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Posts posted by gam945

  1. 5 minutes ago, mikelfc8 said:

    How about reality-minded changes?

    A reality-minded change would be to include leagues like Cyprus, Egypt or Morocco (or even just fixing the multiple bugs in existing features) before thinking about Women's football.

    A reality-minded change would be to make a women's stand alone FM game and make it test the market, not putting it in the popular men's football game to "hide" it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Federico said:

    There's nothing political in that.

    It's called civilisation.

    Well SI itself assumes that adding women's football is for inclusion/political reasons.

    I'm not at all against a Women's FM stand alone game. Hell, I'd buy it to my girl and almost force her to play it :lol:

    However adding it to the actual form of FM is imho a very bad move.

  3. Well it seems like FM2021 will be my last FM game...I am playing a football game and will not tolerate political minded changes.

    I find it annoying -not only in FM- that men are pushed for political reasons to support women's football. Women don't watch football and don't play FM (compared to men) so basically men need to fill in for them. The fact that SI does not want to make a stand alone women's game and make it face the market tells a lot about women's football.

    Anyway, if Miles doesn't want my money I'm certainly not giving it to him. 

  4. 20 hours ago, QP said:

    Thanks man cause I was trying to understand that "mutate" section but couldn't solve that. This really helps, now all pieces in places.

    Edit: @gam945

    Couldn't manage to do it, I got the tab working at least in tackling section but couldn't add a new section in the left bar like Movement or Aerial Challenges. And even though I managed to get a new tab still can't computate a numeric value for Saves/90 vs. Team Conc comparison.


    I'm gonna get back to you soon, I haven't looked at the code in a while except yesterday.

  5. 37 minutes ago, QP said:


    Sorry to disturb you but I want to ask couple things.

    Game gives us many raw data like minutes especially that we can circumvent that to our benefit.

    Like goalkeepers' saves data game gave us in three separate types as in held, parried and tipped; can this script computate the total of these saves? And can that total or the separate ones be manipulated with the minutes data to create Saves Held per 90 stats? Especially for scouting purposes.

    And If yes could you tell how?

    Not just for goalkeepers but same concept can also be used to create for per 90 stats for outfiled players too, Is there an easy way for do this?


    There is a function that is used to clean & format the data: 


    So if what you want to do is (Save1 + save2 + save3)/90minutes, you could add this line in the above function, which adds a new variable to the original dataset:

    ... mutate(`Saves/90` = (`save1`+`save2`+`save3`)/`Mins`*90) %>% ...

    Of course replace the save1, etc by the real column name in the data. Then you can add a visualization using this new variable, I believe you already know how to do this.

  6. On 18/04/2021 at 13:44, crusadertsar said:

    Great result mate! Especially since it's lowly Padova wow! 

    Thanks mate, finally finished 5th in the Europa spot, and I'm back at it this season, currently lying in 6th position after 23 matches. However while attacking is great, defense is still an alarming issue:


    Not sure if I should adapt my tactics or if I should try getting better players.

    Also, my RCMs, which should be one of the creative leaders of the team with the F9, are really disappointing. Here are the players I use for this position:





    They seem to be good (great?) for a De Bruyne-esque type of role, but whether I use any of the RPM/BBM/MEZ roles they don't perform.


  7. 3 hours ago, NFLFM said:

    Apparently it’s too much to ask to have a clear answer so I guess I gotta stop

    It's crystal clear, and I already answered: use the squads files to capture your squad data at different dates and the shortlist file for all external players. If you want to add your players in your shortlist, go for it. There's a "Club" filter in the squad page...because you may have players on loan and not take them into account in your analysis? Or on the contrary you may want to analyse only your loaned players?

  8. On 11/04/2021 at 21:42, NFLFM said:


    Firstly thanks for your huge work, I really appreciate it !

    However I have a concern when I tried to put many squad files it never works do you know the reasons and  what to put inside the folder ?

    I mean what I gotta write, I know it gotta be years month day but I don't know what to write for the other teams  I tried to rename with a 2 or (2), I tried to replace the same file, I tried to create sub folder by team and put in each the squad files, I tried to advance ingame and create 2 files for each date but nothing happened it either doesn't work or always keep the last squad I saved

    And we agree that for save multiple squads, we gotta go in each page by team and select players - senior squad, obviously keep the custom view then save ?


