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Posts posted by gam945

  1. On 14/06/2024 at 22:23, Aerosol said:

    Upon further analysis, it seems that multiple of the categories, e.g. Age, are expected by the mutate function to be integers but are instead characters. Does that seem right? Again, I am able to load the app, and within the "Home" menu, the "Goal Contributions" and "Wage" visualizations are working properly. All other buttons/menus result in errors, e.g. the following when I click on "Squad Analysis" > "General:" 

    "Warning: Error in dplyr::filter: ℹ In argument: `Name %in% reactindex`.
    Caused by error in `dplyr::filter()`:
    ℹ In argument: `between(Age, input$squad_age[1], input$squad_age[2])`.
    Caused by error in `between()`:
    ! Can't combine `x` <character> and `left` <integer>."

    Must be due to using newer R/packages versions, you could debug and add some as.numeric()'s where data is processed.


  2. On 24/02/2024 at 15:40, Aerosol said:

    Apologies for necro posting. But I noticed the github link is dead. Does anyone know where I might download this app for use in FM21?

    Best I can do is provide you the files you need but as far as support and instructions I don't have the time for this so please refer to the discussions

    --deleted-- FM-Data-Analytics-main.zip

  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an app to help with quantitatively analyzing your squad and help with scouting and most of the features that don't use game player statistics are done. I'm now working on this part and although I have an idea of what I want to include, I thought it may be helpful to have a brainstorming here and see if there are any good ideas that pop up.

    As a preview here is the current version of the app, with my FC Südtirol test save:

    Home page

    Squad: Tactics page

    Squad: Progress page

    Squad: Role suitability page



    Below is the current list of finalized metrics (a very much appreciated contribution from @Rashidi) that will be included, while some others from him are getting refined as I'm looking at the data.

    Defensive Activity (weight-able):
    Quantifies the total defensive activity of a players by taking into account successful defensive actions and penalizing mistakes leading to goal by 90 minutes.
    (`Clearances per 90 minutes` + `Interceptions per 90 minutes` + `Headers Won per 90 minutes` + `Tackles per 90 minutes` - (90*`Mistakes Leading to Goal`/`Minutes`))

    Key Defensive Activity:
    Quantifies the total key defensive activity of a players by taking into account successful key defensive actions.
    (`Key Tackles per 90 minutes` + `Key Headers per 90 minutes`)

    Scoring Efficiency:
    Quantifies the scoring efficiency by looking at the ratio of non penalty goals and it's corresponding xG.
    ((`Goals`-`Penalties Scored`)/`Non Penalty Expected Goals`)


    Any ideas for other metrics are welcomed and I'll try to look at everything and include what makes sense. The type of metrics I'd like to includes are one that describe/measures sides of the game (e.g. Passing Quality? Possession?) or that focus on a style of play (e.g. Gegenpressing? Catenaccio?) - I'm sure some of you have good ideas ;) Attached is a file with all the fields available in my view and their description in FM to help you if needed.

    Of course any metrics that will be used (as is or as an inspiration for the final one) in the app will be credited :)


  4. If someone would like to help with compiling the FM key and preferable attributes for each role/duty combination I'd appreciate it and would advance quicker on the app coding. The template is attached, check the Attributes sheet. Each row corresponds to the attribute and each column represents a role/duty (I have all the 90 combinations available). So basically you'd fill it column by column, the following way:

    Key attribute = 1
    Preferable attribute = 0.5
    Other attributes: leave it blank to not waste time with inputting 0's - this can be done with the code
    Do not assign anything to height, weight and left/right foot. Height may be used for center backs, goalkeepers, target mans, etc. Weight not sure but included it. Left/Right foot will be used to calculate "foot scores" and will be a bonus to the total score. For example, a player with a reasonable bad foot will have a higher score than one with a weak bad foot - all other variables being the same.

    Also only fill out the role/duty combinations - generic positions (GK, FB, WB, etc) will be decided later.





