", all other settings are "Normal" (the middle option). As you can see, their No.10 (McKennie) just received the ball from the midfield and my defensive midfielders open up the middle. He dribbled with the ball without my defensive midfielders trying to get the ball. My defender No.4 leaves his position to tackle him and opens up the space. He ends up making a through ball to the striker who then scores. 2. My two defensive midfielders are No.4 and No.6. Same settings as mentioned above but team mentality is on counter. My DM No.6 sits on the wing even though the ball came from the opponents No.5. So my DM moved to the flank for no reason. No.4 is occupied so it makes sense for him to kind of opening up the middle. The result in this situation is the same - Keita dribbles, one of my defenders opens up space to tackle him, through ball and goal. 3. The most shocking case in my opinion. Same game as in photo 2. My DM No.6 is WIDER than my wing-back. No.4 again leaving his position to close down a player that already is beeing pressured by my No.23. My DM's have decision making of 13 and 15, positioning 15 both so it's not that the players are bad. But this happens almost every game and even more often if the opponent has a No.10. I would understand a defensive midfielder if set to Ball Winning Mid that he leaves his position but not like my No.6 in the last photo. The ball is on the opposite side and he covers the flank, not even the half-space. For me im absolutly clueless on why he does this. But i have encountered this problem in all of my saves since FFM 23 came out, not just now. And it kind of makes 4-2-3-1 DM unplayable. Edit: Another example as a sequence. Before the throw in, my No.6 (DM) covers the space he is supposed to. But after the throw in, he moves to the opposite side and opens up the whole middle of the pitch.
  4. I can do that but i still play FMM 2023. Should i send you screenshots anyway? Also, thanks for your answers.
  5. @Marc Vaughan I have another question regarding defensive lines. Do the strikers/offensive midfielders also drop back more if i set back the position of the defensive line? I also got a question regarding "Tackling". Does this affect players leaving their position if i set it to hard? Does it work similar to creativ freedom that - the harder tackling i choose, the more players leave their position to win the ball? I also noticed that if you play in a 4-2-3-1 DM the two DM's (the player roles don't matter, it's always this way) leave a huge gap for the opponents No 10. They always move sideways to the flanks instead of closing the middle. Any idea on how i can avoid this?
  6. I discovered something strange regarding the movement of strikers. Whenever i play with wingers, my striker moves wide without the ball - regardless of which player role and mentality or width setting. But if i change the player role to Inside Forward or Inverted Winger he actually stays centrally in the striker position. The reason because i need Wingers is because Inside Forwards or Inverted Wingers sadly don't stretch the pitch enough because they stay very close to the edge of the penalty area insted of on the touchline. So my question is: is this movement of the striker intended? Or any ideas on how i can achieve to play with wingers while my striker stays more central?
  7. I was wondering about what each setting does? For example if i play a high line with pressing in own half - what happens? Do my strikers just let the defenders past them without doing anything? And if i choose sit-back with high line - does this mean my players just watch the ball without actually tackling? If i want to close the middle and lure my opponents to either flank and press then - how can i achieve this? Also how can i close the middle if i play on wide width? I red the description in the online manual but it doesn't really explain much on how the player respond. Thanks for help
  8. My question is wheter setting creative freedom also has an impact on the players positioning when defending. For example: If i set creative freedom to High and pressing to 'all over', do players leave their position to cover players further away from their position if necessary? (Wing back tracks down midfielder on their respective side if my midfielder is out of position for example)
  9. Because we don't have the Half Back player role i was wondering what comes closest to it. Is it a Anchor Man or a Defensive Midfielder? Or maybe a Ball Playing Centreback with man Marking? Any ideas?
  10. Because a not so small amount of players are going to be stuck with the FMM23 version can we at least get a patch where bugs that exist in the game for years now get fixed? Im thinking of youth team coach not applying their formation in some leagues, players beeing permanently low on moral because of some issue that doesnt even get displayed, or when a player gets injured and you sub on a new players this exact player doesnt appear on the pitch so its an 11 vs 10? Unfortunally i dont have a file to provide for these issues but they have already been raised in past more then enough. I personally overlooked those things for years but now i think its time to actually leave a good game for us behind to play and enjoy. I think thats the least SI should do.
  11. If the reason for joining Netflix really would have been to 'save' the game you could have come up with better ideas that wouldn't involve throwing a good portion of very passionate and loyal players under the bus. They could have just increase the price for the game and additionally start a partnership with for example Netflix. The money lost from Netflix for exclusivity would be covered by the increased price but with the same result for SI. It just wasn't about this all along, it's (as always) about making the biggest amount of money possible. The whole disaster in this case isn't necessarily switching to Netflix and dissapointing your loyal customers, above all it is the communication of the CEO himself with his comments and lack of transparancy.
  12. Absolutly ridicolous and unfair decision to everyone who supported and bought this game for all those years. No explanation in the world can justify that. I dont even want to hear the reasons or read a FAQ because it seems the decision is irreversible but it would be interesting how they explain to us why he should pay 60$ per year for a mobile game. Im honestly regreting every word that i wrote in the past in order to give feedback or help others because i cant afford to pay for this so they clearly dont want me as a customer. Let down once again ... @MarkVaughan what have you got say to this?
