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Peter Morgan

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Posts posted by Peter Morgan

  1. Hi @Kyle Brown, @Neil Brock and maybe others in the same situation as me. I may have solved the 'load recent game' and 'save game' issue ( well on my setup anyway).

    Even after the hotfix I still wasn't seeing my save game on the main menu, and once I manually found it and tried to save the game using 'Save Game' it still came up with the error message about the game not able to be saved.

    So...I created a folder called 'games' in my D: drive location:

    D:\Pete\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2020\games


    I then saved the game in this new location. I then exited to the main menu and voila! My save file appeared under 'Load Recent Save'.

    It also allowed me in-game to 'Save Game' as opposed to 'Save Game As'.

    Sorry I'm off out soon so this may not make sense, and I'll test again when I get back, but this solution might help others?

    So basically make sure the save file appears in a 'games' folder.

    Might work for someone else too.


  2. 4 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Ahh I presume it's sub-folders then?

    I'm not able to give you any exact time when we expect an update to be released but we have been working actively since launch and aim to have one out as quick as possible.

    I know that's vague, I'm sorry, I just can't commit to more in case there are last minute snags. 

    Thanks for the update.

    I don't have sub-folders, but my save games are saved on my D:Drive (D:\Pete\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2020), so not the default location, but it's been the same since installation!

  3. Hi Kyle.

    I have tried running it through the public beta but the issues remain. @Neil Brock has been responding on another thread and I've been posting on there as well.

    Thanks for your help. I suppose it's too much of an ask to find out when you might get to a solution for this?


  4. 19 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    For all of you in this thread:

    - What was your save folder location pre 20.4.2?
    - If it's different than what we consider the default (C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\games), how did you change this?
    - The 'games' folder your files are currently in, are all files loose, or are they in an additional sub folder? 

    - Can you please confirm what exactly your issue is now on the Public Beta (if you're not on the public beta, please follow the instructions above in the thread to try it) from the following:

    Can you see files listed as Load Last Save via the main menu? [Yes/No)
    When clicking 'Load Game' via the main menu, can you see your save games? [Yes/No]
    Are you able to now save the game by auto saves or 'save'? - (so excluding the 'save as' option) [Yes/No]
    Can you save when using 'Save As'? [Yes/No]

    Hi Neil.

    Might repeat a bit of what I've already posted:

    Save folder prior to 20.4.2 = D:\Pete\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2020

    Save files are 'loose' within this folder i.e. no further sub folders.

    Using the beta I see no change:

    Game doesn't appear as a 'Load last save' on main menu, I can find my save game by clicking 'Load Game' but have to manually click through folders to find my D: Drive location. Still can't save games via 'Save Game' (have to use 'Save As'). 

  5. Just now, Neil Brock said:

    Did you manually move the save game folder location before 20.4.2 was released? If so, how did you do so? 

    Hi Neil. I selected the D: Drive location when I first installed FM20 a few months back (reason being my C: Drive doesn't have loads of space but the D:Drive is 2TB). So I've not moved it manually since installation. My FM19 saves are in the same location (D:\Pete\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2019).

    I'd rather leave my save files where they are, else my C:Drive will just get clogged up. Reading posts from other SI team members, is a permanent solution being worked on?

  6. Hi all. I've just loaded up FM20 (first time since the 20.4.2 update yesterday), and received this message:


    Never seen this before. I pressed "OK" to 'always allow' and the game loaded up fine. But then my save didn't appear on the main page and I had to search for it through 'Load Game'. Again, first time this has ever happened. I found the folder and loaded up the save no problem, but just a bit odd. Is this linked to the update possibly?

    Should I be concerned? I do constantly back up saves, but not seen this before. Has something like this happened to anyone else?


    Edit: I exited FM and loaded it back up. Didn't get the message in the screenshot, but still had to search for my save game (I do have it in a different location to the default). Anyway of getting the game to recognise where my save games are located?

  7. If we're talking solely FM I have 2 saves: My Spurs career on FM19 and my South American adventure on FM20 with Ponte Preta.

    I play half a months worth of fixtures on one career, then switch and play half a month of fixtures on the other career. This way I can keep track of both careers and it doesn't feel like too long before I return to the save.

    I should add I don't get loads of time to play so playing half a month can actually take half a month!

  8. 39 minutes ago, masno said:

    For this game to evolve, the next big step will be this, divide the player base in 2 or 3, between the ones who wants the usual game,the usual AI that can't build squads and is easily beaten, and the players that want the AI to be harder, to actually challenge the player.

    I think this is the fundamental problem. The AI is the AI. All these years of FM releases and AI squad building is still not good. If the AI could be made more superpowered it would already be in the game.