  5. I have in the past already developed an FM companion for the more data oriented managers in the form of a web-app, FM Data Analytics for FM21, which got quite some engagement from the community at a time were statistics were under-used in the game UI. This app is not available anymore, although I still have the source code, but if it certainly had quite some good features for its context in the game development, it also presented some big cons, for example:

    • Deployment: users had to download the source code from my online repository on GitHub, install R and make sure the installation directories matched what the app and the batch script to launch the app expected. This was way too complicated for the average user who'd like to use the app with minimal involvement from his part.
      How QuantFM will correct this: the app will be available as a downloadable software - download an installer, which will install the app and make it usable as is and offline from your computer - or will be hosted online.
    • Pre-set analysis: users were able to select from multiple, varied visualizations but in order to get custom visualizations, the source code had to be modified. This maybe was trivial to some users, but definitely not to many others.
      How QuantFM will correct this: pre-set analysis will be offered but users will also be able to build their models in-app using the UI only - for example, change the formula or weights used to calculate a position/role/duty score from statistics or attributes.

    Again this time, QuantFM will be a Shiny app developed with the programming language R. As development is currently under progress, I can provide a provisional features roadmap for the app:

    First release:
    * Upload multiple squad and shortlist datasets
    * Analyze squad's attributes and statistics progress if multiple squad datasets are provided
    * Compute position/role/duty statistics-based and attributes-based scores and compare between any datasets - squad vs shortlist, shortlist vs shortlist, squad vs squad
    * Customizable models for scores computation by the user
    * Custom visualizations

    Second release:
    * Statistical based analysis and scouting recommendations with models trained from a set of players

    Getting now to the main objective of this post - see if anyone is interested in helping out. I began development of the app less than a month ago, but between work, studies and other projects it would be difficult to ship the app in less than a month or two. In order to accelerate development, help can be provided in multiple forms, from non-coders and coders as well (the list may be updated):

    • [Coding] App theming: the app's theme will be inspired by FM24 - dark mode, purple secondary background, orange accents, etc. Would need someone who knows CSS to build the style sheet.
    • [Non-coding] Default attributes-based score models: will need to have all primary and secondary key attributes for each position/role/duty compiled as provided by SI in the game.
    • [Non-coding] Default stats-based score models: will need to have all statistics categorized (i.e all crossing attributes, all passing attributes, etc).
    • [Non-coding, experienced players] Custom pre-set stats-based score models: this is for experienced players, if you'd like to have your models in the app I would be happy to include them. Thus users could choose to perform their analysis with @Rashidi's presets, @Cleon's presets, etc.

    Your contributions can be reflected in two ways:
    * All contributors will be mentioned in the "About" section of the app with links to your SI forum profile, your GitHub or even your website
    * For anyone who provides data or scripts that will be included in the app's source code, you could commit it yourself in the app's GitHub repository and be automatically credited as a contributor.

    Currently, the app is in a private repository as it has not hit production yet, but for anyone who'd need to contribute in the repository access will be granted. If you can't help but are interested, feel free to leave feature suggestions in the comments! When the app will hit production, you'll be able to suggest features or reports issues/bugs directly in the app's repository.

    To end this, here is a quick preview of the current version of the app - all the logic to get your datasets in the app are done and the analysis logic is under way:


    Feel free to PM if you're interested!


  6. 2 minutes ago, st4lz said:

    Yes, that's streamlit/python. Thanks @gam945, I hugely admire the work you did on the data visualisation tool.

    I hope that creativity of some players would advance this game even further.

    If you're interested we can develop the app together - you'll find Shiny gives you a lot more flexibility than Streamlit..

    DM me if you'd like ;)

    I already began writing some functions like positions parsing (ex: "M(RC),AM(RC)" to "M(R),M(C),AM(R),AM(C)") etc

  7. 35 minutes ago, Choi seung won said:

    One concern is that all center backs, regardless of their stats, will naturally assume the "John Stones" role, when in reality, only top-level players with high tactical intelligence and physical ability can play the John Stones role. It's unrealistic to expect every center back to naturally play the John Stones role without missing a beat. 

    Dear Match Team, are my concerns misplaced?

    I guess it's going to be a False Nine situation, i.e. you can of course put whoever you want in F9 but only a limited number of players with the right attributes would actually perform well?

