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Everything posted by Adelrahn

  1. The movement of the Inverted Wingback doesn´t work in some formations. If another player is positioned in the space where the Inverted Wingback would otherwise cut into, he instead just acts as a normal Wingback - staying wide. There is also no difference if the other player has a 'stationary' player role like Central Midfielder or a 'mobile' role like Box-to-Box-Midfielder. I provided 2 examples in the pictures below. Tactic 1.jgp - Rice (16) and Fernandez (8) are blocking the space for Williams (33) and Frimpong (5). Even tough Fernandez is set as a Roaming Playmaker and there would be space available in the area of the opponents number 8. Tactic 2.jpg - Same setup but midfielder and Wingbacks are pushed up one position. The whole reason behind this problem for me is the following. I want to play a 3-4-3 formation where inverted wingbacks occupie the space between my opponents midfield and defence and to provide underlaping runs for my inverted wingers/inside forwards. Now if i play with with 2 midfielders in the DM position i can't effectively press and hold on to the ball because my midfield is to deep. In this case the Inverted Wingbacks (when positioned in the more advanced position) actually occupie the space i described. On the other hand if i play with my 2 midfielders in the CM position in get more possesion and control over the game but then the Wingbacks don't cut inside as can be seen in the pictures. If i drag them back one position they dont fill the space they should. Apart from that i still struggle with how narrow Inside Forwards and/or Inverted Winger stay without the ball. Is the behaviour of the Inverted Wingbacks as I described intended or is it a bug? Thanks in advance.
  2. My idea behind it is to build up in like a 3-2-5 or 2-3-5 shape. Both central midfielders stay back to help build-up and cover. The wingbacks should underlap the wingers to 1. Drag opponents into midfield to create space on the wings 2. Run into the channels between my opponents wingbacks and defenders 3. Create space for my wingers to cut inside with the ball. Because i have wingbacks with good movement off the ball and somewhat good shooting, wingers with good dribbling and a striker thats bad in the air but fast and intelligent i dont want classic overlaping wingbacks that cross and instead want to keep the ball on the ground. Apart from the 'winger' problem the other thing that bothers me is the fact that i have to play the midfielder in a DM position which creates a huge gap between midfield and forwards. The reason is that the inverted wingbacks only invert if no player occupies the position where he would invert in. Putting the 2 midfields in central midfield (CM) and i have the inv. wingbacks in the last defensiv line they fill the gap between midfield and defence. If i put them one row further they dont cut in at all because they would invert into an already occupied position. Because i cant put the wingbacks one more position up because then i dont have the player role anymore i have to drag my midfield back. And then i cant press properly and cant keep the ball in midfield.
  3. My problem is that i dont want to have classic wingers that dribble down the side to grt crosses in. I want my wingers to stay as wide as possible but then cut inside as soon as they get the ball. To create space for them to cut inside i need the wingbacks to underlap them. Thats the idea behind it. Playing the inverted winger isn't really the solution for what i want to achieve however it is the best i came up with until now. The winger doesn't cut inside regulary, the inside forward and advanced playmaker stay too narrow to be underlaped so only the inverted winger is left.
  4. I have some feedback regarding the "Statistics"-Screen during and after matches. It would be nice to have an additional colum for how many "Touches" a player has during the game (how often he received the ball). That way we could see how good a player is participating in a game an analyse if the player role should be changed so that the player gets more involved.
  5. A short update: After some testing i found out the 'inverted winger' player role suits the best for what i want to achieve (Mahrez-like winger behaviour means staying wide and only cut in upon receiving the ball). But two things that still bother me. 1. Even if i set width to wide the 'inverted winger' still is to close to the center. As it is called imverted winger i would expect them to stay as wide as wingers. 2. My inverted fullbacks rarely underlap. Only if i set my tactic to offensive they get close to an area where they can underlap the winger but even then they dont do it. My wingbacks have good stats in teamwork and movement without the ball. I have tempo set to slow and looking for overlap. I also was wondering about the player trait 'hugs line'. How can a player get this trait and would it help for my inverted wingers to stay wider?
  6. Good day, i was wondering if there is any news/development regarding this. Thank you in advance.
  7. Yes, if have 'Look for Overlap' set and also 'Work into Box'. I also tried both 'offensive' and 'control' mentality and tactical freedom as 'Expressive'. I think 'winger' is the most fitting role but the 'cut inside' player trade should have more influence. On a quick note i also tried players as inside forwards with the 'stays on the line' trait. But in the highlights it doesn't really make a difference from what i can tell. Maybe use the 'inverted winger' role for what the 'inside forward' is currently responsible for and make the 'inside forward' a mixture between winger and 'inverted winger'. Or make the player traits have more influence on the players behaviour. Also i was wondering if 'Look for Overlap' actually works with 'inverted wingbacks' because technically it is a underlap and not an overlap. I hope you can figure something out without messing uo the code 😄
  8. What i want to achieve is that my wingers stay as wide as possible until they get the ball. Then they should wait for an underlap of the inverted wingbacks and cut inside with the ball in the space created by the run of the wingback. I want both wingers to be the widest players in the team. If i use the 'winger' role then my wingers stay wide but almost never cut inside despite them having the 'cut inside' trait. If i use 'inside forward' they behave as you alrrady said - not fully wide and not only close to the middle. The 'inside winger' role doesn't work for the same reasons. And the 'advanced playmaker' again doesn't stay wide enough and does not cut inside constantly. I also tried to put my wingers one position further up and as 'advanced strikers' which works thr best but then the gaps between midfield and attack are to big and i loose control over my midfield. They also cross way too much - even more as when set to 'wingers'. Example for the behaviour i would like to see is Riyad Mahrez. In build-up he stays wide on the sideline. Then gets the ball via a fast switch of play and cuts inside going into a 1v1 situation. If the ball is in the attacking third on the other side of the pitch he cuts inside to be there in case of a cross. Maybe its not a problem of the role and more a problem of the right set up to achieve what i want? Glad for any advice 🙂
  9. My wingers are number 9 and 36. Both are set as inside forwards. The width in the tactics screen is set to wide. As you can see, they are not really giving widht. Even if set as wingers, they stay a little bit wider - bit not on the sideline. I understand that at some point all wingers should go inside but not when my defender has the ball. Before the update, the wingers actually stayes wide. They just went inside too late/not at all. The save-game is uploaded to the CloudService with the following name: Winger_too_narrow.fms
  10. I'm very dissapointed by the changes that where made to the inside forwards in the update from around 2 months ago. Before the update the inside forwards were staying wide until they got the ball. After the update they are already close to the penalty area even if my fullbacks or defenders still have the ball. In my understanding, inside forwards should stay wide in build-up an then either cut inside with the ball when they receive the ball wide or cut inside when the ball gets into an area on the opposite side of the pitch when a cross-in is possible. But at the moment, they cut in to soon/stay too narrow. I know this topic has been discussed a lot in the forum but i think the update was a step in the wrong direction.
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