  13. From my understanding the 'Width' setting primarely impacts the team when with the ball and how far away players position themselfes. My question is what width do i need, to make my players shift to one side of the pitch (overloading one side). Is it narrow width and maybe passing focus on both flanks? Or is it wide width with passing focus to centre? Similar questuon regarding what regulates the width when defending? As an example, if i want to lure my opponent to either flank to make them get stuck there and lose the ball, how can i achieve that? (Ideally without having to move wide players like IF or IW into a central positions)
  14. Yes. I just tought that maybe this could be acheived by introducing contracts. As a reminder i'm not the op - i just got the idea by reading the post.
  15. Yes i know this. What i meant was if a job becomes available throughout the season you have two choices. 1. Apply for the free job and therefore (if you get the offer) immediately leave you current club to join the new one. 2. Don't apply for the job, the job gets taken by another manager and is not going to be available for some time (maybe years). I just thought being able to sign a 'pre-contract' to take over a club at the start of the next season would be a nice way to finish the current season at your current club and then moving on to the new job instead of having to leave mid-season.
  16. It would be more immersive if you could wait for your contract to expire instead of having to resign. With that being said maybe a contract system would help when applying for new jobs (when contracts run out an managers leave you get a chance to apply for a new job more often). At the moment you can only join a club instantly (when another manager is sacked) or the job is gone. But more often you would stay at your current club until the end of the season and then move on. And from my experience so far clubs don't really use the 'interim coach' feature enough, so that you could have the chance to apply to a club at the end of the season.
  17. That could work. The problem i see with this would be that my midfield would be too open with only one central midfielder. But i will try that, thanks.
  18. Hi. Yes i am aware of that. But i want my midfielders to be in the CM position so i have more control in midfield. If i put my IWB in the back four they end up behind my midfielders - but i want them in front of them. If i put the IWB one position further like you described, they don't invert because my midfielders are 'blocking' the space.
  19. I really enjoy playing the game and i very much appreciate the effort put into it every year and also how SI-Staff, especially Marc Vaughan care about the feedback and take suggestions into consideration while developing the game. After playing a lot i have gathered some feedback regarding many aspects of the game that i wanted to share here. Player Roles Defence: As three at-the-back formations are more and more popular at the moment, i think it would be nice to have a new player role like the wide centre back to get a little more tactical options (like Atalanta played - using centre-backs to overload one side). I also think that the libero role could be adjusted/ a new role could be introduced for a defender that moves into the midfield when the team is in position and stays there (like John Stones at Manchester City in the 2n half of the season). Midfield: I already mentioned it in other posts but i think we should have a player role on the wing that allows for a player to stay wide to stretch play to then take on a defender and move inside when he gets the ball to then either play a through-ball/a cross or shoot on goal (like Mahrez, Raphina, Saka or Martinelli). The Inverted Winger at the moment plays to narrow for that and doesn't shoot enough, the Inside Forward also moves inside without the ball and doesn't stay wide consistently. I also would like to have an additional player role in the attacking midfield position - a 'dummy runner' - a player that supports the player around them by creating space via runs and movement off the ball and helps to create overloads. Maybe you could also make the Box-to-Box role available in the defensive midfield position to have more tactical flexability. Attack: Same as for the attacking midfield i would like to have a 'dummy runner' role. I don't know how exactly the pressing forward behaves (in my match highlights he mostly sits in the box waiting for a cross or pass) but a player role that actively roams to the flanks or between Central and Wide Defenders and helps to create overloads would be nice. Attacking-Third instructions Overlap/Underlap: It would be nice to have an 'underlap' instruction in addition to the overlap instruction. Underlaps are now a very important part of the game and should be available. General Feedback Role descriptions: I think some player roles are not clear. For the Defensive Midfielder for example it says that 'he supports his more creative teammates'. Does he support them by making runs to create space? Does he provide them with passes? Same goes for the Inside Forward - he 'cuts inside from the flanks and runs directly at the centre of the defence'. Is he doing it with the ball or without the ball? When does he start the run. When the ball is in the final third? Of course you can get some informations in the statistics during a game and by watching highlights but it would be nice to have a little more context to it. Player Traits: Whereas some player traits have a visible impact (visible in the match hihglights and the statistic screen) on the players behaviour (for example 'gets forward at every oppurtunity') some seem to have no visible influence at the players behaviour. A Winger with a 'cuts inside' player trait never actually cuts inside in the match highlights. Even with 'Expressive' Creative Freedom. Also sometimes player traits dissapear after a transfer because the player stats change a little bit. I would wish for the player traits to be a little bit more noticeable. Also it would be nice to have a list where the requirements for the trates are listed and also a short descriptions of what a player role actually does/how it affects a players playing style. Online Manual: Same as fot the role descriptions i would be nice to have a little bit more insight on for example what Width, Tempo or Passing Focus actually changes. If i choose passing focus for both wings, are the player going to only pass to the flanks until they are stuck? Do