  8. This feature alone will make me buy FM24, I began playing since FM20 and bought all editions since but barely played the 2023 one, and I was always frustrated of not being able to recreate 4-3-3 or 3-1-3-3 from a simple 4-4-2/4-4-1-1. Looks like this edition solves the issue with the new roles so it's going to be very fun - looking forward to the release date

  9. 58 minutes ago, anagain said:

    There is no scripting in FM.

    End. Of. Story.

    I honestly have no opinion on that (I'd tend to say no, at least there's nothing obvious), but the only way to confirm that is looking at the code.

    Out of curiosity, have SI ever provided "proofs" (or some elements of) showing that there's no scripting? Don't mean to begin a debate about existence of scripting in FM, just genuinely curious as you seem so certain about it.

  10. 7 minutes ago, obasa_G said:

    Are you sure you read the blog that was posted in the OP very well?

    There was no "political agenda" involved when this decision was made; this was done to give equality to all and give a more accurate description of the football world.

    Also, not every decision a company makes has to be economically driven. Companies can and make decisions that lead to the improvement of equality, environmental conditions, human welfare, etc.



    There’s no hiding that there’s currently a glass ceiling for women’s football and we want to do what we can to help smash through it. We believe in equality for all and we want to be part of the solution. We want to be a part of the process that puts women’s football on an equal footing with the men’s game. We know that we’re not alone in this – the historic TV deal that Sky and the BBC recently agreed with WSL in England is proof of that – but we intend to do everything we can to get women’s football to where it deserves to be.

    I call this a political agenda.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Geoff Newman said:

    Everyone knows that FIFA assesses the intensity quotient of every game to determine whether it meets the definition of football.  Quite famously, the Nottingham Forest-Birmingham game on Boxing Day 2020 failed to meet that criteria, and both teams got a 5 year ban from engaging in football related activities.

    Well I'd much enjoy the Nottingham Forest-Birmingham game on Boxing Day 2020 than Lyon ladies against Chelsea ladies, and by far. So you can troll if you want but the reality is that even Nottingham Forest's U15s would trash any women's top side.

  12. 2 minutes ago, XaW said:

    The attendances for the women's top league are higher than Vanarama National. I posted the number earlier in this thread. So you are saying we should exclude more leagues then if they are not at the level of quality that you want?

    (You only showed WSL attendances vs Vanarama, I don't recall seeing the German or Spanish women's division 1 attendances) Aberrant comparison, as the marketing to push the WSL to spectators isn't driven by the market but by specific political agendas, while the Vanarama's marketing follows the market's offer and demand.

  13. Just now, roykela said:

    My sister watches football and played football. My mother watches football and was my "director of football" (that's what the equivalent would've been) when i was coaching a girl's team for 3 years, where my sister was also playing. The director was also female.
    My grandmother watches football. I used to play Championship Manager with my girlfriend at the time; who also was a prominent left-back.
    One of relatives was up to the national youth side.
    When there was football matches, tv or at the local stadium, everyone watched. 50/50 gender-wise.
    Football, wherever i have gone, have always had interest from men and women.

    Men don't need to fill in. Men need to stop killing women's interest in football.

    Great, so SI could make a women's football stand alone game and make it face the market, because obviously women would fill in.

  14. 1 minute ago, mikelfc8 said:

    By the same crieria then, is non-league football a different sport?

    Which football is intense, technical and tactical enough to be football?

    Which football is not intense, technical and tactival enough to be football?

    You need to compare it at the same levels, comparing non-league men's football to Arsenal Womens is aberrant (even though I'm sure that any non-league side would still beat the Arsenal ladies). Furthermore, the criteria I've listed are not exhaustive. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, mikelfc8 said:

    By which criteria, precisely, do you not consider it the same sport?

    Intensity, technique, tactical aspect, etc

    As a matter of fact football is not even optimized for women. They would gain by having smaller goals, shorter periods, etc.

    When you see that the USWNT or Australia's women get trashed by U15 boys, it pretty much says it all. I watched some "high-profile" women's football games and none were even near in terms of quality of yesterday's last 30 mins of yesterday's Bayern - Ajax preseason game, which players had an average age of 17-18 years old.

    I'd bet that if we mixed men and women in football, at least the top 2 or 3 divisions per country would still be all men.

