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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Outstanding work as always @knap If I want to get the most out of two very attacking-minded central mid playmakers, is EF V10 451 MC P103 FA CC my best bet? Am retraining to become AM, but need a tactic with two CM in the meantime.
  2. Only 1.5 seasons in, so guess it's possible no sackings/leavings, but find it odd it's not even showing the managers/clubs in the job security section.
  3. One thing I've noticed @jimdownunder is in the job security section, the clubs/managers in the National League don't appear at all? So, it doesn't show stable, insecure etc etc...but the leagues below do? And after looking at each club, it seems not a single club sacked/lost their manager inbetween the first two seasons. Was hoping to takeover Auckland City or another bigger club but guess I'm going all the way with the Coast!
  4. Walked the league - only one loss (still annoyed). Team for the National League opener...couple of All Whites legends
  5. Quite outrageous what we've managed to assemble at Hibiscus Coast so far...
  6. Thanks for all your work mate! Gonna download now and use it to kickstart a journeyman :).
  7. No worries! Will have a crack and find out for myself - will let forum know in case others are interested.
  8. Think I may do this as my final FM23 save. Hopefully a half decent Championship side has a terrible season.
  9. @burnum Have you made any recent changes to your tactic? I'm still using and having great success, except defensively can be quite suspect.
  10. Just started a road to glory challenge and thought why not begin with Lyon. Currently on course for second first season, but PSG are many points ahead...gonna take a few seasons I think to topple them.
  11. Update: Decided to give it a crack with my moneyball save with Esbjerg fB and got promoted to the Superliga in my second season. Really excited to see how it pulls up against the much bigger teams. Will try with another team too but with attributes on to really get the most out of it. But super impressed! Thanks again.
  12. Looks fantastic, will try with my Guingamp save!
  13. Thank you! Is there any way to change the panel in overview or to remove it just so I don't accidently click overview and see the attributes.
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