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Gary James

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Issue Comments posted by Gary James

  1. @Kyle Brown We now have the oppossite issue as well a player in my club who has earned a Work permit after arriving but is not earning Home Grown status Eligibility days even though he is only 18.



    I only noticed as i was checking whether to loan him out on deadline day or to keep him to become Home Grown.

    Is there a logical reason for him not earning it as it seems like a bug to me.

  2. @Jimmy Wong very interesting to read your responce about your Newgen information.  I knew men=mbers of staff were in the database but this is the first time I have noticed one due the unknown birthplace.

    Your player will get his chance to prove himself if he works hard in training and develops how we exepect him too lol

  3. @Michael SantI had it all set up and it was working fine.
    It suddenly stopped working and to troubleshoot it I unticked it advanced the game then reticked it and advanced but they never came back.
    I then checked and saw that there had recently been an update on the Gamepass PC version so if I was to guess it has been caused by that.

    As I have advanced in the game I have then realised the other U18s reports are not coming through either.

    Does that clarify it for you?

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