    Would be nice to find a solution because I don't understand what I should do, sorry for my english btw.

    You only have two type of data that the app can read: squad_<date> (you can have multiple snapshots of the squad at unique & different dates) which is for YOUR squad, and shortlist which covers external players.

    If you want to analyse other teams, add their squad to your shortlist. The squads files are only for YOUR squad.

  9. Great thread, looking forward to see the complete tactic. On my side, I've used a sort of Total football 4-4-2 the last three seasons, and it got me promoted to Serie A. Really enjoyed the tactic and the way my team plays. 


    All of my players except the two CDs and the Poacher have the Plays One-Twos PPM, and for matches against better oppositions I use to add the Be More Expressive TI and increase by one unit the Passing Directness and the Tempo.

    F9 is instructed to Move Into Channels and Roam, Poacher is instructed to Roam, IWB to Shoot Less Often and finally, the FB is loaded with instructions: Take Fewer Risks, Cross Less Often, Cross From Deep, Dribble Less, Hold Position, Sit Narrower. Instructing the front two to roam really adds dynamism to the play.

    I'm very happy with this tactic and still trying to perfect it, but I think I'll have to create a counter-attacking tactic to play against the big clubs in Serie A - this one might be too risky. I'm considering adding the Places Shots to my wingers, and Plays One-Twos to my Poacher but I'm really not sure about it. Also as I get more confident and I get better players, I may change the RPM-su to an AP-su.

  10. 10 hours ago, QP said:

    Hi @gam945

    I have to ask you something; do you think it is possible or easier to do add more comparisons to scouting tabs?

    If It is easier can you share a how to so I can add my own comparisons to suit my own needs.

    As far as I understand;

    Something like this creates the scatter plots so;


    Well I've added my own comparisons and somehow It worked;


    Hi mate, just saw your post. Great that you figured it out yourself. By curiosity, do you have programming (R?) experience/knowledge or you figured it out from nothing?

    As you surely understood it, you have to add the button in Visualization Selection, add a tab in Visualizations and link it to the button, add an output (PlotlyOutput) in the tab, then in the server side, add a render (renderPlotly iirc). So IMO pretty easy to do, and the code to add is exactly the same as the one included, the only thing to change is the statistics and the various plot labels.

  11. 35 minutes ago, crusadertsar said:

    No high DL does not increase LOE by default. Not significantly at least. If you really want your wingers to press higher you need to increase the LOE manually. But then to have ideal compactness you will need High LOE and Much Higher DL which is much more risky approach. But afterall if you want your wingers to press in opposition half then you must operate with a certain level of risk. A lot does have to do with your players. For best press you will need players in the mold of defensive wingers. Sort of like my Ludovic Petit. That is very aggressive, determined and hard working. Do you have such players?

    Indeed you're right, higher DL increases the LOE only by a small amount, pretty negligible. I'm in the third Italian division, so I'm far from having players at the level of your Petit lol. The only player that has great attributes, my starter winger on loan from Serie A, has 3 of Aggression...and I wonder why he doesn't press as much as I want :idiot:

    Guess I'll just wait to get better players, but pressing was the only negative point I had for my tactic. Otherwise, it produces beautiful offensive phases, passing play and a lot of overloads.

    Irrelevant question:


    what skin are you using and are you playing FM21 or FM20?


  12. 13 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    If you want your players (forwards) to press high(er) up the pitch, that's not about the defensive line but the line of engagement.

    The Higher DL increases by default the LOE, and I don't want to lose compactness by increasing it more nor get too high up the pitch by increasing more the DL. The issue is that even though there is a lot of space ahead and they are instructed to press urgently, the wingers in the midfield strata won't press almost as high as the front 2 strikers. Hoped the attack duty and the extremely urgent pressing TI would resolve it but it doesn't seem so. 

    Last recourse would be to use OIs instructing the wingers to press more the full backs/wing backs.

  13. 34 minutes ago, pow4h said:

    Any way to filter out players that are in second team (U-23, U-18 etc) ? 

    I don't have much time to do updates, but it should be fairly simple.

    The Yth/Full time data point is available, so it should be added in the filter box, then in the filters section (#### Squad (or scouting): Filters ####), add the previously added filter.


