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Gary James

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Issue Comments posted by Gary James

  1. @Michael Sant just wanted to add to that eventually the request to increase set piece coach wages was accepted but in the interim it would not acknolwedge the request as dexcribed above.

    The option has appeared for me to request to increase them again and I have exactly the same symptoms.

    If I was to guess I would say that the game is not rejected these requests properly and it is just leaving it as an option as it cannot accept it either.

  2. @Michael Sant Just to provide some more context to this issue.

    In my experience when Keep Scout Reports up to date is ticked then the debt will continue to rise exponentially as your scouts will continue to scout everybodyon your shortlist regardless of your scouting package. I am unsure if it still thinks I have Uk and Ireland set as that is what I set at the start of the season even though I know I cannot afford to scout for the whole year.

    If I have  keep up to date unticked then my scouts will go slightly in to debt as if they start a scouting tour and then they are told finish that tour and no more. This is still slightly annoying as you would imagine that a club would say no don't go on another 10k tour as we can only afford 7.3k for example. As it is a small amount of debt it is manageable and does not break the game. Since I posted this yesterday I turned keep up to date off and my scouting budget debt has risen to 202k which is understandable with my 5 scouting focus teams that were already out and multiple scouts.

    I will moniter if this debt still continues to rise even with this option off and I will update this thread.

  3. @Kyle Brown@Zachary Whyte Hi both,  this issue still exists in FM24.

    I have transferred my file from FM23 to FM24 and thought I will turn on the ''Keep Scout Report up to date'' in shortlist ticked.

    I have been playing for about 4 months on FM24 with the optinon ticked and my scouting range has gone to no scouting but once again I am accruing debt.

    I zm currently on minus 189k and that means I will have to turn that option off before it destroys another save. Are we near a fix for this?


    File Uploaded - Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - FM24

  4. I have worked the issue out.

    So when my scouting department is running out of scouting budget they are continuing to scout causing a negative balance on scouting budget.

    Then on new budget day that negative scouting budget is being taken away from my transfer budget.

    At the same time I am being awared my new scouting budget so it looks like I have randomly got a negative transfer budget.

    @Kyle Brown@Zachary Whyte why do my scouts keep scouting when they have run out of budget?

  5. Started a new save and it has happened at the end of the first season again.

    I had just over £2k transfer budget and used to my wage budget to buy a player so it went up to £5.72k.
    New scouting  budget day and I have -£49.9k

    @Kyle Brown@Zachary Whyte what is causing this? There is no point playing the game as it stands as I am constantly set back for no reason.

    File Uploaded - Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - v4

  6. I have uploaded 2 new files which should help your analysis. @Kyle Brown @Zachary Whyte

    ''Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - v2' - This file shows on 19th May I have £764 in my transfer budget.

    ''Gary James - Negative Transfer Budget - v3' - This file shows that on 20th May 2029 the date I get my new scouting budget I have - £584,035 in my transfer budget. I have not selected a scouting package either so this is not a factor.

    Is there any updates on what could be causing this? I like a challenge but I am having to sell a star player before I can sign anybody each year and I also miss out on all the good free transfer opportunities.

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