    4 minutes ago, obasa_G said:

    The way the words "politics" and "political" are thrown around in this thread is really funny. I am really trying to fathom how the introduction Women's football to FM is a "political" move or is ruining it.

    You'd think people will be happy that the game is moving towards a more realistic representation of the global football scene.


    Miles says it himself. It is driven by a political agenda of promoting women's football, it's not an economical-driven decision, neither a market-driven decision in terms of demand.


  16. 3 minutes ago, XaW said:

    I consider all kinds of football the same sport, and I wouldn't object if they had included futsal for that matter. I know at least one example of a player who went from futsal to professional football, so for me, I wouldn't mind it in FM. And calling women's football a different sport is rather sexist of you to be honest. Is women's 100 meter running a different sport than the men's? It's exactly the same, just divided.

    As a matter of fact, I do consider men's sports a different sports than the women's equivalent. There may be some exceptions (chess comes first to my mind, athletics may be another example) but most of other sports I consider the men's version and the women's different sports. That's not a sexist point of view, I just consider the two versions too much distinct. This is in fact more true for team sports.

    And yes, I wouldn't want a futsal version in FM also, so I'm pretty consistent.

  17. 2 minutes ago, grff said:

    Boycotting the series means you'll lose out playing FM whereas SI will just replace the boycotters with a whole new female customer base.

    Well I certainly hope for Miles that the flux of new players -men and women- will be superior to the flux of boycotters; I don't wish SI misfortune but I won't either give my money to people who think I need to be educated. If it means I'll lose out on a game where 40% of the pleasure comes from the game, 40% from role playing in my head and 20% from ignoring all the multiple bugs, then that will be it.

  18. 16 minutes ago, XaW said:

    As I said, I'd love for it to be included. I'm all for adding as many as possible personally, so I have no complaints about this argument. And even thought it's not ideal, at least the modding community often creates these leagues perfectly. So it is possible to play there. I'm downloading leagues every year to play in new countries.

    But why have it as a stand-alone? I'd love to try it, and include in some challenges. Perhaps winning the CL with both the men's and the woman's team of a club. Or the World Cup with the same nation for both. And these things wouldn't be possible without buying two games. So for me that would make it more expensive. And the ones buying the women's version would also miss out on the men's version. We get in more content in the same game, so why the outrage?

    Perhaps it comes down to the fact that I don't even consider it the same sport, the same that I don't consider street/freestyle football and association football the same sport.

    I resisted when business overcame the sport of football in the end of 2010s, but now it seems politics will also overcome it and it may (I should say "will") be the last straw for me.

    EDIT: I should also say that the outrage is to change the game for political/"inclusion" reasons while the game itself is still buggy and its evolution seems to go backwards. If SI can staff up for Women's football, they should have staffed up to fix the game. We're in 2021, and FM doesn't even have a feature for data visualization. Seems like we're still in 1980 with views full of number. That is only one example. Others brought up the regen faces, or graphics downgrade over time. Ultimately, adding women's football is either a waste of resources or a waste or potential new resources.

  19. 4 minutes ago, grff said:

    The leagues you mention will have less followers than the whole planet's followers of women's football.

    Much of the women's football following is artificial (free tickets, pushed by mainstream media, etc) so I'm not sure this comment is valid. Plus, Egypt's population alone without the diaspora is 100M; I'm not saying Egyptian football is followed by every single Egyptian, but it would make me rethink your comment.

    Plus comparing a men's league to the planet women's football isn't very smart.

  20. 2 minutes ago, XaW said:

    I'd love those leagues, but according to SI the sales are low in those countries, or the scouting isn't possible.

    I'd like SI to investigate on leagues played by location if possible, as I'm sure that for example most people playing with Gibraltarian teams are not from Gibraltar. So this argument may be rendered illogical.

    2 minutes ago, XaW said:

    SI/Miles have said it, one game since football is one sport. And how is announcing it years in advance hiding it? There are threads every year asking SI to add it. Also, if you don't want to play it, just don't load the leagues. Why is this an issue?

    By hiding it I meant that it's potential -and probable- poor performance in terms of audience will be hidden as the game will still sell due to the men's football portion of the game.

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