they switch flanks via long balls or play through the midfield/defence to move the ball to the other flank? Do the players still build-up from the back or just play the ball out wide, ignoring the middle of the pitch? Does the Width influence the movement of the players, so that for example midfielder move to the sideline occasionally and overlap instead of a wingback/fullback or do they just stay wider but still in the centre of the pitch? Can i play possesion football also with high tempo or do my players take more risks at higher tempo? Defensive Formation: This is something i would really like to see added to the game. Similar to the 'Set Pieces' screen maybe you could add a screen to the 'Defence' tab where you can set a different formation while defending. If you want to play in a 4-2-3-1 in attack but defend in a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1, currently you have to sacrifice player roles by for example setting the AM in a 4-2-3-1 as a Shadow Striker so you have something similar to a 4-4-2 but you then lack the control or creativity of a attacking midfielder or advanced playmaker when in possesion. Statistic Screen: The colums for home and away-team during the games are very hard to read. In the post-match screen there is a colour difference between each column. Maybe you could make it like this also during the game. I also would like to have a 'Touches' column added to see how good involved a player is. More Demanding Boards: In my saves some managers stay at a club for 10+ years while barely wining titles. Xavi at Barca came second or worse in the league since the start of my save and is still the manager of Barcelona. He also won the Champions League only once. In reality if a coach at clubs like Barca, Real Madrid, Bayern etc. (high reputation clubs) doesn't consintetly win titels he is going to get released sooner or later. Imo this needs some tweaking. AI Player Recruitment: In my save good players are often left out and then get sold for a minimal price. For example Balde from Barca got sold while beeing on of most valuable LB´s in the game and went to RC Lens for 20.5M. Fati was at Barcelona for 10 years and had good stats but then suddenly got fewer game time and then was sold for 11M to LOSC. I just have some Barca examples but have also seen this from other clubs. Another thing is that the high reputation clubs often buy good players when they get old. Players get bough while being 29+ and then when they are 32/33 another big club buys them. But players that are between around 22 to 28 seem to be ingored. Big clubs normally buy player in or short before their prime which i would say starts at the age of 25-26 (depending on the individual player ofc). Player Generation: I noticed that in the Dutch League a lot of generated player suddenly appear at the clubs. They are not young players but already 22+ years old but it's unclear where they are from. They also sometimes have ridiculously good stats. Same goes for the French League even though here it doesn't happen as often as in the Dutch League. (I have French League loaded but not Dutch League btw.) It also would be nice to have some more variety with the generated players appereance (faces/haircuts/beards ...)
  20. After testing and adjusting for a long time i now need advise on how to get a attacking midfielder to move like shown in the gif. I want preferably an attacking midfielder to move to the wing in order to create space for my inverted winger/insider forward to run into as soon as they get the ball. Problem is that no player role seems to fit. The advanced playmaker tends to sit in the middle, regardless of width. Same goes for the attacking midfielder. The shadow striker ocasionally moves into the space but not consistent enough as he often just runs down the middle ending up in the same position as my striker. The trequartista also sometimes moves to the flanks but the lack of defensive workrate is a huge downside. What tactical settings can i use to get this movement consistent? Are there maybe some important player traits to look out for? Thanks in advamce for any help. example_1686494628.mp4
  21. I noticed some differences in the positioning of the Winger and the Inverted Winger off the ball/when not in possesion. The Winger actually stays wider (almost on the touchline) then the inverted winger (more at the level of the edge of the penalty area). Changing the width doesn't seem to change this difference in the positioning either. When reading the player role it just says that the Inverted Winger will make more runs diagonally, but not that he also starts his runs from a more narrow position. Regarding the efficiency of a Inverted Winger i thought the he maybe doesnt get involved into play as much as he should. When looking at real-life examples of Inverted Wingers like Raphina (10 goals, 12 assists) or Mahrez (15 goals, 13 assists) they regulary have shots on target and give assists. In my saves the Inverted Wingers just have one shot every 4-5 games. To me it seems like right now the Inverted Winger is a weird mixture between the Winger and the Inside Forward - staying wider than an Inside Forward but not as wide as a Winger but on the other hand moves inside with and without the ball but just enough to sometimes play a through ball and not enough to actually shot. They are also not taking on defenders that much (low dribbling in Match Report compared to Wingers). I thoroughly tested the movement with many different tactical setups, changing Mentality, Width, Tempo, Last Third Instructions, Player Traits and also changing the player roles of the players around the Inverted Wingers. From my impression i would suggest to change the Inverted Winger role so that he actually stays as wide as a normal Winger when out of possesion. When in possesion he should cut inside, taking on his opponent and primarely look for a trough ball, but also for an opportunity to shoot. If both options are not possible he should just pass the ball according to the tactical instructions.
  22. Maybe you could make this role available also in the midfield position on the wings. In this position we only have the inside winger as a player to cut inside and he primarely does it only when in position. But a player that cuts in more aggressively and possesion plays verry narrow with and without the ball but without possesion moves back to the wing would be something uniqe. Just a suggestion, no pressure
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