  14. 5 hours ago, FMFutbol said:

    Looks great! I have done something similar but in python and in spanish for FM20 and now FM21.

    I have some recommendations for you since it seems you use the plotly graphing library. Try styling the graphs with using both the size and color of the markers to provide more information. 

    These are two charts I like. Minutes played vs age. And Shots at goal vs xG vs Goals scored.

    A little more information about what I have done is here:




    It's been done since first release mate ;)


    Size is relative to the number of games played and the color is relative to the Scouting Recommandation (shortlist) & DNA Rating (squad). Also additional information is available when the point is hovered on.

    I also considered Python, but for now Dash is far behind Shiny and I wanted to build an interactive tool, not something like a Jupyter notebook. And I didn't want to mess with HTML and CSS :lol: Anyway, great tool also mate ;)

  15. On 27/02/2021 at 18:33, ericstpeter said:

    Yeah. I like it. Playing with it now as Arsenal in 2029. Defensive great so far but low scoring like you said. Tried the AM-A as a SS-A?

    I’d also be curious about lining the AMC and ST off vertically when you try the SS-A instead of offsetting them. I think it would add a little more unpredictability to the attack. Maybe the confusion leads to more goals

    I wanted to give each of the AMC and ST a clear space to operate in, thus the offset, but have the Roam From Position PI so it's worth trying to use a true 4-4-1-1.


    I'm now using this tactic and it's pretty close to the 3-3-1-3 in attack as the F9 comes deep quite often. F9 and the Poacher have the Roam from position PI, so despite being offset to one side, they actually aren't fixed to one side of the pitch. I also removed the Stay Wider PI from the right center midfield, which is now a BBM, and the wingers have an attack duty. Finally, IWB also has the Get Further Forward PI. I'll post some screenshots later but it's producing more goals than the previous one.

  16. 33 minutes ago, ericstpeter said:

    Thanks. I’ve seen a lot of people try to replicate that 3-3-1-3 shape in attack and it’s never quite there. This one seems to be on point.


    Screenshot of a build up phase...this is the same 4-4-1-1 I've posted. It's a little skewed to the right side, but I have to accept this if I use a back four to get a back 3... also when the ball goes in to the left side, the whole block shifts to the left so there's no space left wide open.


  17. 4 hours ago, ericstpeter said:

    Great post. I know it’s not the point but I’d love to give this system a shot. It looks fun. Would you mind giving us all the PI’s you use? 

    F9 & AM: Roam
    IW & W: Get Forward
    CM: Go wider/Roam
    IWB: Shoot less often
    CD: Take fewer risks/Go wider
    BPD: Ease off tackles
    FB: Take fewer risks/Sit narrower/Cross less often/Cross from deep/Hold Position

    However I'm not getting as good results as I'd wish...as I said, a lot of draws, and a big issue on scoring goals. From what I see in matches though, build up is excellent.

  18. UPDATE LOG: V3 (2021/02/21)

    * "Home" menu added:

    • Info boxes: number of players at the club & players in the shortlist
    • Summary charts: bar chart of the goal contribution distribution, boxplots of the playing time and wages distributionimage.png.4efbaca6469784dac429402287c48461.png


    * "Progress" submenu added in the "Squad Analysis" menu: dates selection, performance and attributes progress between selected dates


    * "Shortlist" submenu in the "Scouting" menu updated: now shows min and max asking prices and wage demands, presence of release clause and conditional release clauses instead of replicate table of the "Filters" submenus

    * DT tables now used instead of Reactables: styling and formatting improved

    * To use the V3 version you need to name your squad output files "squad_yyyymmdd", where "yyyymmdd" is the in-game date. This allows to compute the variations (progress) between given in-game dates. I updated the data folder in my Github to give you an example.

    * It is possible thanks to the above feature to store multiple squad data files. Keep in mind that the more there is squad files in your data folder, the longer the app will take to load. You can find out how much time the different tasks (load data & format data for example) take time by paying attention to the command prompt that is launched when you double-click on FMapp.bat.

    Following is a video that shows the new features:



    To use the V3 version of the app, you only need the new "app.R" from my Github. Download the entire folder, but only replace the old "app.R" by the new one. You do not need to install R again or set up the batch file again!

    For those who installed manually the required packages (Windows 7 users), you will need to install the "DT" package:




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