    If the game was to have a 'hard' mode, it would have to look elsewhere, such as lower transfer or wage budgets, but lower league teams have this anyway! I don't believe there is anything that SI can add to the game to make it harder than what is already in there (starting rep, lower league, lower rep leagues etc...)

    Personally, I think SI would say that there are already ways to make it harder in game and to use those options instead.

  9. 1 hour ago, Brother Ben said:

    I tell you what would make people walk away from the game.  Making it too hard.

    people want to win and my opinion is that they will tolerate winning easily much more than they will losing.

    Absolutely agree with this. This forum is used by an extremely small number of people who play the game. A huge number of players just want to pick up the game, play for a few hours, and win matches. If the game became more difficult then it will just make people switch off.

    And anyway, I can't see how anyone can argue that they a) want more realism but b) want 'difficulty' levels. There are no 'easy' or 'hard' modes in football are there? How is a difficulty mode making it more realistic? If anything you are turning the game into more of an arcade game, not a football simulation. "Hey, I completed FM on hard mode. Check me out! I've now unlocked a secret vault of regens - wahoo!"

  10. On 21/08/2020 at 19:02, Artin said:

    this post has inspired me to try a full save going full green (or almost full green aka "accomplished" because otherwise all my MCs will be BWMs lol) circles!

    All my roles and duties for players in my FM19 and FM20 careers are based on the green circles (I've not got the time these days to go in depth on analysing attributes) and I win way more games than I draw or lose. Maybe my team and player instructions are spot on that it just works? Who knows, but no need for me to change it!

    Be good to see how you get on!

  11. This confused me a bit too when I came back to FM with FM19.

    Basically if you have 2 (or 3) tactics with different formations you will need to go back and forth between the "Squad" and "Tactics" screens in order to get your line-up correct on the "Tactics" screen.

    So for example you select a 4-4-2 tactic in "Tactics". Then you go to "Squad" and select your pre-defined 4-4-2 line-up under the 'Quick Pick' menu. Go back to "Tactics" and your team will be correctly set out. However, if you then select another tactic (say 4-2-3-1) your current player line-up will be messed around to fit the new formation. However, at this point, go back to your "Squad" screen and select your 4-2-3-1 pre-set line-up (you will also notice the positions you can select on "Squad" have changed to match the new formation). Return to "Tactics" and you will find the line-up is correct again (for that formation).

    Make sense?? Not sure if this is actually your issue so please ignore if not!

  12. Had some issues with my PC (hopefully resolved now) meaning I haven't got started yet on my South American career. Ready to go now but might start in December 2018 instead. I usually start with the first transfer window disabled, but does anyone know what that means in Brazil? I noted this from another site about Brazilian transfer windows:

    Transfer windows & restrictions: (1) 29 December 2018 to 06 September 2019 (domestic transfers only), (2) 01 January to 30 April 2019 (foreign transfers only) and 12 July to 15 August 2019 (foreign transfers only)

    Anyone know what window(s) would be 'closed'? Both the first domestic and foreign? Just domestic? Just foreign??


  13. Hello! I've just recently purchased FM20 and wanted to do a career that is a bit different to what I normally end up doing (I've only ever managed once outside of England and Scotland in all of the football management games I've ever played, which is a lot I tell you - how crazy is that??). I had the idea of a career in South America and then found this thread!

    Initially I thought Brazil, then switched to Argentina, then back to Brazil again! After much deliberation I've settled on my choice of club...Cruzeiro.

    Relegated at the end of the 2018 season to Serie B (first time in their near 100 year history!), their season was blighted by financial trouble and corruption, ultimately ending with relegation. They are one of the most successful teams in the history of Brazilian football, so what better way to start my managerial career than by getting this club back to where it belongs.

    Really excited to do a completely different (and refreshing) career on FM20.

  14. So I've only gone and done it! Despite saying in a post back in October that I likely wouldn't be buying FM20, the lure of a discounted price has led to me becoming yet another owner of the game. It wasn't just the price though. I've actually missed the discussions on this forum (and the arguments too to be fair - ha!) so am now busily catching up as best I can.

    Now I went all-in with FM19, using this forum, youtube etc.., to make my own 'hints and tips' guide to help me play the game (sad huh?). So I'm still very much committed to FM19 and will be playing FM20 alongside my FM19 careers.

    So...what should I be looking out for in FM20 that is different to how FM19 plays? I already know about the new features (club vision, development centre etc..) and have seen there are a few new training sessions you can run. Anything else I should be aware of? I'm assuming the way tactics and training work has not changed much but be good to hear from those that have played both FM19 and FM20 and if they have to approach parts of the game differently.

    Now off to do some more forum catch up!

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